"Well, I just wanted to talk to my daughter about that, too. I haven't seen her in a while, so I'm curious about how she's been doing. . . . . "

"That makes me even more suspicious. It seems like both of you made a promise to each other to share information about our families?"

"That, what does that mean? haha!"

Then Killian looked at him deeply with his cool gaze, and Count Riegelhoff laughed in embarrassment and pretended to be confused, but Killian's expression did not soften in the slightest.

"If I want to know what's has been Edith doing, why do you have to talk about it private with her? What do you really want to know?"

"Oh, that's not what I meant. . . . . "

Count Riegelhoff lost his words and couldn't even make any excuses. However, he seems to be commanding me to do something with his eyes. Perhaps he really wants to do something. Then, if Killian suspicions on me again, i would be in big trouble. So I quickly informed him of my current situation there.

"I'm really doing well. More than ever since I was born. So you don't have to worry that much."

While I'm dealing with him, i didn't even call him with the words 'father'. Because I didn't want to call him a father anymore. Count Rigelhoff hardened his face for a moment, as if he realized that i had completely ignored his orders, but he quickly smiled and nodded.

"Uh, yes. I got it, Edith. Then. . . . .See you next time."

After greeting Killian very politely, he walked away.

'Damn it. You still think that you can control me around.'

I can read the contempt and anger in his eyes as he looks at me. You are the one who caused this problem! But what's more upsetting is that I was shaking without realizing it. Edith pass memories suddenly appear on my head, and they are all stained with abused. The physical and mental abuse that has been going on since childhood has entangled my body even though I did not experience it myself. My hands that holding Killian's sleeve were wet with sweat, and her throat was dry.

'Why are you shaking right now? It's stupid!'

Rather than showing a confident appearance in front of him, it was shameful that she was holding into Killian's clothes and tremble. I raised my head shamelessly even though I was hit by Sophia like that, so why I'm so nervous now?

"Edith. . . . ? Are you all right?"

Killian called me.

"Kil-Killian. . . . . "

"Why are you so nervous?"

"No, that's. . . . . "

No, actually, I do. I've never been okay until now. I've been holding It with gritted my teeth, but I wasn't okay at all.

"Let's go get some fresh air."

Without my answer, Killian took me out and led me out to the open-air balcony because I couldn't even talk properly. His decision was brilliant. When the cold breeze hit my cheeks and I pulled myself together from my near panic earlier. I took a long, deep breath before I could move my mouth.

"Well, you must be surprised, right? I'm sorry for being silly."

"I guess you're a little better now. What was really happening?"

"Yes? What, what is it?"

Even if you asked me what really happened, I couldn't give you the answer. The damn constraint is still valid, so I couldn't explain why I was struggling and having a hard time or what Count Riegelhoff had done to Edith until now. Killian glared at me for a moment, then suddenly closed the door between the balcony and the hallway.

"Are you afraid someone might hear it, right? So now tell me what is going on."

To be sure, closing the door between the balcony and hallway, we are left in space for just the two of us.

'What should i do? What should i say? Why i was so stiff earlier . . . . !'

Now that i can't tell you the truth that i was afraid to see Count Riegelhoff, and i don't know what kind of strange misunderstanding I'll get if I mess up while answering his question. I was angry at myself for not reacting sooner, but I couldn't get back what had already been done. As I thought about the situation, looking for an excuse, I suddenly remembered the time when i danced with Killian. Then I came up with an excuse that was a little forced but worth pushing.

"Hmmm! hmm! promise me you'll listen and don't insult me."

Killian frowned his brow even further. He must be wondering what I'm going to say. Actually, I was so nervous too because I thought I was ruining myself.

". . . . . I'll try my best, as I can."

Yeah, well, it didn't matter, so let's compromise and be brave at this point. I took a deep breath and babbled.

"Actually . . . I was very nervous."

"It is because of your father that you are nervous?"

"That's. . . . . "

"Edith. Please be honest."

I swallowed again.

"Actually. . . . . while dancing with you. . . . .I was a bit. . . . . Nervous. . . . "

For a moment, there was silence between us.

"What do you mean. . . . "

"While with you. . . . . I was so nervous because I thought it's was a moment that i wanted to kiss you, well it was something like that. So I thought they caught me trying to do something bad."

"Ha. . . . !"

Well, yes, that would be ridiculous. I'm feel that word was absurd to even though it was me who said that, dude.

"That was the reason?"

"Anyway, you too. . . . . I thought you had that feeling too. . . . Wasn't it? Or you not, did i mistaken it."

I was blushing and stroking my burning neck, and Killian suddenly turned around when he saw it.

'You want to leave me because you feel dirty?'

I guess it's because he doesn't like being seductive. However, he drew out his self defense dagger from his hip and inserted it across between the two handles of the balcony door. It's seems like he tried to lock the door from being opened by others.

"Killian. . . . ?"

I couldn't figure out the reason for his behavior, so i called him out in confusion, but Killian approached me and leaned towards me menacingly.

"I warned you many times to stop doing something lewd things. . . . ."

He squeezed my cheek lightly and then brought our lips together. A hot breath came to my cheeks, which were cooling down by the cold air.


I panicked and kept my mouth shut, my eyes wide because i was so surprised, and he grabbed my chin and forced my mouth open. As soon as my lips opened, his tongue, which still had the scent of champagne, entered and entangled my tongue and sucked it in.


I was pulled away, dazed by the rough kiss that felt like my mind was being sucked out, and soon, I found myself trapped between the balcony pillars and Killian. Then, as if waiting for it, Killian pulled me into a strong embrace and caressed my shoulders and back seductively.

"Ugh. . . . "

My mouth was blocked by the wet kiss, so i couldn't help but let out a moan like a sound of snoring. As I started to wince at the stimulation he gave me, Killian parted his lips.

"Ha, ha! Kil-Killian! We are at the Imperial Palace!"

"And you were so excited at the imperial palace. Now, thanks to you, that i fell into it, too."

Killian stroked my body as if he wanted to eat me right now, to provoking me.

'Why is this body so sensitive with that stimulation!'

My thoughts said i had to get up now, but my body was getting hotter in Killian's hands.

"You were so excited, huh?"

Killian whispered and put his lips on the nape of my neck. What should I answer to that question.

"Ha, it's not like that."

"That's not what you said earlier."

"A while ago, it was, just, just a little. . . . "

"Your mouth often lies, so I'll have to ask your honest body."

As if he teased me, Killian sucked my lips and bit my earlobe, then kissed my neck with a wet sound. Then, unexpectedly, he licked the nape of my neck.


Even with that kind of stimulation, I found myself that i want Killian to give me more stimulation.

'This body is really, i hate this body!'

I couldn't bring myself to stop Killian. Even if the balcony door was locked, if someone passed by from outside, they must have seen us.

'More. . . . I want more. . . . . '

Killian constantly stimulated me as if he could read my thoughts. My legs trembled, and a chill ran down on my spine, and I couldn't think straight. I had no choice but to cling to Killian's forearm with heavy breath.

"To be so excited, you really. . . . ."

"Uhh. . . . Ugh. . . . ."

"You seem begging me to do something more than this, are you?"

"Ah. No. . . . .uh. . . . ."

"I wouldn't say that if i couldn't see your expression."

Killian kissed me again. However, it wasn't a rough kiss like before, but a slow and light kiss like he wanted to tease me. Fortunately, I was able to catch my breath slowly and calm down with that light caress. Then I was suddenly worried about Killian.

'Killian must be pretty excited, too. Can we really get out of here like this. . . . ? that's. . . . .how do you calm it down?'

While I was looking around and trying to figure out what to do, Killian was smoothing out my dress.

"Kill, Killian. . . . "

"You not satisfied, I understand, but it's a little dangerous here, so. . . . . I'll do as much as you want when we get home."

That was a very grateful proposal, and I'll gladly accept it, but it's not what I'm thinking about right now, did i?

"You are. . . . .are you okay?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean. . . . . That. . . . . "

I was so ashamed to say it, so i drooled.

"I was wondering if it's okay to go out like this. . . . "

Killian, who was staring at me, suddenly burst into laughter. I lowered my voice for fear of being overheard, but he laughed hardly as if he gave away his joyful mood.

"Were you worried about my condition?"

"Well, that it, yes. . . . . if you don't finish it, it doesn't. . . . . it doesn't calm down."

After i said that, Killian laughed again. It was nice to hear because it sounded like boyish laughter, but I was still worried about his lower body, which must be embarrassing to see.