'You. . . .You were a fool.'

In my 28 years of life as Choi Suna, I've never thought I was an idiot, but I guess it's because I've never seen a truly handsome face in my previous life.

'I thought men's personality and attitude were important, but was it all my hypocrisy...!'

I've been thinking about Killian's ecstatic face over and over again until I could barely feel my toes. It's only after it's almost gone that I get up and come back to the mansion. Being visually and mentally shocked by Killian's face doesn't diminish what I have to do today. I headed to the duchess's office.

"Starting today, all you have to do is sort the documents there by type and write down the items we need to purchase, quantity, and price in a good way. It will probably take a few days because of the large amount, but it's not urgent, so take your time."

"Yes, mother."

The papers given to me today were about the weapons and armor to be purchased by the Ludwig family.

'Have you completely let your guard down against me? I can't believe you let me touch this kind of documents. . . . .'

The details of weapon and armor purchases would be top-secret information in the Duke family, but considering that they asked me to organize it shows that his efforts were not in vain. It was clear that the blade aimed at my throat was gradually moving away. Then i began organizing the documents, describing the pros and cons of each weapon and armor, grouped by type. At the same time, i wrote down what i saw as a table. If you write it down in a table, you will be able to check it clearly later. It seemed that i was so deeply engrossed in sorting the documents and organizing the tables that I didn't even realize that someone was approaching me. When I came to my senses, Lizzy was standing next to me, watching me work. Lizzy made eye contact with me and smiled brightly, but somehow, I felt uncomfortable.

'It's like this again?'

She has been really in weird behavior since last time. There was something about the way Lizzy looked at some moments that was so strangely, and it's annoying.

'Maybe.. is it because of some inherent property of the character named Edith?'

Considering that I was possessed by a romance novel character with full memory, it was not unreasonable. I'm trying to change things that are destined to happen in this world, so maybe there is a compulsion from the original work that wants me to go back to the original story.

You can't lose to the original character setting. if you do, you'll lose your head.

I swallowed my saliva and smiled brightly.

"Lizzy! When did you get here?"

"Oh, just now. . . .but. . . ."


Lizzy took the piece of paper I was drawing a table on, tilted her head, and asked.

"What is this?"

"It's a table. If you organize it like this, it's easier to check in to it later."

"I've never seen it organized like this before."

"Uh. . . . really. . . . .?"

No way, is it a world without tables? In real history, tables have existed for a long time, but the author may have set it as a world without tables. At first glance, the documents that are organized in a narrative type are more polished.

"Uh, anyway, doesn't it look better this way?"

I smiled awkwardly and explained the structure of the table, but Liese's expression didn't brighten when I finished.

"Well... It's definitely a way to put a lot of information in one sheet, as Edith said, but to be honest, I think it'll be a little awkward for others to see."


"It must be a matter of familiarity. Edith may have been using this kind of organization, but other people don't. Everyone will be confused about what and how to look at it."

"That, is that so?"

Maybe I'm going too far ahead. The author of this article is also from the 21st century, but the background of the work is 'virtual modern Europe'. There may be some parts of what I say and do with the senses of the 21st century that don't fit the setting of this world. so, just as I was thinking that I should rewrite the tabulations like the other document, the Duchess got up from her seat and approached me.

"What's wrong?"

Before I had a chance to respond to the duchess gentle question, Lizzy smiled like an angel and said.

"Edith was helping me organize some stuff. But Edith is still not used to her work yet."

"Oh, it looks like Lizzy is helping Edith a lot."

The duchess looked so pleased. Lizzy, who will be the wife of her first son, and I, the wife of her second son, work together, help each other, and the duchess was happy about that. But I felt a little, a little offended for some reason.

["I'm sorry, chief. Suna is still not good at working on Excel. I'll revise it again."]

It reminded me of a time in my previous life when she was scolded because of someone's words even though she did a good job. For me, who had been suffering from all kinds of document work in my previous life, I didn't find the Duchess's task is difficult. In the past three weeks, I've gotten more done than a duchess could ever get done without making a mistake. but why does Lizzy think I'm "unfamiliar with work" when she realizes the way I drew the table was "convenient way"? in a previous life, I couldn't say a word to the manager who was mad at me, but now I can use it. i wanted to talk about it.

"Yes, she's been helping me a lot. but Mother. i'd like to ask Mother's opinion about this 'table'."

"Huh? Table?"

"I was organizing it briefly like this because there was a lot of information in the documents. I write down each name here and write the keywords for each item down here. I also wrote down the quantity and price to buy."

I explained, pointing to each column and row of the table. The Duchess, who is in charge of general affairs, took my explanation seriously.

"It's a method not been used a lot, so other people will be unfamiliar, but I don't think it's a bad idea to try this kind of method for a mother who needs to see a lot of information."

she glanced at the table I'd drawn and smiled broadly.

"My God, I can't believe you're thinking like this! Edith, that's amazing!"

"Uh. . . . . .? is, that so?"

"Of course! This is a really good idea. From now on, we should organize our documents in this way."

The Duchess nodded, fumbling over the table I'd drawn again and again. She was thinking to herself and seemed to understand the structure of the table.

"Would you organize all the documents you're in charge like this? so that I and the others can learn from what you've done."

"Yes! I got it."

For some reason, my heart raced. I felt like an elementary school kid who got a pat on the head from his homeroom teacher. after feeling that for a while, I came to my senses.

'Oh my god! Did Lizzy feel bad?'

I secretly glanced at Lizzy. but she was nodding eagerly, looking at the paper on which she and the Duchess had drawn the table. She felt my gaze and looked up at me and gave me an apologetic look. The small smile on her face, with her eyebrows arched, somehow made me feel even more sorry for her.

'My, my, did I say that without thinking of Lizzy's face...?

I was reminded of a senior who had stabbed me in the back. So I got angry without realizing it. If I want to save my life in this world, I have to be nice to Lizzy. . . . .!

'I have forgotten who I am. I'm supposed to be the houseplant, not unnoticed, and don't do anything!'

Feeling a sense of crisis, I laughed by the side and hit it at the right time.

"But really, it's all thanks to Lizzy being there to help. she taught me everything."

"Oh, no! i don't care. honestly, there wasn't much for me to teach Edith because she knew it so well."

Lizzy waved her hands in the air, humbled.

'I don't know if this is going to make you feel better about myself. look after me, Lizzy.'

I tried my best to smile at Lizzy. It's cowardly, but it's unavoidable. I just hope that Lizzy didn't feel bad about this, I'm a bad woman supporting her role. Sigh.

* * *

It's very rare for Killian to stop by my room. Since we got married, the only time he came to my room was on the night of the wedding and on the day of Lizzy's tea time. So, to come in and sit there like that since the morning, when there doesn't seem to be anything to do, is enough to make me nervous.

'What is it? what kind of episode is this?'

Maybe it's because I'm still half asleep, I couldn't remember which episode has started. killian sat on the couch in the small parlor off my bedroom, his expressionless face looked every inch of my room.

Contrary to his perfect appearance, i was still wearing my nightgown, i getting out of bed and barely washing my face. He didn't say a word until Anna prepared the tea and bought it.

'Could it be that they catch me spying on him every morning? Or did Count Rigelhoff pick a fight?Or is it because of the fact that Lizzy was upset that i was organizing the documents with those tables. . . . .'

I think about all kinds of anxious imaginations in my head, but on the outside, i tried to look calm. The tea was placed in front of Killian by Anna, so there was no poisoning incident.

"You came because you missed me..."

As soon as I opened my mouth, Killian gave me an emotionless look.

". . . . . I don't think so."

"You want me to just say what I need to say and get out of here?"

"If I ask you to stay long, will you stay long?"

"You don't lose a word."

"Because I haven't learned how to lose."

"I wonder what it would be like."

I quickly regretted Killian's reaction, which answered coldly even if I talked with a smile.