"I will head back to capital. If you send Killian there, he might be swayed by a little bit of affection."

"Well, Killian is soft hearted. Even if she were his enemy's daughter, he would pity her."

The Duke nodded and accepted Cliff's request.

"The territorial war will end soon anyway. This will be their final act, so don't let your guard down. Because a cornered rat will bite the cat."

"I got it. Don't say this to Killian."

"Alright. I will tell him I sent you because I'm afraid that something trouble might happen in the imperial palace. Leave quietly tonight."

"Yes. I'll see you later in the capital."

After Cliff ends his secret talks with Duke Ludwig, Cliff leads a unit and quietly heads back to the capital that night. 


The news about the battle of territorial war was different from each newspaper, so it was difficult to know the exact situation, but it seemed certain that the Duke of Ludwig had an advantage. However, this situation doesn't mean that public opinion in the social world only focused to support the emperor. Because there were some instigators on Archduke Langston's side as well.

"I didn't want this to be the reason for my first party after a while."

The Duchess sighed softly as she made her way to the Count Windham mansion, the venue for today's party. As Princesss Catherine said, people felt more fimilar about Count Riegelhoff or Archduke Langston, who appears at every party than Duke Ludwig, who rarely appears in social circles. Because of that, the people who supported equality started to waver, so the Duchess, me, and Lizzy decided to attend the party. 

"Count Sinclair also be there today. So don't let Lizzy leave your side."

"Yes, Mother."

Lizzy looked so nervous, but she pretended to be clam.

"Edith. . . . Are you sure you don't mind?"

Even before I got out of the house, the duchess kept asking if she would be alright. 

"Both sides will attack you."

It wasn't that I didn't know. 

"The more I hiding, the more people will turn me over. Since I'm the daughter of Riegelhoff family and daughter in law of Ludwig family, I'll have to face it sooner or later."

I had to say what I've been saying since yesterday. The Duchess keeps asking even though she would hear the same answer, i know she's probably anxious, too. To be honest, I don't want to go either. Would you enjoy being in front of people who are trying to bite me and tell me I'm crazy?

'But it's time for Shane to show up.'

I didn't want to face Shane when I was alone in the mansion. If that's the case, I'm sure I'll be suspected of opening the door of the mansion.

'I feel like I'm going into a fox cave to avoid the tigers.'

I barely suppressed my sigh and gathered my strength. I'm not usually the type of person to let someone argue with me, but today, I was hoping to come up with a more plausible response. When we arrived at Count Wyndham's residence, the hall was full of people. It seemed like everyone came out when they heard that Duchess Ludwig was attending. 

"It's an honor to meet you. Duchess Ludwig."

The unhappiness atmosphere in the social world is not a disaster for all members of society. The emperor and his majesty uncle were fighting for power, and there's war going on somewhere in the empire. However, Count Wyndham, who was chosen for a party by Duchess Ludwig, looked very happy.

"Thank you, Countess Wyndham, for giving me such a sudden notice of invitation."

The Duchess thanked her with dignity and elegance without any arrogance. When the Duchess appears, the Count's mansion hall atmosphere becomes quite chaotic. It was as if the families who hadn't yet joined either side were watching. However, some of the families who already set thier camp, fixed they gaze towards me. It seems that I, who was following behind, stood out more than the duchess 

"Oh my, the duchess bringing Edith Riegelhoff attended together. . . . !"

"What does that mean? Did you say they are going to take Count Riegelhoff to the end?"

"No way. They already completely became enemies. . . . "

I forget that in the romance novel world, they will gossip about you in public so the person who they talked about would hear it. I couldn't help it but I still smiled calmly when I thought this evening was going to be a complete mess. However, Duchess Ludwig didn't care about the noise, unlike what she had worried about when she came here. Rather, she stood proudly with Lizzy and me on both sides and became the focal point around which supporters gathered.

"You must be worried about your husband and sons."

"They didn't even go out to fight a big war. I think it will be an opportunity for the child to learn about real combat."

As if they had sent their sons on a field trip somewhere, the nobles around them clicked their tongues. When the duchess answered with calm expression. And with the duchess's boldness, the forces that followed the Duke Ludwig seemed quite relieved.

'It's about time someone grabbed the bite. . . . '

I enjoyed such a peaceful banquet that I couldn't help but think like that. And someone pretended to know me, as if they were waiting for me to think this. 

"Oh, it's been a long time, Miss Edith."

According to Edith's memory, she was a daughter of a viscount family who was close with Count Riegelfoll famliy.

"Ah. . . long time no see, Miss Clara."

"Why haven't you been coming to the party all these years? you rejected all the invitations and lived with them?"

It was like a joke question, but there is something meaning to it. 

"No way. When I got married to the Duke Ludwig family, I realized that I was lacking a lot of things. So I couldn't afford to be busy learning this and that."

"I see. Anyway, it's so nice to meet you. Anyway we haven't met after a long time. So would you like to greet your old friends? Everyone is waiting for Miss Edith over there."

Where she pointed her hand, young men from the family on the side of Archduke Langston were gathering and laughing this way.

'He smile face, it's creepy.'

Unlike he smiling mouths, his eyes full of hostility. Beside, even though they were old friends, they were a group of people who had banded together out of necessity, and no matter how much I searched through memory, she have a litter knowledge about them. 

"Thank you for saying greeting me first, Miss Clara."

"You're welcome. Now can we go that way. . . ."

"As you know, this is my mother in law, Duchess Ludwig."

I immediately greeted the Duchess with Clara without giving her a chance to drag me away. 

"Ah. Ye-yes It's an honor to meet you. Ma'am."

"Is this Edith's friend?"

"Yes. She's a friend I hung out with often when i was a virgin. Ah! Come to think of it, you lived nearby with Viscount Boris, right? Come this way. I'll introduce you to Viscount Boris, too."

"Oh, no, I am. . . ."

Without listening to Clara's who is refusing, I dragged her forward in front of Viscountess's Boris. Viscountess Boris was an ardent follower of the Duchess, and as soon as I brought Clara with me, she gave Clara a fierce look.

"Well, who is this."

"Good evening, Viscountess Boris. This is my old friend Clara, Viscountess Sheldon. Since you lived near Viscount Sheldon, you may already be close."

Clara's complexion, who was trying to lure me to the Archduke Langston follower Party, had already turned pale. Viscountess Boris, who noticed my intention, looked at me once with an expression that she knew my intentions and then grinned at Clara.

"Of course, of course. We are neighbors. Right, Miss Clara?"

"T-that. . . .right. . . ."

I smiled brightly at Clara and then spoke to Viscountess Boris.

"Viscountess Boris, I don't have much time because I have to take care of my mother. How about Miss Boris to introduce Miss Clara to the other wives?"

"Well, I'm fine!"

Clare protested, but Miss Boris and i pretended I hadn't heard it. 

"Oh, is that so? Then Miss Clara. Please follow me. Let me introduce you to 'real decent and cultured wives."

"This kind of opportunity is rare, Miss Clara. Thank you, Miss Boris. Don't forget."

I lightly avoided Clara's hand trying to hold me, then waved to her and went back to the Duchess's side. Clara glanced at the group where she was going to take me, and she was confused as if she was quite embarrassed.

'Did they think I'd be dragged away easily?'

Maybe they were trying to trouble the Duchess or advertise Edith, the daughter in law of the Duke Ludwig, who was on the side of Archduke Langston, but it was too shallow When the child failed, the older nobles began to step forward.

"Oh dear, Edith, it must have been very difficult, right? I can't believe you been living like this for a year. . . . "

A gentleman with warm impressions, approach me with sad expressions and hold my hand tightly. According to Edith's old memory, he was a viscount who was close to Count Riegelhoff, and he was a man who had been so desperate for a long time because he couldn't able to touch Edith.

"Thank you for your concern, but you shouldn't hold my hand like this because I'm already someone else's wife. Viscount Bartlett."

She said it with a smile as if it was a joke, but she immediately let go of her hand that was tightly held by the old bastard. He seemed surprised for a moment but soon said as if he knew nothing.

"Oh my, you seem to be paying attention to Madame Ludwig. By the way, how many years have I known you? I am sure you know that I regard you as my daughter."

At the same time, he's tried to sneak up on me again and grab my hand. He even tried to put his hands on my waist.