"There's rumors that Archduke Langston always attending large and small banquets to raise public opinion."

Princess Catherine, stopped by Ludwig mansion to avoid the eyes of others, she said that as if she was bothered by it, while drank the tea given by the Duchess

"I have been avoiding attending banquets for fear of being called as a coward. I guess that was just an excuse for them to grab the pod."

The Duchess shook her head. Because of their sudden fame and power, Duke Ludwig was cautious for fear of causing trouble for the royal family. However, no matter how careful these parties are, with their good intentions, those who try to discredit them somehow twisted it to the bad side.

"I don't think we should be intimidated, mother. But. . . . I'm worry that those people who joined the anti-party faction got angry, because they are influenced by the current situation."

I said my opinion calmly. For those who don't know my inner intentions, it may seem ridiculous that Count Riegelhoff's daughter, would say such words.

"It's Unexpected, Miss Edith."

As expected, Princess Catherine said in a playful voice.

"Isn't it a good thing for Miss Edith to have more people join the anti-party?"

"Why do you think so, Your Highness?"

"Because that way Count Riegelhoff has a chance for surviving?"

Princess Catherine didn't mean anything to me. She just want to know my inner inside my head. Of course I already made up my mind a long time ago.

'Even if Count Riegelhoff wins, I will betray them.'

But in the eyes of others it's not like that. In any case, after this war end, everyone will know that I have completely cut ties with Riegelhoff family. H however, for those who will criticize me will stick to their own position.

'I'm sure the Ludwig family will win on this battle. If I feel a little sorry for the Riegelhoff family, she will consider me as a traitor, and if I'm happy because my family in law win, she will point out that I'm a poisoned bitch who abandoned my parents and brothers. It's obvious right?'

If you're going to be criticized, that's even better. I have to save my life! I want to see the humans who abused me fall!

"Your highness. People also doesn't has only one position. So, if the princess will also experience a conflict between your position as a princess and your position as someone's wife. What should you do?

"Well, I think I should do the most important first."

"So who will decides that it's important?"

"Um. . . . my father or. . . ."

She have been called a selfish princess, but at times like this, I realize that she still trapped in the confines of traditional education. I shook my head and answered.

"What if His Highness's life depends on it? can you still make the excuse that you were listening to someone else? In the end, it's your own choice."

"Oh. . . . Huh. . . ."

"That's my choice too. I'd rather have my parents-in-law protecting me so far than my parents who marrying me off to someone in the Ludwig family and starting a territorial war without consulting me. No matter what the outcome, I will accept the responsibility to my choice, and I will not regret even if someone criticizes me, with the choice I made."

It was an inevitable choice, but they don't know that. I just want you to consider of it.

"Miss Edith. . . . Unexpectedly you are strong."

"Is it unexpected?"

"I'm sorry, well, uh, right. in fact, the first time I saw you I thought you were completely influenced by Count Riegelhoff. Because most people say that you were raised entirely by Count Riegelhoff. But To me. . . .it felt like you been watching him the whole time."

I don't think the princess is kind of person who would do this. But I can't believe she saw right through it, when everyone was fooled.

"Because I was young and immature at the time."

And there was no place to go back except Riegelhoff family house. The original Edith wouldn't lived like that if she had a place to run to.

"Well, I don't blame you for what happened back then. Just. . . . . I'm saying this because you looks much better now. I'm speechy, so I apologize if I offended you."

"No. Thank you for being honest with me."

It would be good If everyone honest to me as Catherine did just now. Then, I wouldn't have to worry about it. Katrin, who nodded and smiled, turned back her gaze to the Duchess.

"Oh, by the way, his majesty told me delivered his words to you. He say, it should be fine, but I'm sending some imperial knight to Ludwig mansion just in case."

Oh, that's a very reliable suggestion! It the imperial troops protecting this area, that would be enough to stop Shane's attack, which happened in the original story. But the Duchess shook her head.

"No, it's alright, I can't bother his Majesty with this matter anymore. Please tell him not to worry to much because we have enough knight to protect this mansion."

I looked at the Duchess with expression of asked her questions'No, why?' Princess Catherine also frowned and tried to convince the duchess again.

"On the contrary, your refusal will only increase his concern. He did this, it's because he happen to punish the group of traitors, and it's natural for His Majesty the Emperor to take some responsibility."

That's right! But the Duchess shook her head again.

"In the battle of a territorial war, the imperial family must remain neutral."

"Of course, I won't send it by spreading rumors that they're from imperial knights and i will dressed them like a mercenary or something before i sent them. . . . ."

"If there's rumors leaked out, it's like giving the Archduke Langston another excuse."

The obvious reason for this territory war is a feud between two families, so if they found out the imperial family sending a knight to the Ludwig family, it would seem that the imperial family was taking one sides of the war between the families.

'But it became a problem when the territorial battle was prolonged. When it is revealed that Imperial Knights are guarding Ludwig's mansion, the entire group of rebels will be executed.'

Of course this is my opinion based on my knowledge of the original story. so the Duchess might want to be careful. In the end, Catherine can't do anything, so she just sighed and accepted the Duchess's opinion. Suddenly with a surprise look the Duchess took out her handkerchief from her pocket and put it around Lizzy's mouth.


"Haa, Lizzy! Are you alright?"

Lizzy had a nosebleed.

"Sorry. Why is this, all of a sudden. . . . "

Lizzy also stopped the bleeding with her puzzled expression. The white handkerchief the Duchess handed over turned red.

"It looks like Lizzy is very anxious because of the territory war."

As i said the words, the Duchess hurriedly called Lizzy's maid. It seemed that she got a nosebleed because of to much tension and worried. Because Lizzy not feeling well and back to her room escorted by her maid, the tea time ended earlier than expected.

As headed back after seeing Princess Catherine off, i asked the Duchess questions.

"But mother, wouldn't it be much safer if the imperial knights helped guard the mansion?"

"Ummm. . . . That's true."

"Then why did you refuse? Is it really because of the royal duty of neutrality?"

"I think there's a big reason. . . . "

The Duchess attitude was strangely unstable. But after a while, the duchess tilted her head and murmured.

"Why did I do that?"


Huh? What kind of reaction is this? The Duchess seemed to be a completely different person from 30 minutes ago and she was regretting her actions.

"No. What should we do if I've already refuse it. The mansion's defense power is not small, so you don't have to worry too much."

"T-That's right."

No, I already done some research. The Knight we has now it's not enough to fight against Shane's mercenary army.

'Is the strange behavior of the Duchess also due to the flow of the original story? if you think about it, in the original story there is no story about the imperial family sending its knights to protect Ludwig's mansion. That's why Shane's mercenaries attacked. . . . '

The original flow got weakened a lot because I met the second condition exception and I also beat the original author interference twice, it seems it hasn't completely disappeared yet.

'maybe because, this is the most important episode in the original story, where I die as a villain, so I think this episode goes like the original story instead of the usual story line.'

But I couldn't just watch it and let it happen.

'I must not give them any excuse to attack the mansion.'

I clenched my fists.


From that day on, I went around the mansion every evening to check if there was anything strange. There are a lot of escort knights and servants, but I can't shake my anxiety.

'Are they going to use sleeping scent again this time?'

The reason why Shane was able to attack this mansion with so many people in it was because, the back door of the mansion was unlocked, so he entered quietly and lit a sleep incense smoke all over the place of mansion to make the people inside the house fall asleep or become dazed. Of course, the role in the original was played by Sophia and the spy who had been planted in the mansion in advance.

'Since Sophia wasn't here, they probably won't use that method. But you'll never know. . . . '

I also didn't know who the spy was planted in this mansion. Maybe the author didn't set it up properly either. So I had to investigate this mansion while avoiding the eyes of the unknown spies.

'First of all, I have to check the back door every day.'

Even if the flow of the original can't use me as a spy. The author probably used the spies planted in this mansion to unlock the back door with the device. I was in my way checking the back door locks with Anna, and when we got near the back door, I told Anna to check the other side. She might doubt me and ask me how I expected this to happen if some strange device popped out there, i will be in trouble. But i ran into someone that I didn't want to meet the most.

"Uh. . . . ? What are you doing here?"

Lizzy was standing holding the doorknob of the back door. And Lizzy, who felt my presence, turned around in surprise.