Unstoppable, Edith's red ears, open lips, slender necks, curved shoulders, and chest bones made me giddy.

'What am I doing now?

Because of the embarrassment and panicked that came along with the self-awareness, Killian spat out anything in his mind. I think you're helping my mother's work well, but just do it like now, and don't think about it hurtful thoughts. He also said he could call another tailor because he remembered that Edith had only left her dress repaired in the Ruayal dressing shop. Of course, I admit it that I didn't speak gentlemanly way, but I didn't expect she criticized me.

~"It's not that I did it wrong. It's just that you hate me. . . . .I understand why you're trying to blame me. That way, yours will be at ease."

~ "It's cowardly."

why did I have to listen to that? My head was spinning. The more I thought about it, the more I was throbbing.

~ "You don't know anything about me, Killian. Nothing."

Why did the woman's face look so sad as she said that? and she was right. Killian didn't know anything about Edith. From the beginning, he saw her only as "Count Riegelhoff's daughter," and everything he assumed about her was based on his memories of Count Riegelhoff.

"Ugh. . . . ."

The pain that started in the temple spread to the whole head, and the pain was like breaking the skull.

"Killian. . . . .?"

And when I heard Lizzy's voice from somewhere, my throbbing head gradually felt better.

"Lizzy. . . . ."

Lizzy, who often came to watch Killian and Cliff duel, seemed to be on her way to the training ground today. killian felt a sense of relief as the pain faded.

"Killian, what's wrong? are you sick?"

"Oh, no. I'm fine."

Lizzy, looking up at him with concern, smelled of fresh violets.

'Yeah, I like the subtle scent of violets. The strong scent of roses is just disgusting.'

With that thought in mind, my head felt a lot better.

"It's really okay, Lizzy. It's because I've been seeing that woman in the morning, so. . . . ."

"Have you met Edith. . . . .?"

"I warned her not to think something nonsense."


"I didn't say anything harsh. Just. . . . ."

Killian couldn't explain why he stopped by Edith's room at this moment. However, since he was next to Lizzy, it seemed like she didn't have to think deeply about that reason.

'She's just a spy sent in by Count Riegelhoff. if you want to blame me, blame your father.'

Killian thought so and erased Edith's sad eyes from his head. He tried to erase it.

* * *

After Killian left, I had to find something to occupy myself with for a few days to keep my mind off of him. If I didn't do something, I couldn't bear the cold words Killian was spitting out of my heart.

'In this case, you have to go outside.'

In my past life, if I was feeling down, I would fill a large tumbler with iced Americano and walk outside. I particularly liked going to large malls, and it was refreshing to go shopping or sit on a bench and watch people pass by. Ever since I was possessed by Edith, I've been stuck inside the mansion, which made me frustrated. I was stuck at home for some reason because of the original Edith, used to go parties and gossiping about Lizzy, but wouldn't it be okay to just go out to see the streets instead of having a party? I called Anna as soon as I made up my mind.

"Anna . Let's go out."

For the first time, Anna's eyes widened in surprise at my sudden suggestion. But she didn't bother to ask back or protest.

"Yes, Miss. I'll get ready to go out right away after I inform the Duchess."

"Yeah. Please ."

While Anna was out to inform the Duchess, I packed in a small bag, the jewels I had taken off when I mended my dress. Then I opened the closet and picked out the dress to wear. Just doing so, my depressed mood seemed to get lighter a little. Anna, who just came back, told her that the Duchess had given her permission to go out and help her get ready.

"Where you like to go, miss?"

"Actually, I wanted to ask Anna, where would it be fun to go out to play? To be honest, I've never been out on my own in the middle of the city."

Anna's eyes widened again. But she quickly lowered her gaze, as if she had been trained not to ask back.

"I think it depends on what you're going to do. In case If you're looking for a nice dressing shop, an accessory shop, or a dessert cafe, Le Belmarie Street would be fine, and if you're looking for a place with banks, galleries, opera theaters and luxury cafes, Darthus Street would be fine."

"Let's go to Darthus Street."

"Yes, I got it."

Thanks to Anna, who prepared to go out calmly without any useless questions. I got into the carriage pleasantly without having to make excuses. And the view out of the carriage window was enough to get me excited.

'So this is the downtown street area of ​​the romance world!'

The streets of early modern Europe, which are ambiguous to give historical evidence, unfolded in a charming way it's suit my taste.

'I felt like I was passing by a theme park decorated with 'European style'.

While I was glued to the carriage window and looking outside, the carriage turned left at a large intersection and entered a street with many smooth stone buildings.

"We're here, miss."


Anna instructed the coachman to go to a coach house station somewhere on this street and came and stood beside me.

"Is there a place you want to stop by?"

"Yeah. First of all, I'd like to stop by the jewelry store."

"There are several famous jewelers shop here."

"I want to go to one of those places that pays well for jewelry. do you know where it is?"

Anna thought about it for a while and came up with three suggestions: Amabile, Datrias, and Root Pecan.

"How does Anna know so well? i feel like you know everything in the world."

"I'm flattered."

Of course, it's probably an extra that the writer created to avoid annoying and uninteresting narrative, but I couldn't be this comfortable with a character who always gives a quick answer whenever I ask something. It's doesn't matter if i can't search the internet. I have Anna!

"Then let's go to first."

I walked around the jewelers with light steps. Luckily, the diamonds I took out were of good quality, and I was able to get a much higher price than I expected. The highest price I got was from Datrias, but they said they could only give me a check, so I ended up selling it to the next highest bidder, Amabile, and got paid in full cash money.

"Let's go to the bank this time."

"The bank is right over there."

Where Anna pointed out, there is a building that looks solid on the outside. It was occupying the middle of the road.

'Is this how Harry Potter felt when he visited the Gringotts Wizarding bank for the first time?'

I thought of a fantasy novel that I enjoyed reading in my previous life as I walked inside through the main gate of a bank lined with large pillars like a Greek temple.

"Thank you for visiting the central bank of Marlene."

When I entered the bank, a man dressed like a butler greeted me politely. Unlike the bank of my previous life, it was a place that looked like a library.

"If you tell me what you visited for, I'll guide you."

"I'm here because I want to make a safe in my name."

"I see. Then this way."

I followed the man's lead and handed it to some room. The chair was soft and luxurious, and the inside of the bank was magnificent.

'Well,only a nobles use banks here.'

I looked around curiously and smiled at the staff bank greeting.

"Do you want to open a safe?"

"That's right. In my name, with a safe that only I can open."

"There are three types of safes. small vaults hold 10 million sena or less, medium vaults hold 100 million sena or less, and large vaults hold more. which one would you like us to open for you? as a reminder, medium-sized vaults charge a maintenance fee based on the amount of money you deposit."

The cash I got after changing my jewelry was a little over 5 million senas, and I had taken 4 million senas out of my original cash. 10 million senas seemed to fill up quickly, but you don't have to pay for maintenance fees in advance.

"Let's open a small vault first, and then i'll switch to a medium-sized vault later."

"I see. Then please sign the consent form for the opening."

Even though I was nervous, I pretended to be okay, read the opening agreement step by step, and signed it coolly.

However, i did not forget to use an alias just in case. He handed over 9 million sena to be deposited in the safe. To me, it was a lot of money, but to the banker, who sees money every day, it was nothing, so I wasn't surprised.

"When you withdraw money, you will be asked a few questions to verify your identity, along with a non-password and a signature. never forget your password, because if you get it wrong, you won't be able to withdraw."

"Okay. Thank you."

I left the bank with a grand heart like an elementary school student who opened a bank account for the first time in my life. It was reassuring that the remaining 300,000 sena was in the bag after opening the safe.

"Now let's go eat something delicious, Anna."

I was hungry, so I headed toward Anna's recommended restaurant and was surprised to see a long line outside a dessert cafe.