Even in a situation where he was under suspicion, Edith analyzed the incident with a calm and dispassionate attitude. The fact that Lizzy's room was empty was something that Killian and Cliff were also sensitive about. He purposely told Edith that the free time was short, but it was actually quite a long time. However, seeing Edith, who did not know such a situation,immediately pointed out and doubted that part after the handicraft merchant, so Killian came to think that Edith was not the culprit. If Ludwig had been the stupid poisoner who tried to kill Edith, as people thought, he would have been flustered and made excuses when he was accused. However, Edith acted coldly as if she was looking at things that had nothing to do with her, and if he was that smart, he couldn't have done things continuously like this. Edith's reasoning that followed was also plausible. If you think the idiot Sinclair family bunch were behind this incident, everything was fits. Because they hated both the Lizzy and the Riegelhoff family. Also, if Edith had caused Lizzy's death or injury, Sinclair family might have used her safety as an excuse to take something from Ludwig.

'If that's really the case. . . . . That means Edith has been suspected and insulted all this time for no crime.'

Edith has consistently claimed she is not the culprit, but she has often been cited as the only suspect. What if it was Sinclair's ruse. . . . .? that assumption alone made Killian's breath catch in his throat. Maybe that's why we've been so reluctant to make that easy assumption. However, it was too early to apologize. Because nothing has been revealed yet. Instead, I found myself arguing with her. it's weird, but the more I talked to Edith, the more I found myself wanting to scratch her insides, provoke her, and shamelessly confront her.

"Don't think I don't know that much. It hurts my pride."

"I said I would risk my life, but they didn't believe it. Can you imagine how I felt?"

"I believe in you and the Duke. To be more honest, I believe I don't feel like I'm worth the effort."

Edith, who did not get angry at the rude provocation and responded proudly, was attractive enough to make me drool.

'Was she this original like this?'

She was a woman whom I had known through the rumors. I thought that was enough. I admit it. It was arrogant. Edith, who only came face to face when they were preparing for marriage, was a completely different person from the main character of the rumors he knew. Of course, the sensuous and seductive appearance was another matter.

"It's me, Edith Ludwig. Do you think I'm going to be jealous of other women because I only want a man's love? Don't be mistaken."

When Edith raised his chin proudly as if mocking me, killian had no choice but to kiss her, who was far more dizzying than the 'rumor' he'd heard. If he didn't, he might hold on longer, then he would have knocked Edith down on the floor and clung to her like a beast. The crisis is 'just, because i want to do it? He glossed over it with a ridiculous excuse. His pathetic desire hadn't gone away. He was just waiting for the right time. When he heard that Edith's probation was lifted as of today, he paced in front of Linan's office at the time where Edith was work. It was to check her condition, pretending to be a coincidence.

'I'm going to go in and see the tax receipts of last year's Ryzen estate. That would be natural.'

Even when I was thinking of these excuses, I didn't realize that something was wrong with me. After taking several deep breaths, he quietly opened the door of the office,and what he saw through the crack in the door was a scene that made Killian stand tall.

"I'm sorry. If you give me a little time, I'll stop soon, soon."

Edith was crying. The tears streamed down her cheeks as I panicked and tried to run away. Then Linan grabbed Edith.

"You don't have to control your emotions like you're being chased like that. If you cut it off by force, it will explode someday."

"Linan. . . . "

"You have time left because you take care of things so quickly, so you can take it slow as much as you want."

Linan, who handed his handkerchief to Edith, returned to his seat like a mature adult and began to work casually. Edith buried her face in Linan's handkerchief behind the pillar, took a moment's breath, and took a deep breath again and again, stabilizing herself. And before stepping off the pillar, Edith practiced smiling, pulling up the corners of her mouth, as she did next to the corner of the Count of Hermenia mansion.

"It's all right now. Thank you for your understanding, Linan. What shall i do next?"

Smiling much more naturally than she had practiced, Edith took the job from Linan. Killian was unable to get into it and was bitten in the back.

'It's . . . . .it was the practice of smiling.'

At the bazaar, after Shane left, I saw Edith smiling in the mirror and wondered what the hell she was doing. It was one of those weird expressions where she is not smiling at all, but you're trying to pull the corners of your mouth up.

"Smiling. . . .practice. . . . "

I remembered how Edith came back from the corner and smiled casually. My stomach felt stuffy. My head, which had been fine for a few days, started to hurt again. Killian pressed hard against his throbbing temple and tried to think of something else. The thought that immediately came to mind was Linan, who handed her a handkerchief.

'No way, did Linan seduce Edith?. . . . .no, no, no. Linan was just being a gentleman. Linan took out his handkerchief because Edith was crying. Edith has seduced Linan.'

Out of habit. My headache got better when I thought of blaming Edith. Although he didn't realize it himself, his instinct to avoid pain began to blame Edith as a way to avoid hurting him while thinking about her.

'I knew that. Men are weak to women's tears. Linan is not immune to that. Yes, that is it, Edith, who is bad.'

'It's was Edith who is bad,' Killian said, as if trying to convince himself. Over and over again. And that made his headache go away for a while, but that wasn't the reason he was in a bad mood.'

In the end, he struggled against a throbbing headache and tried to figure out why he was in a bad mood. Then, at the end of that thought, he had no choice but to face his true feelings, which was a little embarrassing.

'How can you leave me and seduce Linan?'

I felt like a horrified person. The first night we spent together, you mooned over me beautifully. Then, after that, you never visited me again, and I had to kiss her and make her accept it.

'You Eat me. . . . .and throw me away. . . . ?'

It was an expression only used by lustful men, but that was all I could think of. I've been trying hard not to look ridiculous to Edith, but Edith seems to see through me easily.

'I made a mistake. I took her too easy.'

Once I got rid of the idea that Edith was stupid, everything I'd done in front of her seemed like a mistake. killian dwelled on these thoughts until night fell, when the servants began to turn off the lights in the hallways. He couldn't stand it. He jumped up from his seat and went to Edith's room. He even sent out all the surprised maids and pushed Edith by insulting her. The surprised eyes that seemed to know nothing were abominable. I thought it was abominable but strangely lovely. So I had no choice but to avoid her gaze by kissing her neck. When the smell of roses from her seemed to drive his head off with excitement, he was frozen by a scene he didn't understand at all.

'What is that?'

Edith's shoulders were still round and smooth. But her shoulders, which should have glowed white in the darkness, were streaked with dark bruises as she moved backward. It wasn't a bruise that could have been caused by accidentally bumping into something. Judging by the green and purple bruises, it seemed that they were probably made over several days.

"Killian, this, this, I mean. . . . . "

Edith tried to make some kind of excuse, but Killian, who saw her back, he decided not to believe whatever she said. she was so desperate, and as she gave up, she did not say any words. She didn't even answer the question of who did it, but it was enough for Killian. If Ludwig is human, there's no reason why Edith can't answer. And until she was like this, the proud maid of Riegelhoff had not even posted a single report. Anger was soaring inside him, and suddenly Edith begged in a faint voice as if she were grabbing the hem of his clothes.

"Killian. . . . . That. . . . . I know it's inappropriate in this situation, but. . . . .can you give me a hug?"

"Is that to distract my attention?"

"No, it's not like that, it's. . . . . just. . . . . just because. Just, because i want to. . . . ?"

I felt like Edith's eyes were wet, even though she wasn't crying. I couldn't understand why Edith would want to cover her maid with her bruised and battered body. I don't know if she had her own reasons, but Killian was unforgiving.