"Fred, you are not obligated to accept my apology. But saying something like that to me, 'I'm not a person who will apologize' seems like I should apologize anyway."


Fred looked really puzzled. What he doesn't understand about that?

"You've always been an arrogant woman who looks down on others. You're like a ruling little devil. But you're apologizing? It makes no sense at all."

Oh. . . . Fred. Even if you don't look like a cuttlefish, I will still reject you.

"So you say you really love me without knowing me well."

"What that?"

"Fred. You don't know how much I suffered from a men like you. Everyone rushed towards me just because of my appearance and family. Do you know how terrible those greedy eyes are?"

I feel like my anger about to boil. But in the meantime, I heard the voice in my head again.

[ If Edith Ludwig dies as a villain, the story will get back to the original, 3 minutes to go until death.]

What! The death time has been extended by another 3 minutes! I don't know how far I can extend it, but I have to hold out as much as I can.

"At first, I thought you were different. But in the end, you whispered the same words as the other men do. Do you remember?"

"W-what do you mean. . . . . "

"You said it, 'When are you going to give yourself to me?' since I already gave you this much information and gave you a present."

"Isn't that obvious?"

"So you mean. . . . It's was my body you wanted from the beginning? You should put the word of 'Love' on it.'

Fred's breathing becomes rough. I wonder if I had provoked him, but I need to calibrate his memory. The distorted memories of that man who thought of himself as nothing more than a pathetic victim.

"I'm very upset about that. That's why I stopped contacting you. Sometimes, I thought that maybe I misunderstood you. However, when I heard you said that today, I don't think it was a misunderstanding."

Fred didn't seem to know exactly what he'd done wrong, but his ferocity a moment ago had subsided.

"I'm sorry for not living up to your expectations. I'm a completely different person from the nickname of 'Riegelhoff flower snake'. I am just a normal woman."

"Then why did you do that to a men? You pretend to give them your heart, take advantage of them, and then throw them away!"

"It's because they harassed me. When they approached me and whispered that they really loved me, but in the end, all they wanted was my body. I just turned it down!"

"T-that can't be. . . . !"

"After I get married, I can live the way I want. The Foundation Festival was the only party I attended this year. I'm not really interested in places where people gather, I just read books and live peacefully. "It's boring, isn't it?"

I smirked at Fred and walked away slowly through the window. There was a lot of dust on the window, so it was hard to see outside. I walked over to the window and looked out, pretending to be lost in my thought. I was really nervous because I was pretending to be so calmly with a person who had a dagger on my back.

"Even if you were with me, I guarantee you'd get tired on me in half a year because I'm not a woman like in your fantasy."

"No. . . . . That can't be. . . . ! My Edith is. . . . !"

"The Edith you imagine is probably a woman who seduces men, makes them kneel at her feet, and offers them with her sweet flesh at night, right?"

There was no answer from Fred. That word must have been stabbed at his head.

"Do you know what book I read recently? It's a . I was impressed with the chapter on distinguishing between old beans and fresh beans. Today, i went out to buy a new pair of stockings because the stockings I usually wear had holes in the toes. Lately, I've been a little constipated and have gas in my stomach. . . . . "

"S-stop! Don't say anything! Don't ruin my Edith!"

As expected, he tried to fit me into a woman he made in his imagination.

[ If Edith Ludwig dies as a villain, the story will get back to the original, 3 minutes to go until death.]

It has been extended, 3 minutes again. Whooo, this is really hard on my heart.

"Fred. I'm not the woman you wanted. I'm just a meaningless creature that you made with your illusion. Doesn't it seem so futile to end your life with such a meaningless existence? Don't you feel sorry for your life?"

If I had put as much energy into my presentations as I did in my previous life, my status in the company would have risen even further. Well, it's a game where you are going to die if you don't convince your opponent, so you have no choice but to do your best.

"That. . . . . I. . . . I'm. . . . ."

"I know, Fred. You were thirsty for love, and just in time, I looked like the woman you wanted. Back then, I was too young. . . . . I knew it, but I pretended I didn't. Because it felt good to be the center of your attention."

Fred soon began to sob.

"Have you loved me even a little?"

"If I only think about my safety now, I may lie and say that I did. But I'll be honest with you. Those feelings at that time were not ripe for love, but just like curiosity, liking, and self-satisfaction."

Fred bowed his head in despair. I was afraid that he would turn his eyes on me and run towards at any moment.

'Anna! Anna ! Please notice that I'm gone.'

There was only one entrance to this damn building, so there was no room for me to escape. The only thing left for now is, I have to convince Fred as much as i could to go out with on my own feet, or hope that Anna will find me when she realizes I'm gone. However, the problem is that the chances of getting away with one of those ideas are slim.

"I'm sorry. . . . I did that."

"Fred. . . . !"

"I realized this when I went down to the estate to recuperate, but I like women who trample on me."

Ha, is there a taste like that. . . . . Never mind. I should respect your taste.

"That's far from me."

"I think. . . . . I misunderstood you."

I nodded with a kind expression, hoping he would come to his senses, I tried to give him hope.

"There are few men with your taste, I heard somewhere at the party that your favorite queen-type women are always in short supply. So you still have hope, Fred."

Fred nodded with a faint smile.

"If you forgive me once, I will never appear before you again."

"As an apology for my past, I will also forget about today, too."

"Thank you. Oh, this is the baggage you were carrying earlier. . . . Huh. . . . ?"

Yes? what baggage?

Uh. . . . Come on, wait!

[ If Edith Ludwig dies as a villain, the story will get back to the original, 3 minutes to go until death.]

As soon as she heard that sound, Fred's bright eyes turned to me with an evil smile. In his hand, there is a book called "The Countess's Pet Dog," one of the books I bought at the bookstore earlier. The cover picture showed a man lying flat on the floor wearing a dog leash and being stepped on by a woman wearing high heels.

"Hehe, hehehehe. . . . . I almost got fooled by you again, Edith. My Edith!"

Oh gosh damn it! Why did you put that book in!

"Oh, you're mistaken, Fred! all the other books aren't like that!"

"Did you hate me so much that you worked so hard to lie? Why? I can be your faithful pet dog. Why?"

He pulled out the dagger again.

"Because I'm ugly?" Right? I know what women are saying to me. It's impossible for me to become handsome. . . . . Then, i'll just have to make you ugly."

What kind of logic is that! But I thought it would be hard to argue it now. Because the tip of the sharp dagger was already facing my face.

"Fred, calm down."

"Don't worry, Edith. I'll be sure to follow you. I promise."

And Fred rushed towards me.

"Calm down!"

I lifted the chair that had been holding with my hand since a while ago and hit him with it. Then, Fred rolled the floor with a thud.

'Uh, is he dead?'

Maybe because i wasn't strong enough, he rose again with a surprised look on his face, holding onto his forearm that had been hit by the chair earlier. I accidentally hit him with a chair. It was the first time in my life, and it didn't go so well.

Unlike before, when he thought she was a weak woman and approached him defenselessly, but right now, it looks like he's facing an armed robber.

"My father has never hit me either. . . . ."

Oh, is that so? That why this crazy guy looks like this.

"Even if you die, I will serve you as my own queen forever, Edith. So. . . . .Please accept my love now."

He ran at me again, and I swung the chair again. But he pretended to draw the dagger and grabbed the chair legs, and pulled it roughly. I was almost got dragged along with the chair, but i quickly let it go and ran towards the large table. After that, a chase took place in that small room.

'And if i got caught here, i would really die then.'

While i was running from him, i searched the place to find anything i can use as a weapon, but there was no poker left in the building, that seemed have been abandoned for a long time.

Oh my gosh!

While I was looking around, Fred suddenly screamed and jumped onto the table and attacked me.


There was the sound of something breaking and breaking loudly somewhere, as I adjusted my vision. I fell to the floor, and Fred, with a knife, climbed on top of me and gave me an evil laugh.