"No way. . . . . "

"That's right. Someone was trying to kill Miss Edith."

"Oh my gosh, that's terrible."

It's terrible. But Layla was rather pleased.

'If the steering control of the yacht belonging to the Ludwig family has been remodeled, it means that there is an authority within the Duke who wants to eliminate Edith.'

Who else could have broken into Killian's yacht, if not the Duke? Then, I went one step further and made a hopeful assumption.

'Could it be that Killian tried to kill Edith. . . . ?'

They said Edith didn't breathe when she was taken out of the water.

'He might pretend to save her to make an excuse to Count Riegelhoff, but the woman survived. If there's no one seen, maybe he wouldn't kill her again. . . .'

Rumors of a feud between Killian and Edith have spread through the social world. But the two went on a yacht? That's already strange.

'As expected, Killian is trying to get away from her!'

Layla was sure. Thanks to this, I was able to be calm without getting angry, even when the story of Lizzy came out.

"By the way. . . . . do you know anything about Miss Lizzy?"

"Yes? What are you talking about?"

"No, that. . . . Miss Lizzy, she seems treated as the future duchess in the Ludwig family duchy. . . . . "

Layla and Countess Sinclair snorted at the same time. In particular, the countess actively refuted.

"That's ridiculous. The child, to put it bluntly, was sold to the house."


"I've been keeping my mouth shut because it's a shame for the family, and it seems like a false rumor is spreading. The illegitimate child was bought by the Ludwig family. Maybe she is working as a maid there."

The wife who mentioned Lizzy tilted her head and made eye contact with the wife who came with her. But the countess said proudly.

"When the Duke of Ludwig and my family did business together, we borrowed some money from the Duke. it's a common occurrence in business."

"That. That's right."

"By the way, His excellency the Duke of Ludwig, who came to our house in short time to visit, he seems like he needed a maid at they house. He said he would take her instead of buying the bonds."

"But. . . . .the Duke of Ludwig could have gotten a maid without having to do that. . . . ."

"How do you know about what he's going to use her for?"

Only then did some women who understood the words blush and bend their eyes.

"Well. . . . Miss Lizzy was quite half-hearted.

"It's half. She takes after her lustful mother and who can't get enough of men. I don't even want to talk about it."

The Countess furrowed her brow in displeasure and flicked her fan. Then the shrewd ladies cursed Lizzy with their mother in front of them, which made Layla and the Countess feel better. But Layla's concern wasn't the Lizzy issue. She wasn't interested in vulgar things anyway. All she cared about was what happened to Killian and Edith. As soon as the tea party was over, Layla made her way to the first-floor study where Damian and Anton were playing pool.

"Layla! I think you're in a good mood today?"

"I know. I guess the talkative ladies didn't talk about marriage today."

Layla smiled broadly and plopped down on the couch, despite Anton's sarcastic smile.

"My brother was right."

"That's always right for me. But which one of them?"

"I don't think the Duke of Ludwig has any intention of keeping Edith Riegelhoff alive for long."

At the irritating rush, Damian and Anton stopped playing pool and sat down on the table, staring at Layla.

"What did you hear?"

"Edith went out to ride a yacht with Killian and almost drowned. They said someone touched the yacht's steering control."

"So what?"

"You also heard the rumors of a feud between the two have spread, right? But isn't it strange that the two of them rode a yacht?"

"Well. . . . . "

Damian nodded, and Layla got even more excited.

"So, i think, Killian tried to kill Edith faking it as an accident, then he might pretend to save her, but ended really saved her."

Anton laughed lightly at Layla's guess.

"Haha! If that's true, Killian's expression would have been worth seeing."

"But if that's not it, it doesn't make sense. Killian Ludwig's wife was almost killed, but the incident was just being buried. what does that mean?"

At those words, Damian also smiled in satisfaction.

"Layla. You know that the Foundation Festival will be held soon, right?"

"Yes. I've already ordered a dress."

"That's your chance. Don't forget that the end of the year is coming."

Layla's eyes lit up. It was nearing the end of the year, when the Count Riegelhoff was going to fall, Killian was so hate Edith that he wanted to kill her. So, to win Killian favor, who will divorce his wife or become a bereaved guy next year, she definitely needs to capture his heart at the founding ceremony that will be held soon.

"I'll do my best."

Layla's cheeks flushed with excitement.


My yacht accident ended with a simple hilarity. A few days later, the body of a maid named Sabina was found in a forest east of the capital. They said she was hit hard on the head with a stick or something and died instantly. I was nervous because it was so close to Count Riegelhoff's estate, but the Riegelhoff family was able to pass without much doubt. It was thanks to the people going down to the estate. Later on, it was belatedly discovered that Sabina had been borrowing money from various sources around the neighborhood and gave it to a certain man. Thanks to that, the story that she named me as the culprit was also rumored it was her trick to steal money from me.

'But a girl, only 18 years old, was killed by a blunt object. Is everyone okay with that?'

Ironically, the only person who cared about the maid's situation was me, who was almost framed because of her. In this world, an extra's situation is something that can be described in one or two lines, so even the people who asked what to do at first seemed to have forgotten about it by the next day.

'Even if I die. by the next day, everyone will forget it, right?'

I couldn't help but think about it. But I couldn't stay on my mind for long, either to think about Sabina. This is because the original did not wait for me to feel better and immediately announced that the next episode has started.

"The founding festival is already a month away."

At the dinner where the whole family gathered after a long time, Duke Ludwig made the founding festival a topic of conversation.

"Archduke Langston seems to be in a bad mood this time."

Even though it was supposed to be serious, Cliff said with a light smile, as if it were no big deal. No one was surprised by the story of Archduke Langston attending the founding festival, perhaps because everyone knew about it.

"He still wants to show off his power. He is foolish and greedy. He probably still believes the throne should be his."

I could immediately notice that Archduke Langston was not much different from the Riegelhoff family. Count Riegelhoff also believes that the Duke title of Ludwig should have been his.

'If it's the founding festival where Archduke Langston comes out, it'll be an episode of the ball at half of volume 4 of the book. There really isn't much left.'

I got goosebumps. After this ball, there will be events that will put Edit's life on the line.

After the meal, I returned to my room and thought about the future. I realized that this episode of the founding festival was going differently from the original.

'Come to think of it, the original Edith was on probation, so she couldn't go to the foundation festival!'

Edith, who is left in the mansion, seems to have been plotting something with Sophia.

'It's not clear what Edith did because the narrative was centered around Lizzy and Cliff. . . . That was one of the reasons Edit died later. . . . '

After the ball at the foundation festival, a fight breaks out between the Riegelhoffs and the Ludwigs. In the meantime, Shane attacks the Ludwig mansion. Maybe Edith and Sophia were planning to help Shane?

'But now Sophia is gone, and I'm also going to attend the founding festival. Wouldn't that be a good change for me, right?'

There were many twists and turns, but somehow, my heart was pounding as I felt I was heading for a better future.

'Besides, you're going to romance book ball! oh my god!'

Isn't the ball in the imperial palace the place i always wanted to go when I read the romance novels? A magnificent palaces, gorgeous dresses, exhilarating waltz, and romance!

'I think it's fun. Just watch other people there!'

I grinned to myself as I recalled the countless prom episodes I had read on the novel romance. Perhaps in this episode of the founding festival, Lizzy will be in the spotlight, and the Archduke of Langston will make an appearance. All I have to do is watch the situation pun on my 3D glasses, feel it like eating some popcorn, and watch it happen. It was spread out in such a leisurely mood, and from the next day, but from the next day, the Duke's family became busier.

"Anna, what's going on out there? I think it's noisy for some reason. . . . ."

I woke up at the same time as usual, washed, dressed, drank tea, and finished reading , which I read the day before yesterday, so I asked Anna because I thought I heard people's voices somewhere.

"They said Master Cliff called the dress tailor for Miss Lizzy. "

"Is Madam Ruyal here?"

"No. They said he called the tailor from , the clothing store used by Her Highness. It's was far more expensive than the Ruyal dressing shops."

"More expensive? i thought the Ruayal dress shop was expensive."

The Duchess was not a luxury person, but was also quite expensive. If it's twice the price there, it means that it's a place where the noble families can call it with a big heart.