If Edith was still an 'villain supporting character,' she wouldn't never be so lucky.

'Since when did those things get this big? damn!'

I should have noticed that when Edith managed to survive during the last yacht incident. It was an accident that happened in front of Killian's eyes, so I think Killian should have saved her, I didn't realize it was the kind of "fate" that was only given to the main character. No, I didn't want to admit that there was another heroine than Lizzy in this world.

'It's really dangerous now.'

It is no longer a time to be proud. Due to this failure, K's dominance over Killian converged to 0%, and the other characters fell to around 30%. If he gathered his strength, he could have killed Edith one more time, but the risk of failure was too great.

'The only thing I can count on now is the level 3 exception condition. I shouldn't let Edith fulfill that condition.'

The situation becomes difficult. I must do something, Edith couldn't fulfill the 3rd level of condition while continuing to make her Edith as a villain. But seeing Edith resist Fred and struggle to survive, I thought I could do it.

'Edith a human after all. I don't think a human could fulfill that condition.'

K managed to smile.


Slowly, my eyes lit up. But I didn't wake up.

'It's a dream.'

I was having a lucid dream. There was a dark colored door in front of me. Looking around, it looked like a noble mansion.

'Where is this place?'

I was thinking blankly, but someone was coming this way.

'Count of Riegelhoff. . . . ?'

It was Count Riegelhoff, who looked much younger than now. He came in front of me, took the key out of his pocket, opened the door I was looking at, and went in. I also followed him into the room in the meantime.

"Have you reflected enough?"

"Yes. . . . I'm sorry, Father. . . . "

Oh. . . . It was a scene I didn't want to see. Little Edith, who couldn't have been more than twelve or thirteen years old. was crying with swollen cheeks and blue bruises on her eyelids.

"Please forgive me. I won't do that again."

As soon as I saw Count Riegelhoff, I knelt on the floor and put my hands together like a praying while rubbing it together, asking for forgiveness. I was sure that no matter what girl at this age did wrong, he shouldn't have done anything like that. But this family only strict towards Edith, so they beat her hard with even though she only made a small mistake. Count Riegelhoff, who had been staring down at Edith soaked with tears for some time, slapped her again with an irritated voice.

"Edith. I wasn't asking you to sell yourself, I just asked you to do something cute. What's so shameful that you missed the opportunity!"

"Sorry. . . . I'm sorry."

"He said he liked younger women, so he deliberately created situations and opportunities. The opportunity you missed once, we will never get it again. Ah!"

"I'm sorry. . . . ."

"Tsk. It's useless."

I wondered what they wanted, but it turned out that they asked me to act cute in front of a pedophile. Edith, who was young and innocent, seemed to be frozen because she was ashamed and scared of that situation.

'That piece of trash! what have you done to your daughter!'

I couldn't believe it. Even though it's an era where women are treated as the property of the family. However, seeing Edith treated like this, they didn't treat their daughter like a human being at all! The scene in front of me changed while I was angry. Edith, who appeared to be in her late teens, was walking in the garden with a man who appeared to be in his late 20s. The man gaze kept looking Edith up and down.

"Shall we sit there and rest for a while?"

The man laughed insidiously, pointing to the bench under the wisteria. Edith gave him a bright smile and nodded to the escort knight who followed her ten steps away, but the man seemed very surprised that the escort knight was following them. Anyway, the two sat on a bench under the wisteria, and the escort knight stood guard from afar.

"Miss Edith, you look more mature than your ages. It's rare to see such a mature young woman at this age."

"I'm still immature."

"How could it be immature? aren't you old enough to be cute, right? hahaha!"

The man said, "You can be cute," and playfully patted Edith's butt. However, even after the words were over, he didn't put his hand off at her butt. Rather, he grabbed it more strongly and pulled Edith toward him.

"Ah, Count Valentine. There's many eyes will see."

Edith slowly pulled away and looked at her escort knight direction. The man licked his lips regretfully.

"Next time we meet, let's meet without an escort. It's frustrating because i get they attention all the time."

"If I do that, my father will scold me. He is very sensitive about my safety."

"Count Riegelhoff is overprotective of his daughter."

"Because I'm still young."

Edith smiled cutely, then slowly changed the topic, asking him the current situation of the Count Valentine family. Then, when she thought she had all the information she needed and left, saying she had to go back, Edith's escort knight put her in a carriage and returned to the count's house. However, in the carriage, Edith was shivering all over her body, wiping her bare skin that had touched by the with her handkerchief.

"It's disgusting . . . . Disgusting. . . . "

Her appearance was not normal at all. She sweated coldly, she couldn't stay still for a moment, and she wiped her body with a seizure. But the moment the carriage stopped and the door opened, Edith came out like an expressionless and elegant countess.

'Count Riegelhoff', this human being has completely ruined the child.'

It breaks my heart into pieces to see something that could only have happened in a novel. Strangely, really strangely, Edith's appearance kept reminding me of my previous life. The original Edith Riegelhoff had a lot of common with Choi Soo-na, who was trembling with all sorts of anxiety, fear, and self-loathing when she was alone, but appeared to be fine in front of others.

'It was Count Riegelhoff who ruined Edith, but who ruined Choi Soo-na?'

I felt like I was about to cry. And the scene changed again. This time, Edith, who grew up almost like the current one, was shaking her hands nervously.

'Huh? This is. . . . .It's my room, right?'

The place where she was sitting was the room I'm in now.

'Then, maybe this is Edith who already married Killian.'

It's understandably, she didn't look happy at all. Her cheeks were sunken, and the area under her eyes was dark. The empty-looking eyes were wandering in the air, and her lips were dry and cracked. Next to her, there's a letter from an unknown source. The four corners of the letter must have been bluntly worn after taking it out several times. I approached her and looked at the letter.

~ Look, Edith. Sooner or later, our family will declare war on the Ludwig family. Of course, we'll win, but just in case, the Duke of Ludwig also planned to attack as well. You just have to stay calm and put a simple device on the back door of the mansion on the day I give you a signal. You can easily understand the method by looking at the picture in the next chapter. It's not difficult, so you won't make a mistake, will you? The letter was from Shane and there's something black and small in her hand.

'That must be the simple device that Shane said in the letter.'

It's a device to insert into a hole on the door frame where the door lock entered. There's scenes that seemed to be Edith's memories quickly passed by in front of my eyes. Killian, who always looks at her with contempt eyes, Killian, who smiles affectionately only to Lizzy and Killian, who began to pretend he hadn't seen her at all when Count Riegelhoff declared a territorial war. . . . .A tear trickled down Edith's cheek.

"It's your fault. . . . . "

In a disquisating voice, Edith resented Killian. Then Edith, who had been sitting still there for a long time and while biting her lips, rose up from her seat like a ghost and came out of the room as the darkness fell. Edith, who was walking along the darkness, opened the back door of the mansion slightly, slipped something in on it, and closed it again. On the surface, the door seemed to be locked well. Then suddenly, the scene changed again. There was a jumble of banging, something breaking, screams, and yelling, and Shane, with a sword in his hand, was dragging out the rebellious Lizzy out.


At Shane words, the men in black-clad who broke into Duke ludwig's mansion quickly slipped out through the back door. Edith ran behind him in a hurry but suddenly turned around and looked at me. unlike before, when she didn't recognize me, but now Edith was looking straight at me.

"Edith! What are you doing!"

Then, he was surprised by Shane's shouting and turned around again, and disappeared. and just like that, the dream faded.

'This. . . . .it's something happened that night, but i didn't remember.'

That was what happened in the original. That is the reason why Killian got angry and cut Edith on the head.

'But it wasn't something Edith wanted to do.'

Edith eyes, who looked back at me at the end,it's was so clear. It's was clearly that her eyes asked for help. It was a desperate and sad pest.

'Don't worry, Edith. I won't do anything, and this time, I promise, i won't die.'

I sent consolation to poor Edith, who was overwhelmed by the power of oppression.