"I'm sorry, Lizzy. Because of me, you heard harsh words. . . . I'm really good, I'm fine, really."


Lizzy approached me and held my hand. Killian narrowed his eyes as if he understood my intentions. Yes, although at first glance, it must have been suspicious that I insisted I was fine.

"I can't believe it."

Unsurprisingly, Cliff didn't get over it. He seemed displeased at the fact that Lizzy was accused of attempting poisoning. Cliff looked coldly at me and Sophia and called other maids. He called for other maids. Then he ordered the maids to search my room.

"What, what are you doing!"

Sophia jumped to her feet in surprise but could not stop Cliff's fierce momentum. But I honestly didn't have much to say. Sophia would have put the poison in it, and it wouldn't be found in my room.

"What is this?"

. . . . . . . I don't have it, but I think it's ruined for some reason. In his hand, he held a small vial of a clear potion. Even at first glance, it was so suspicious. The bottle had a piece of paper with a skull on it.

'No matter what anyone says, that's poison. It's obvious.'

Cliff doesn't mean he doesn't know that. And Cliff's gaze was on me.

"That's. . . . . That stuff is. . . . . no, it doesn't."

"That's interesting. so who hid this inside your room's ceramic decor?"

Cliff asked mockingly, waving the tiny vial in front of me. His mouth was smiling, but the look in his eyes was enough to strangle me at a moment's. But luckily, Lizzy clung to him.

"Cliff! Edith is a patient. What are you doing to the patient?"

"But Lizzy!"

"Edith says it's not her thing. Why are you trying to push Edith the victim? and it could be just makeup or emergency medicine."

Lizzy was defending me hard, but I was sure that Cliff thought of me poisoning myself on my own. Sophia's face is more nervous than ever.

'Did you put this in my room again? Oh, my. . . . .Who is stupid now?'

I'd rather throw it out. Well, that's how the episodes won't work. If it becomes difficult to find a medicine bottle and it is difficult to determine the owner of the medicine bottle, the episode will be too long, so the writer must have tried to solve it simply like this. I closed my eyes with a long sigh. Even Killian's gaze at me was too much for me now. And by the afternoon of the next day, what was in the medicine bottle turned out to be a poison that caused abdominal pain and vomiting. Well, it was expected, but the future was bleak. Cliff was angry that I had made a self-made play to put the blame on Lizzy, and everyone was bound to suspect me, even if it wasn't Cliff.

"Isn't it crazy to search the room right away?" It's annoying. . . . ."

Sophia, the culprit of all this, was annoyed by my side.

"You pretended to be smart, but you didn't do anything right."

I lay on the bed and whimpered at Sophia, who glared at me with a fierce glare and then punched me in the stomach.


My stomach was painful like it was going to be pierced.

"If you climb on me one more time, I'll kill you."

As if this failure wasn't painful enough for me, Sophia was angry with me, having lost her usual cheerfulness. She rolled up her body like a shrimp and left the room, leaving me alone with my agony.

"Ugh. . . . . Ugh, ugh. . . . "

My stomach felt twisted because I ate poison in my body that I had starved for a few days. I'm suffering from leukemia in a previous life, I thought I would be able to tolerate this pain, but I was wrong. the pain is always new.

"It hurts. . . . . Oh. . . . "

I couldn't figure out exactly where it was hurting. My stomach hurt, my back hurt, my heart hurt, and my mind hurt. Just then, the door opened, and someone rushed in.

"Does it hurt a lot?"

It was Killian. i let out a sharp breath and nodded slightly. but what came back was not sympathy, but criticism me.

"Then why do you have to take poison to get to. . . . ! don't you realize it's dangerous?"

He seemed to believe that I had made a play of my own. It's always the same thing, but that's all I could say this time.

"It's not me. I've never done that."

"Then who the hell is. . . . !"

"I'm not! Out!"

At the same time, as I felt a sharp pain, tears flowed down. I wanted to hold back my tears because I was afraid he would be sarcastic about acting, but it hurt so much that I couldn't control it. It was too familiar to bear the pain alone, but familiarity did not mean it was okay.

'If I could just die as like this. . . . .'

The thought of wanting to finish everything like this bothered me again. It was an impulse that I had fought so hard throughout my previous life. I pulled the covers over my head and buried my face in them, feeling like I couldn't take any more criticism from Killian.

"If you don't have anything to say. . . . .just go back."

He stood there for a while before finally turning around and walking away. The door slammed shut, and the room was silent. I feel so funny that, i asked him to leave with a big smile on my face, and when he walked away, it felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest.


Coming back from Edith's room, Killian was confused. There was no denying that this was Edith's doing. If Cliff hadn't used his idea to search Edith's room and find the poison bottle, Lizzy would have gotten the wrong idea that she was trying to poison her, no matter how much Edith said she was fine. The calm atmosphere at the bazaar seemed to have been broken in an instant. But the reason I couldn't hate Edith blindly was because of what the congressman who examined her said.

"Her body has become too weak. She has to take her medicine for a while."

At first, I thought it meant that I became weak because she took poison. However, when asked again, the congressman gave an unexpected answer.

"I think she has been starving for a few days."

"She been starving. . . . ?"

"Not exactly, but that's how I see it. there are a lot of girls who are starving themselves to death to lose weight, and it's kind of like their condition."

It was beyond belief. I don't know anything else, but I know how well Edith eats.

"I don't think she has been starved for a long time, but she swallowed the poison while she didn't eat anything, so it's more deadly than when she swallowed it in a healthy state. It will be painful for a while."

"Medicine! Is there any medicine to get rid of the pain?"

"The medication I'm prescribing has painkillers in it, but it's also taken at some point. She has no choice but to endure it for now. It would be helpful to keep her stomach warm."

It was ridiculous. The fact that she had been poisoned after starving herself for days made me angry, apart from the fact that she was trying to frame Lizzy.

"Are you stupid or tough? What are you going to do if you die!"

Killian was so angry that he called Edith's maid Sophia to question her. At first, Sophia, who said Edith eats well every day, confessed that she was starving to lose weight when he told her the doctor's diagnosis.

"Lose weight?"

"She has been gained a lot of weight after she got married. In the meantime, I don't think she is aware of it, but I told her, then she said she has to lose some weight. . . . ."

She'd gained a lot of weight since they'd gotten married, and no matter how hard Killian tried to remember, he couldn't recall where or how she'd changed. But Edith didn't gain enough weight to lose weight. On the contrary, places like the neck and collarbones look so thin that they are at risk.

'There's no place to lose weight!'

Besides, it's so nice to see you eat so well. . . . .Then suddenly, Edith, who was sitting quietly alone during the bazaar, came to his mind.

'Did you feel a sense of self-doubt when you heard people only praise Lizzy at the bazaar? So you trying to lose weight. . . . .?'

Before marriage, she was the center of social attention, despite being rumors that she was a wicked woman. It's understandable that someone would miss the attention of others when they're suddenly treated like a cold stone.

'Maybe the fact that she ate poison was because she wanted to get attention rather than trying to frame Lizzy.'

It would have been pathetic if that was the case. If you hadn't eaten for a few days, you would have known you wasn't feeling well, but the thought of swallowing poison was terrifying.

'But I can't let my father incur his wrath like this!'

The Duke of Ludwig was furious at the suspicion that Edith had tried to harm Lizzy, even to the point of swallowing poison. It was a matter of course. The duke and duchess rescued Liese, who had been living under harsh persecution in Sinclair, and promised to keep her safe. However, another threat to her has arisen within the Duke of Ludwig. killian let out a long sigh.

'I have to buy his sympathy somehow and calm his anger. However, he's not going to leave Edith alone this time.'

After thinking about that, Killian headed to Edith's room. She seemed to have opened up a little to me, so I thought i'd try to convince her to be honest with my father and ask for forgiveness. But as soon as I entered Edith's room, I saw her curled up in pain. The hand holding the sheet so tightly that it was white was shaking.

"Are you in a lot of pain?"

I rushed over to her, but Killian couldn't help her. The congressman said she'd be sick to her stomach for a while, even if she took the medication. So this was something Edith had to deal with her own. Her sick, thin body was stuffy made. Killian got angry without realizing it.