Miss Edith seemed to enjoy her peace by reading books, taking a walk, enjoying the sun, or drinking tea. Apart from the rest, there's something different about her from other noble lady, she didn't draw a "line" when she dealing with people blow her. Any servant dealing with nobility could feel it. A noble don't think of commoners as "people" like themselves. No matter how generous and compassionate you are, they always drew a line. However, Miss Edith wasn't like that.

"Let's eat together."

When Anna came out on Darthus Street with Edith for the first time, Edith tried to share food with Anna without hesitation at the restaurant where she went for lunch. Eating food on the same plate as a servant, it was a scary thing for a noble life.

"Why you don't eat, Anna? Do you hate this?"

"Oh, no, it's not that. . . . How could i a servant sharing and eat your food miss?"

"Uh? Then how can I eat all of this by myself? I want to try this, and that, but I can't eat it all by myself. . . . . It's good to eat together."

"Aren't you unpleasant?"

"Uh? why do i have to feel that way?"

Looking at Edith, who opened her eyes wide with frowned brows, Anna realized that there was no 'line' for this lady.

"If you're okay with me, I'm fine with you."

". . . . . I won't get sick, even if you eat with me, and you won't get sick too."

Anna, who had been working as a maid for 10 years, she never met a nobles who was so worried about they servants for not liking them. I thought that was just unusual . . . . .

"Miss. . . . . why didn't you say anything until it's became like this?"

I still didn't forget the shock of that day. I saw Miss Edith's back covered with bruises. Her back, which was supposed to be white and smooth as if it had been milked, was horribly stained. That was probably the maid doing, the maid that her family sent to her.

"How could i say that?"

With a voice mixed with a despondent smile, Edith said as if it were nothing.

'It's my fault. . . . . No matter how much she didn't express it, how could you not realize it until the owner becomes like this!'

The pride of being a maid who has accumulated for 10 years has collapsed. When she barely pressed down the emotional that she does know what is it and applied the medicine on her back, Miss Edith's shoulders trembled slightly.

'Oh Miss. . . . .'

Edith, who was called a bad girl, was rather a person who loved a quiet daily life. She was weaker and more patient than anyone else that Anna had ever served. And unlike Lizzy, she is really unlucky. . . . . It was then that Anna patted Edith's hand for the first time. She might be called a cheeky maid, but she was really sincere consolation. Edith didn't get angry or cry out loud, just exhaled a trembling breath. After that, Anna erased the line she had drawn for Edith. For her, Edith is a fragile person she has to protect. Therefore, she was so glad that Edith and Killian's relationship was getting better, and she hoped that Edith could continue her happy married life. However, at this important time, Lizzy started looking for Killian.

'You have been pretending don't know Killian's love, but why now. . . . !'

So, knowing that it was presumptuous meddling, Anna told Edith about Lizzy having been doing, but Edith said with a bitter smile.

"As you may know, I don't have the right to do that."

'The words 'You may know' broke Anna's heart.'

"Thank you for telling me anyway, Anna. You must have had a lot of worries about whether to talk or not."

Seeing Edith put her maid's heart ahead before her own pain, Anna made up her mind once again.

'I'll help you as much as I can!'

Anna, who lived without much excitement for anyone, accepted Edith as her master from that day on.


After enjoying tea and dessert in , some of the maid I hadn't seen before came to visit me.

"Master Cliff wants to see you for a moment."

"Did Cliff ask that? Me?."

"Yes, miss."

It was an unexpected development. But having no reason or excuse to refuse, I followed the maid to Cliff's study without changing my clothes.

"You're here."

Cliff greeted me much more affectionately than I thought.

'What's wrong with this guy all of a sudden?'

He didn't seem to have a good feeling toward me, and I couldn't figure out why.

"Don't be nervous with such a suspicious face, sit down."

Did I make it too obvious. Cliff's face, looking at me, had a funny smile on his face.

"I'm sorry if it looked like that. Honestly, it's so unexpected."

"We been a family, but I think we haven't spent too much time around."

He was as calm as if he understood my anxiety. That relaxed attitude has been disturbing since before, but he was definitely a capable person.

"I think your relationship with Killian has gotten better these days."

He poured tea into my teacup and said. The scent of dark black tea spread.

"Although it looks like Killian is trying to do something for me, it's only been a few days. I don't know what will happen in the future."

"That's right. It's an interest that might cool off soon."

Who are you making fun of. I was slightly offended and came up with words to fight back, and Cliff lowered his voice and pulled himself toward me.

"I hope that Killian's attention will continue to stay with you."

"Yes? Why?"

"I thought that you and I were on the same page. isn't it?"

Cliff's appearance of drinking tea was so elegant, but the youthful curiosity and sympathy in his eyes were hard to ignore.

"What do you want?"

"You don't have to pretend you don't know. You want Killian, and I want Lizzy. Are you going to refute it?"

"Rather than a reversal, I think it's something you don't have to be nervous about. I'm already Killian's wife, and I don't think there's any reason for Lizzy to seduce Killian."

"That's true, but I'm now displeased with Lizzy looking at something a little different."

Oh, I forgot. This guy was a politely crazy person. When it comes to Lizzy, the guy without a middle was Cliff Ludwig. . . . .

"So what do you want me to do?"

"I'll give you some tips about what Killian likes. It's up to you to decide how to use it."

"It's annoying. . . . ."

"Well. Would you like to bet with me whether you take my advice or not. . . . ."

unlucky guy. Cliff must have noticed that I had fallen for Killian. Where the hell did you get that obvious?

"Well, I'll listen to what you say and think about it."

When I took a step back but built up my pride, Cliff grinned as if he were having fun and soon said in a serious voice.

"Killian enjoys sailing on the lake. However, I couldn't have it this summer. We used to go with Lizzy every year, but this year, Killian became a married man."

"You can just go and come back. . . . ."

"It's because it will get people attention. What do you think if a newlywed man went boating alone with another woman, what would other people think if they saw that?"

"Oh, I see."

It's even funnier that someone who cares about such things forced this marriage. It was no secret that Killian was in love with Lizzy. Well, they might believe that Lizzy have been possessed by that face rather than 'love'.

"And he also likes to appreciate art. It would be nice to take advantage of the Sistine Hall in the mansion, and it would be nice to visit other families' artworks too."

I suddenly remembered Killian, who despised me at Sistin Hall.

"That side already screwed."

"Oh, did you already try that?"

"Well, unintentionally."

Cliff laughed again and again at my bitter expression and continued.

"It's good to give him a lot of compliments when you're with Killian. He's always complex to get second place behind me, so he likes to be praised."

It's not Cliff's fault that he won first place, but it's still disrespectful to say that. he knew his brother's relative deprivation, but he didn't seem to care.

'Well, he didn't look like a nice brother.'

The two will join forces once if something happens to the family, but they weren't the kind of people who would get along. If it weren't for Lizzy, I wouldn't have seen your face so often.

"By the way, Cliff."

"Yes, Miss Edith."

"Why are you doing this all of a sudden? it's not like it's the first time Lizzy's been sweet toward Killian."

when I looked at him with a wry smile, the playfulness drained from Cliff's grin.

"There are two reasons."

"What is the first reason?"

"Because Killian is now starting to open up to you. In the past, even if i had given you this tip, it would have been no use."

I admit that because I've already checked it at Sistine Hall.

"So, what about the second one?"

". . . . . It is because i felt that Lizzy suddenly paid attention to Killian."


"You don't know, do you? Today, the two of them went out alone."

Somehow, I feel like I'm being pointed out on that issue many times. . . . .

"I know. But is that something that's never happened before?"

"That's not the case, but the problem is that Lizzy asked first. She had never asked for it before."

". . . . . Is that so?"

That is certainly a delicate matter. If you think about it, you may wonder why they would need to go together to take the finished shoes. But Cliff also feels strange. He was at all convinced that Lizzy was paying attention to Killian. When it comes to Liese, Cliff's words are credible.