CHAPTER 30 ~ Exception condition stage 1 complete.

'What? Why did the original change yesterday?'

So far, I've tried to change the outcome of the very episode, but even if the middle process is slightly different, the result hasn't changed. However, the episode where Edith tried to seduce Killian changed completely last night. Edith, who tried to seduce Killian with her body, became a flow that Killian embraced, so Killian was no longer a virgin for Lizzy. Besides, Killian's first kiss should be for Lizzy, but even that went wrong.

'Of course, Lizzy's first kiss was Cliff. Anyway, Killian's position as the sub-main character will be shaken. I'm curious what will happen in the future?'

My head was complicated. but for some reason, I smiled without realizing it. I couldn't stop thinking about Killian calling my name and hugging me, the way he kisses, his hot gestures. Though he seemed to believe that i was trying to seduce him with my body.

"Oh, I don't know. Let it be."

Anna's mouth has been sealed. So, one in the mansion would know that Killian and i have become a "real couple."

I realize something. Because of that fact, my smile keep rose up from my mouth, but I was so embarrassed to show Anna that way, so I pulled the blanket over my head.

'A real couple. . . . . Oh my gosh, what should i do? What should i do, What should i do!'

I must fall asleep while giggling and kick the blanket. As I thought about what happened between Killian and her that night. Then she heard an announcer voice again.

[Stage 1 exception condition has been met. An exception situation occurred, and the author's privileges were reduced. The Step 1 exception condition is extinguished.]


It was a strange explanation.

Stage 1 Exception condition? is that satisfied? and what are the author's permissions? I didn't think voice was going to answer me, but I asked the voice with all my might.

~ "What the heck is a step 1 exception condition?"

But surprisingly, the voice answered.

[Stage 1 Exception condition: Follow how the original Edith failed]

I got goosebumps all over my body. First of all, that voice knows that this world is in the novel, and I was possessed. The voice knows that the original Edith and I are different people. Moreover, the "exception condition" seemed to be a condition that needed to be met in order to create an "exception" that would allow me to twist the flow of the original story. Last time, the voice said there's 3 stages, and this was the 1st stage. Looking at it, it seemed like there's still few stages ahead. I think someone is looking down at me, possessed by a novel and slamenting me.

'In the meantime, the original Edith dies trying not to follow the path of failure. I tried hard, but in the end, that was strangling me?'

I don't know who set the conditions, but it was so stinky. I have to follow the method of failure to create an 'exceptal situation'. But it wasn't a very hopeless situation. I still didn't understand everything the voice said, but one hopeful thing was certain.

'The original could have been different!'

The voices in my dreams were not something to ignore. As the voice told me, I couldn't tell anyone about my situation. So you can believe that I was lucky enough to meet that level 1 exception condition like that pervert and changed the original. I can change the ending of being beheaded by my husband Killian and not dying miserably.

'It's too early to give up. You can do it. 'Choi Suna! You can do it, Edith!'

I saw a glimmer of hope.

* * *

I took two more days off. For the next two days, I locked myself in my room, embroidered, and thought about my future. After organizing my thoughts, I had a few questions. First of all, who is the 'original author' that the voice said.

'Who was the author of ? It was a pin name that started with a K. . . . .'

The voice said that the exception situation occurred because I met the first stage exception condition, and the "author's authority" was

reduced. It's already a completed novel, but what does it mean that the authority of the original author is reduced? At first, I thought it was the world's will to follow the original, but then I realized it was something else. Authority. It is the extent of a person's rights or power. In other words, the scope has been reduced. It means that there is an entity that wields that right or power.

'Are you the god of this world?'

Because authors are gods when it comes to their work. Whoever they are, if their authority as an author has been diminished, where and how much has it been diminished? Was it a reduction in all parts or just one part? and how is the creator making this world work? is it reflecting the will of the author in real time, or is it reflecting the will of the original author? since events continue to unfold even as the author's power is diminished, is there a force greater than the author that sustains this world?

'It's too vague. I don't have enough information.'

I felt like I was playing a game where the odds stacked against me. Another one, because I created the exception by meeting the first stage's exception condition, Killian's character settings changed dramatically. still, does Killian want to follow the original story? that's not very clear, is it? Should I force myself to fit in even though I lack the probability? If not, can I continue to change the story as soon as I make the probability? but seeing that there are at least three "conditions," I realized that I probably can't change everything at this point.

'I have a headache. . . . . Anyway, I'll have to keep an eye on Killian for the time being.'

when a new episode took place, I had to see what choices Killian would make. If he follows through with my intentions, my future will be even brighter.

'If not, then. . . . . i'll die the way I'm supposed to.'

I sighed, but I had to do what I could for now. On the third day, when i was about to get up out of bed, the Duchess called me.

"Edith. Are you feeling better now?"

"Sorry to scare you. I'm good for now. I've been feeling better for a while, but mother is out of town, so I'm late to greet you."

She's been at the palace with the Duke these past few days. Probably discussed the dynamics of Archduke Langston and Count Riegelhoff and prepared defenses without their knowledge.

"The Duke was very worried, too. He's now saying he thinks he may have pushed you too hard. He's been on the battlefield for a long time, so he's got a hard edge to his voice."

Thinking about that, his voice was pretty soft when he spoke to Lizzy. but I couldn't bring myself to say that.

"It's weirder to speak softly when you're questioning an important issue in the mansion. I'm fine, so please tell him not to worry too much."

"Thank you for understanding, Edith."

I don't know about anyone else, but I didn't want to give the Duchess any cause for concern, so I smiled as brightly as I could.

"What do you want to do from now on? It's okay if you don't want to help my work anymore. In my opinion. . . . . i'm afraid that would only reinforce the misunderstanding about you."

"If mother don't mind, I'd like to keep helping you with your work, but at this rate, i think the person who framed me might do the same thing again."

I had a suspicion thought that it might Lizzy doing.

"So, I'd like to work under the direct supervision of someone mother trusts."

"Edith, my dear, surveillance. . . . ."

"Ah. Was that a bad way to put it? so what I'm trying to say is that. . . . . "

"No, I know. you want a place where you can work without being suspicious."

"Yes, that's right,"

The duchess thought for a moment without saying a word. I was wondering what to do if she asked Lizzy to help, but the person the duchess pointed out was her aide, 'Linan Filch'.

"Linan is the one who inspects the tax-related documents sent from each estate and fills out the documents to be sent to the Imperial Palace. He's a person who deals with money issues, so he's a little strict and heartless, but he's a person never swayed by emotions or biased."

"That's exactly what I want."

I sincerely hope he's not a soft person who is swayed by emotions. Even when working at a company, I hated the boss who likes company dinners and likes socializing the most, emphasizing "affection." It's because people like me who have vague pride and can't speak out loud are always labeled as 'a kid who can't live in society', and even my skills work have been disparaged.

The next day, Linan Filch, whom I met, was a man who seemed stricter and more emotionless than I had hoped. Moreover, he was much younger than I thought. His age seemed around the late 20s to early 30s?

"Nice to meet you. I'm Linan Filch. Feel free to call me Linan."

A blunt voice without much of an accent flowed from the grayish-pale mouth of that man.

"Nice to meet you, Linan. I'm Edith Rudwig. I'm going to help Linan from today. What should I do?"

"For now, we'll start with this. . . . . please categorize all the receipts here by year. later on, we'll have to categorize them by issue, but for now, just by year."

What he handed over was a large box full of random mixed receipts. There were wet and dry marks and footprints all over the place.

"This is. . . . . How did it happen . . . . . "

"It's a stupid worker who worked with me last time. He said he was offended by me, so he scattered all the receipts on the floor for years and ran away."

"He messed with the duke's documents like this and ran away? did he get caught?"

"Of course. It was Baron's son, but thanks to the emptiness of his father's hands, he was able to end up with reparations."

"Oh, my god. . . . . "

I shake my head, and Linon says with a stern face

to the end of the line.