August 2, 1824

For some reason, Master Killian came to the office today. It was the first time the young master came to my office and sat down, and strangely, he said it was something that often happened to Miss Edith. I thought I should correct my memory, but Master Killian's eyes were hideous. Miss Edith focused on her work today, too, whether Master Killian was there or not. She worked quickly. Miss Edith is truly a talent that I covet every time I see her. But the young master glared at the back and suddenly said to me how about hiring an employee. I'm grateful, but it's not that I haven't chosen an employee so far. I always hire people to work with me, but everyone couldn't stand it for half a year and just ran away. In that sense, Miss Edith was a really helpful person. The young miss was more sincere, understanding, quick-witted, and smarter than anyone I've ever seen, except for the often-repeated probation. So I told Master Killian that I don't need it because these days, Miss Edith is helping me, and Master Killian looked at me with a terrifying glare. Perhaps it is because Master Killian wanted to get Miss Edith's attention, but it that the case, he should talk with Miss Edith kindly. Even if you pretend, Miss Edith doesn't have a clue what you're talking about. The road ahead for the two of them seemed daunting.


Killian came to Linan's office as if he were going to work every day. Seeing that he came and didn't do anything,it was definitely the purpose of spying on me. But if you want to keep an eye on me, you have to hide. Not in plain sight like this? You don't have the basic posture of surveillance. Anyway, I don't care about him and played the dutiful employee. No, this is not an act. Even in the healing game, my soul couldn't escape the peninsula office worker who was earning money to pay off the loan.

"If you add up the amounts on these receipts, the total is 3,568,478 sena. but the actual statement says 3,568,487 sena."

"I see. It looks like they changed the last two digits. I wondered where 9 sena disappeared, but thank you for finding it."

"I'm not done yet. this one had the wrong count. It's not a big deal, but if these get little calculations wrong, you will be in trouble later."

"That's right. I've thought about it before, but you're very meticulous. Thanks to you, the documents that were full of errors have been quite cleared up."

"Well, thanks to Linan for teaching me well, and thank you for your hard work today."

"You've done a great job, young miss. we'll see you next week."

Today, I found the documents with the wrong calculation and corrected them, and left the office feeling proud.

"Is it over now?"

"Uh? Killian. Are you still there?"

I was so busy working, I forgot that Killian was there. Killian's eyes narrowed as if my words had offended him.

"Linan's assessment of being sincere and persistent is too accurate."

"Huh? that. Really? thank you."

". . . . .that wasn't a compliment."

"What? being diligent and persistent is not a compliment?"

"Ha. . .no, it doesn't. i'm going to get up now, too, so I'll walk you to your room."

This was a notice, not a proposal. Killian grabbed my wrist and slipped out of Linan's office before I could finish cleaning the desk.

"I didn't finish cleaning my desk!"

"Linan will clean it up."

He strode toward my room in such a hurry, and I had to run halfway to keep up with his pace. And when he reached my room, Killian dismissed Anna, who was waiting for me and said as if almost threateningly.

"Tonight, let's pretend nothing happened."

"Yes? Ah, yes. Nothing in particular."

There wasn't much else to do at the mansion other than help Linan. I'd never been invited to a party, so I didn't have a schedule.

"Let's go see the opera with me."

"Yes? All of a sudden?"

"Does it make any difference if I put it off until tomorrow or the day after?"

". . . . .not really."

But it's a very random suggestion.

'For some reason. . . . I had a feeling like this was my last test. . . . ?'

Instead of just suggesting things to do inside the mansion, he started asking me to go outside.

'Hoohuh. I'm not fooled, dude.'

I smiled with satisfaction.

"Well, you are going to the opera with me this evening."

"Killian. you shouldn't have to do this. I'm totally fine."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm saying don't feel obligated to do something with me. Why don't you go with Lizzy when she feels better now?"

At this point, Killian can't help but admit it. First of all, the part where she does not accept just because he asks for a date stands out with dry silence. In the part where I recommend you to go with Lizzy, i think I'm so cool for not being obsessed with my husband, there's a priestly stoicism in the way she pretends to be oblivious to the temptations hidden in the suggestion of going out after dark. I believed that I passed Killian's test brilliantly. Then, strangely, I felt Killian's hand on my shoulder increase in strength.

"Killian. . . . ?"

I also felt that his breath was a little rough.

"What the hell do you think I am?"

"What? Of course. . . my. . . .you are my husband. . . . ?"

It was a funny answer, to say the least. The fact that he and I were husband and wife had been stamped by the seal of a priest on a document and with the seal of both family, but we hadn't done much to live like husband and wife.

"You're telling me that you think me as your husband, and then you've been rejected all the suggestions offer to be a couple? ah! there was one thing you wouldn't say no to, by the way."

"Yes? What, what that?"

I felt strange anxiety and expectations at the same time. Killian's heat-soaked eyes were the same eyes I had once looked up into. Killian suddenly put me on his shoulder. The floor suddenly receded, and the legs in the air startled me, and I struggled.

"Killian! Let me go! Ah, I'm scared. I'm scared. "

He let me go as soon as I asked. It was a bit meaningful to be on the bed.

"A husband only needs to play the role of a stallion. Isn't that it?"

"Stop. it's not what I mean!"

"But that's the only thing you won't reject me for, isn't it? isn't that right, Edith?"

Before I knew it, Killian was untying the knots in my dress. In the meantime, how fast the hands were, my heavy dress slipped down.

"Killian, I really didn't mean for this to happen!"

"Then, was it retaliation for rejecting your request to hug you last time?"

He growled and asked, but he didn't listen to my answer and kissed me.

"Ugh. . . . !"

The heat that came into my mouth took my breath away. He used to be good at kissing, but today's feelings were different. It's a little thicker, and it's honest enough to make you feel like one of the walls is missing.

"Haa, haa, Killian. . . . ."

"You look like you're going to cry."

I wasn't going to cry, but I was panicking.

"You know very well how weak a man is with such a face."


"So you cried like that in front of Linan, didn't you? It hurts my heart even when I see it from a distance."

"Linan. . . . ?"

"Don't bring up another guy's name in front of me."

'No, you brought this up first! I was going to say that, but Killian kissed me again.

Even though he kissed me a bit rough, it's a kiss that made my soul want to escape, I'm remembered the day I cried in front of Linan. Killian didn't come that day. . . .When he said from a distance, does that mean that Killian was watching from somewhere?

"That's hurt me. I can't believe you're thinking about something else in front of me."

"Oh, that's. . . . !"

"I guess I've been too gentlemanly so far."

"No way, ah! now, wait."

Killian suddenly wrapped his arms tightly around my waist and buried his lips in the nape of my neck.

"I won't let you think of another man."

"Ugh, Killian...!"

"Yes, just call my name like that. . . ."

His flesh was hard and hot against mine through the thin chemise. I was a little scared because I felt like if he hugged me tightly, my body would collapse as if it. But on my other hand, I wanted him to hug me so tightly, so tightly that I couldn't think of anything else. The kiss that followed again and his body heat against mine made my head turn blank. For some reason, it brought tears to my eyes.

"You look so naughty when you cry. You know."

"Hmph, huh. . . . ."

"So, if you make that face in front of another guy, I going to get mad."

I couldn't understand why I was crying, either. I couldn't even understand what Killian was upset about. But her body getting hotter and hotter, i had no choice but to wrap my arms around his neck and exhale excitedly.

"angry, hmph, hmmm, don't. . . . ."

"I saw you doing it."


[Step 2 exception conditions have been met. An exception situation occurs, and the authority of the original author is reduced. The Phase 2 exception condition will be forfeited.]

Beyond the darkness, I heard a voice that even thought it was nice now. At first, I just blanked out and thought, "Oh, it's been a long time, hasn't it?" and gradually came to my senses. It's a little funny to say that I came to my senses from my dream.