I'm fine now, but if I say so, it'll look like I'm revealing too much, right? It's kind of hard for a person who almost died to get sticky as soon as she wakes up. . . . Right? I suppressed my regret and nodded again. Killian seemed to notice my heart, so he bowed his head towards me and kissed me.

"You may not know now, but when you wake up, your whole body will probably ache. You should be careful for the time being because you bump your head while falling. I really want to do it, but. . . . ."

"Wh-wh, what do you mean. . . . ."

"It's because your face looked so sad."

Killian laughed mischievously again. If you're going to do this, don't provoke me. Sheesh.


"Argh! Nothing really works out!"

Layla jumped up, unable to overcome her anger. She threw everything she could get with her hands on, crushed the flowers she had arranged in the morning, and screamed at the maids. Whenever Layla went crazy, the maids had no choice but to search for Damian with a tearful. It wasn't fun for Damian, who was dragged every time, but if he let it go, the maids kept quitting, so he couldn't help it.

"Why again!"

As Damian shouted in an irritating voice, Layla, with disheveled hair unlike the a noblewoman, looked back at him.

"Edith, that bitch is something.....i think she using something like sorcery or whatever."

"What kind of novelty bullshit is this?"

"If not, how could she be so lucky?"

"So, can you tell me what's was happened first?"

Only then did Layla calm down her anger and flopped down on the couch. Meanwhile, the maids began to clean up Layla's room, which had become a mess.

"Edith Riegelhoff almost died, do you know that?"

"Do you mean that she Almost drowned?"

"Not that. Recently"

"No, I've never heard something like that?"

Layla gulped down the cold tea given by the maid and spoke again.

"The man who was crazy about her almost killed Edith."

Layla confided everything to Damian, who looked more confused. From receiving a letter from an unknown sender on the night of the founding festival convention a plan to "kill Edith" delivered by the servants of the Duke of Ludwig.

"She really almost died this time, but oh my. . . . Killian showed up again and saved her. Does that make sense?"

Damian frowned at Layla, who shook her head with a faint smile.

"So, after all, you don't know exactly who sent you the letter?"

"Is that important now?"

"Of course it matters, you idiot! What if it was a trap!"

Damian scolded Layla stingly. It's a good thing if it was really plan for kill Edith, but if it was a trap to test Layla, it would have been huge trouble. but Layla didn't listen her brother's advice.

"Well, you were right anyway. and i didn't do anything special. All I did was attend the Viscount de Sicily's tea party and say a few words next to the creepy man."

"What did they tell you to say?"

"Edith said she would stop by the on Le Bel Marie around noon two days later."

Damian looked back at the situation Layla explained and asked again.

"What happened to that Fred Sisily?"

"He committed suicide."

"Suicide? Is there any possibility that the person use you over there did that?"

"I thought that was the case at first, but this man was even crazier than I thought. He committed suicide, saying that if he did so, Edith would remember him forever."

"What. . . . !"

Damian shook his head at the absurd story.

"Anyway, are you sure that the people who came out to talk to you are from the duke?"

"Yes. It was a badge worn by the duke's servant and The knight's uniform was also from Duke Ludwig's."

"It could be fake."

"What if it's fake? In any case, the information they provided was solid and Edith almost died. I was annoyed that they were the only ones who knew my identity, but it was an offer I couldn't refuse."

Indeed, there's no way someone would go out on their own pretending to be a servant of Duke Ludwig's family for doing something like this.

"Then. . . . . surprisingly, the person who asked you to do the job might be someone of rank."


"Cliff isn't interested in that woman, and Killian doesn't seem to hate her enough to kill her right away. But it's a different story if it's Duke Ludwig work."

Layla's eyes began to sparkle when the heard the name Duke of Ludwig.

"Do you remember when father and I went there and talked about iron ore distribution rights?"


"Maybe Duke of Ludwig wants to get rid of Edith Riegelhoff because he don't need her anymore."


"It's an expectation, but isn't it quite reasonable? Who do you think, wants to get rid of Edith Riegelhoff at this situation?"

Count Riegelhoff, who openly showed his support for Archduke Langston at the founding festival held in the palace. The iron ore distribution rights are no longer useful, and there's no need to hold Edith Riegelhoff anymore.

"Yes my brother is right. There is no longer any need for Duke Ludwig to have Edith around."

"In fact, if Count Riegelhoff involved in treason's, it would be difficult for him to protect Edith himself. So I think this is a very good thing for you."

Layla was happy for a moment, but then stamped her foot again as if she was angry.

"It would have been so much better if Edith that bitch had died!"

"There is nothing to gained by remembering the past. Sooner or later, when we get the right to distribute the iron ore, we will have to report back to Duke Ludwig. Then let's go together and get the stamp."

"Good! Then I should take care of my skin until then, right?"

Damian chuckled as he looked at his younger sister, who was quickly in good mood. Since He was taking away everything that Count Rigelhoff has enjoyed, he also trying to take away Killian Ludwig's wife's seat.

'It would be better if Layla became Cliff's wife. . . . but there is a high probability that Lizzy will take the position. However, if we can manipulate Lizzy well, she will be able to bend her to his will, so i just need to wait for a right time before the Duke Ludwig becomes his family's best ally.'

Damian clenched his fists as he envisioned a future where the Sinclair family would enjoyed the greatest power among the count family.


I think I'm still to young to say something like, I'll live a long time and see things, but For the first time since I fell into this world, Lizzy and i has been reversed. Because of what happened on Le Bel Marie Street, they been investigating Lizzy. It's was something you can really look at and live with for a long time.

"What did Lizzy say?"

I was really curious about it. Pure curiosity and there's no intention of dislike or grudge against her. I wondered what kind of setting original author had installed toward Lizzy that made that good woman trying to kill me.

"Lizzy said she couldn't find you in the bookstore."

"No way. Although the bookstore was complicated, the bookstore itself was not very wide and I didn't move around. Also she can find bookstore owner and ask her."

"We already investigated the bookstore owner. She remembers you clearly too. She said you asked if she had seen the other lady who came with you while paying the book. . . . "

"That's right. Because i been searched for her around the bookstore but i couldn't find Lizzy there."

Killian nodded with a bitter smile.

"Lizzy said she went to the bookstore to look for something to read, but she felt it was a bit embarrassing and tried to leave. Also she said she was probably a bit nervous because she felt like she was committed a sin and didn't find for you properly."

"Wh-what? She felt embarrassed and guilt? It's nonsense! It was Lizzy who told me about the bookstore. . . . ."

"Perhaps she said that because she was in front of a Cliff. Cliff seemed to be offended by Lizzy even reading romance novel like that."

"I'm saying this because it's just us, but I think that's a little too much."

"I agree. Cliff is a crazy he no different with the guy who attacked you last time."

It's been a while since we agreed, but you're too harsh, Killian.

"My father blaming himself, and Lizzy keep crying, saying it's her fault, she even stopped eating and drinking. Cliff was hopping you. . . . to reassure my father and Lizzy."

"I almost died and he want me to go comfort them?"

"I told you because Cliff asked me much, but I don't want to force you to do something you don't like. If you don't want to, just let me know. I'll take care of it on my own."

It was a bit awkward. I was thinking that the Duke Ludwig or Lizzy was involved in this matter.

Then it would be like comforting someone who tried to killed me and i almost die because of that. . . .does that make sense?

'But if I refuse, there will be bad words spread about me again. I'm sure.'

Now that I'm somewhat used the system in this world, I can see the situation going roughly. This must be a trick the original author use to made my reputation down.

"Haa. . . . If I don't go, people will say I'm exaggerating, so what can I do? Now that the situation got here, I guess I should go and ask Lizzy in person as well."

Speaking of which, I immediately sent word to the Duke Ludwig and Lizzy that I will going there. It was a bit funny, because we lived in the same house and but i have to sent a word every time I visited. And 10 minutes later, I faced the Duke Ludwig with a sober expression.

"Are you feeling better now?"

"Yes, Your Excellency. Thank you for your concern. I'm very sorry that your deliberate efforts have come to this."

"I should have sent more effort knight, no matter what anyone said, but I was too complacent."

He looked really sorry, he didn't even look me in the eye.