"Oh my gosh! Welcome ! It's an honor for you to visit our store."

The owner, a young woman, made a fuss as if she knew Killian and Lizzy. As Killian looked around the store, a gorgeous faux chandelier hung from the ceiling, romantic decorations were everywhere, and jewelry worthy of a girl glittered on the pink carpeting of the shelves.

"Oh my god, that's cute."

"Cute, right? if you wrap this around your head once like this and put this corsage next to it. . . . ."

"Wow! It's so pretty! Killian, this. . . . !"

Killian, who had been staring out the window at something other than inside the shop, quickly turned his attention to Lizzy.

"Killian. . . . ?"

"Oh! That's pretty?"

Killian looked at Lizzy and said she was pretty at once, but it was a completely different reaction from the past when his gaze only focused on Lizzy. Killian himself could feel it.

"Pretty enough for your lordship to see, isn't it? oh, these decorations, not everyone can pull it off. it looks childish when people do it. This corsage and ribbons need to be worn by someone as beautiful as Miss Lizzy."

The owner shop praised Lizzy appearance to the point where her mouth was dry. Killian just listened to it without any signs of bothering and asked her to calculate all the things Lizzy said pretty. Because of the owner flatt and compliments, there were quite a few items in the bag in his hand, and then he finally came out of the store.

"Well, I didn't mean to buy this much. . . . ."

"It's okay. We couldn't come out so often, so it's not a bad idea to buy them all at once."

"I'm sorry, Killian."

"Why are you sorry. I won't bankrupt just for this much, so buy more."

Killian still encouraged Lizzy, who is sorry every time she spends his money, to spend more. Then he walked towards the store that he had been looking out of the window earlier.

"Lizzy, I'm sorry, but let's stop over there for a moment."

"Yeah, great! Are you thinking of buying something, too?"


Lizzy, who had been apologizing for buying her own stuff since earlier, seemed happy. But the store Killian went into was the same as the one Lizzy had stopped earlier. It's was a store selling women's accessories but had a completely different vibe than the store earlier.

"Killian. . . . this is, um. . . ."

"Huh? Yes?"

"The atmosphere is very different from the places we been to before."

"Yeah. I'm here to buy some gifts for Edith."

"Yes? Edith?"


"Ahh. . . . Come to think of it, it's an atmosphere that suits Edith."

"Isn't it?"

Killian didn't notice Lizzy, who was a little embarrassed. It would have been ridiculous in the past, but now I've been focusing on finding something that would look good on Edith.

"Did Edith ask you to buy it?"

"No, it's not like that, it's just that I don't think i have bought something for her before. . . . "

"Really? I think Killian took good care of Edith. . . . . But you bought a necklace for her before!"

Lizzy may have brought up the memory to comfort Killian, but Killian's conscience ached there.

". . . . . Thinking about that day, Cliff bought all the rest of the jewelry for you, is it?"

"Ah. . . . ."

"To be honest, Cliff was terrible that day. He should've at least let Edith choose. He didn't even consider my face, and I put you in trouble."

To be honest, I didn't think much at that time, but as time went by, I was so ashamed about what happened that day. All the precious jewelry was in front of Lizzy, and Edith smiled at me as she wore the ruby necklace that was no bigger than a grain of rice. Saying that she really likes it and she will keep it well while revealing her white and dazzling nape. . . . And as she said, she wore the necklace every day. But every time I saw it, I felt guilty.

"I'm sorry. I had to say no then. . . . . "

"Why is that your fault? it's Cliff's fault. At least you picked Edith necklace. That time i was a little. . . . . I didn't even take good care of her."

Killian sighed and looked around the store, looking for something that would suit Edith.

"Is it a garnet? It's less than Ruby, but it would be nice to have something like this."

He pointed to a hairpin made of garnet, and the shopkeeper who followed put it on a silver tray.

"Women also like that kind of hair ornament."

His fingers squinted through several types of corsages hair ornaments. The shopkeeper busily picked them up.

"You should also have a basic multicolored satin ribbon. . . . ."

Expensive ribbons made of imported fabrics were lined up on silver trays.

"Oh, I think this would look good on her, too. . . . . Would she say it's too fancy?"

I thought about it for a while, the pair of white and black gloves made by delicate and colorful lace, but I ended up buying it too. When I thought of Edith, I saw an endless list of things I thought would look good on her. In that pink store earlier, there was nothing for suit Edith, but at this place, which was full of elegant and sensible designs, there were so many things that suit her better.

"Is that enough?"

After wandering around the store for a while, Killian followed him and looked at the store owner, who was putting what he was pointing to on a silver tray. The silver tray was piled with many kinds of things. Lizzy, who was watching it, said as if she was a little stunned.

"Killian. . . . .I think you are going to be scolded by Edith."

"Well. . . .is that so?"

But no matter how much I looked at it, there was nothing to put it way.

"If she goes down to the manor, she won't be able to buy it anyway. So I think this should be enough."

"When you go down to the manor, there's no party place to go with these things."

"She can wear it in the castle. So she will be able to show my dignity and dignity as a countess."

"Count. . . . Countess?"

"Oh, I heard that the title that given to me is the count."

Killian thought about it a little longer, fearing that he would really get scolded by Edith, but in the end, he chose to buy it all. The price was a bit higher than Lizzy accessories that i paid earlier, but since I hadn't bought anything for Edith before, i didn't feel it was too expensive. After leaving the store, Lizzy suddenly said she was tired and wanted to go back home. Well, to be honest, Killian didn't like the Le Bel marie Street very much. So he returned to the mansion with Lizzy with relief. After ordering the maid to move Lizzy stuff to her room. Killian went into Edith room with a paper bag full of Edith's gift and knocked her door.

"Uh? Killian!"

Edith's light brown eyes sparkled as she greeted him. I used to think it was a very ordinary eye color compared to Lizzy deep blue eyes, but lately, I've found this comfortable and warm-colored eyes felt quite elegant. Plus, how charming it was when you mixed it with a haughty expression. . . . .

"I stopped by to see your face."

"Come in."

Killian took the seat Edith suggested.

"Today. . . . Did you have fun on your outing?"

"Yes! I went inside and tried black tea and dessert. Do you know that the strawberry cake there is also very delicious?"

"It's strawberry again?"

"Uh? Is that so, I think I really like strawberries."

Her smiling face was pretty as if he had finally realized it. Killian smiled at her involuntarily and awkwardly handed the bag in his hand.

"This. . . . .Take it."

"Yes? What is this?"

"It's no big deal. I bought something for you while I'm out."

Edith tilted her head with her round open eyes and carefully unfolded the items in the bag.

"Oh, my gosh. . . . ! What's all this?"

"If you don't like it, you can go and change it to something else."

"No. Everything is so pretty. Who picked this?"

"It's me. . . . I picked it for you. Do you like it?"

"You picked it?"

Edith's eyes widened. Then she put the hair ornament on her head from the box she had just opened. Thanks to Anna's help, the satin ribbon decorated with pearls was nicely pinned to Edith's hair.

"How is it?"

". . . . .It looks good on you."

"I think it looks good on me, too. I'm surprised you had such a keen eye."

"I was trained from an early age to see good things."

"Is that so? I like everything. I like it all. Even if I choose, I won't be able to choose such pretty things. Thank you, Killian."

I couldn't see any regret or pretense on Edith's face, who smiled brightly at me. She was genuinely delighted with the gift he gave her. it was a refreshing experience for Killian, who was used to being apologized every time he bought something for Lizzy. Until now, I had thought that Lizzy modesty was very pretty, but honestly, as a person who gave the gift, I was much happier with Edith's reaction.

"I'm glad you like it. If I knew you would like it this much, I would have bought some more."

"No, it's not like that. This is too much. Just. . . ."

"Just. . . . ?"

"It's just that I'm happy that you're still thinking about me on your outing and picking this thing for me. Thank you, Killian."

Killian felt a sting in his stomach as she received a generous gift he had bought to erase his guilt toward her, and Edith thanked him for thinking about her.

'This woman knows how to provoke a person's guilt.'

Killian, who was coughing for no reason, said as if it was no big deal to buy this much.

"Next time. . . . Come with me. We have to order shoes and boots before we go down to the manor. I told the shoe store beforehand today."

"Yes. I'm always free, so let me know at your convenience."

"Sure. then. . . . .bye."

"Yes. Thank you for the gift, Killian. Take a good rest."

Killian stood up from his seat and gave Edith a hug around her waist as she followed to see him off, then he kissed her lightly before he went out. Edith smiled softly and casually kissed him back.

"Take a good rest, too."


Killian, who took a regretful step, went back to his room and unknowingly a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. He naturally asked Edith to come with him, and Edith seemed to accept his request, too. The stabbing in his chest also improved. Above all, he seemed energized at the thought of going out together. He felt so excited. He didn't even think about Lizzy, who went out with him today, but his head was full of thoughts about Edith, Killian hadn't even realized it.