'So. . . .did they just leave me trapped there and let me die alone?'

A hollow laugh came out of my mouth. No matter how much I thought about it, it didn't make sense. If they thought i was in cahoots with Riegelhoff family and betrayed Ludwig family, They should dragged me out of there and beheaded me along with the rest of Riegelhoff's family member, if not they should at least rescued me from there.

"I don't even involved in this incident, but they didn't even want to save me. . . . ?'

That's all i could think now, he must be saw me being tied up like a prisoner and assaulted there. And he just leave me there and claimed that he didn't found me. So that way, Ludwig's family won't be responsible for my death.

'Killian. . . . Is this something you agree too?'

In the original story, Cliff's rescue mission was something Duke Ludwig and Killian knew about. Because it was something that Cliff carefully planned and decided to go on his own.

'In that case, Killian must be aware of this mission, and I'm sure of his attitude. . . . '

While i was thinking about the original story, I stood there for a while, looking up blankly at the sky which is covered with half light gray clouds.

'It's winter again. If i think about it again, it was around times like this she got married with Killian. . . . . And Edith appearances only lasted for 1 years in the original.'

I think there were a lot of things happened during that year, but when I try to think about it again, the only thing that comes to mind is Killian's face.

". . . . the person who used your billboard best is Killian Ludwig."

Sophia's words made my mind confused. The reason why Killian treated her so kindly it's because he wants to show it to the people around him. . . . She also said they already finished the background investigation.

'So, he treats me so nicely even though there's no one looking because he wanted to deceive me completely?'

I didn't want to believe it, but my negative imagination kept popping up in my head. If Killian had really accepted me as his wife, there's no way Cliff wouldn't ever abandoned me alone here, no matter how much he hated her. He's not the kind of older brother who will ignore his younger brother's wishes. However, the meaning of being abandoned like this it's was so clear.

'That's right. . . . He don't need me anymore, wasn't it?'

I suddenly felt defeated when I remembered myself trying so hard to win Killian heart. However, Humans are creatures that will feel hungry and cold even though they were in despair and hopelessness.

"Oh, it's so cold."

My body was shaking with pain here and there and I wondered what to do.

'Let's think positive and stay positive. After all you still alive, right?'

My 'Plan B' of being nice to the extras ended up saving my life. If is weren't for the mercenaries who loosened the rope, I would have starved to death or frozen to death while trapped in that dark basement warehouse.

'Now I can use the money I saved in the bank.'

So, now I had to withdraw the money before the Ludwigs family blocked the withdrawal from my safe. I opened my safe with an assumed name, but I'm sure Duke Ludwig could figure it out easily later.

"However if you lucky enough to survive, unties the rope and manage to escape from here, you must run towards the north side, because this place named wellesley was located in the south of capital city."

I remembered what the mercenary told me. I look at the sun which obscured by hazy clouds and on my own hazy shadow, roughly determined the way to the north, and I began to walk recklessly. I knew going from here to the center of the capital was an uncertain thing with my current state, so I firmly decided to focus my attention on that alone.

* * *

The result of the territorial war between Duke Ludwig and Count Riegelhoff came sooner than the people's expected. It was a great victory for the Duke Ludwig. Even those who considered the victory still on the side of Duke Ludwig, didn't expect it would end so soon.

"Archduke Langston and Count Riegelhoff, they so arrogant against Duke Ludwick and His Majesty the Emperor."

"They're so foolish to attack their enemies without understanding them properly. . . ."

"Don't say you don't know about it. It's not because Archduke Langston and Count Riegelhoff were so weak, but Duke Ludwig and His majesty the Emperor have completely hidden their strength."

The forces that supported Archduke Langston in the social world have disappeared, and changed their words as if they had supported the emperor and Duke Ludwig from the beginning. That's because all the families who supported Archduke Langston were in danger of destruction.

"Attempting to kill His Majesty the Emperor. . . .it's treason, isn't it?"

"I feel bad for Archduke Langston either. I heard it was done by his son."

"Look, be careful what you say. No matter what his son did, wouldn't the Archduke have known that?"

Once the assassination attempt failed, the imperial family arrested Archduke Langston and the five families who supported him as if they had been waiting for the right times. Those who escaped were wanted, but the head of family and their heirs were all captured, so their extermination was almost certain. In particular, Duke Ludwig was unusually allowed to dispose of Riegelhoff family by their own terms. Since he had provoked him first by starting the territory war and even kidnapping the duke Ludwig family member.

While Cliff captures all the Riegelhoff's men and prepares to execute them in the prison outside the duke's residence. Duke Ludwig and Killian returned to the capital with great victory.

"Well done, father, you did a great job, Killian."

Cliff, who was waiting at the mansion, greets his father and his younger brother.

As soon as the Duke Ludwig got off on his horse, he walked over without saying a single words and embraced the Duchess, who was standing behind Cliff, supported by a maid.

"I'm sorry for troubling you, Jocelyn."

"I'm fine. Don't worry, honey."

Killian, who was happily watching the warm reunion between his father and mother, got off his horse and looked around. It seemed like everyone in the Ludwig family had come gathered, but no matter how much he looked around, the face he really wanted to see, was not there.

"Brother, where is Edith?"

Killian asked as he continued looking around again to find Edith's reddish brown hair. But there's no answer from Cliff.

"Brother. . . . ?"

"Killian. That woman helped kidnap out mother and Lizzy."

"What. . . . ?"

When Killian asked again, Duke Ludwig turned his head.

"Are you sure? Please explain in detail, Cliff."

"It looks like they were planning on attacking the mansion from the beginning. We heard that woman looked suspicious while walking around the mansion."

The Duke also knew this, but Killian had never heard about this before. His brow was furrowed.

"What do you mean suspicious? What did she do?

"They say she goes around the mansion every night to check the back door lock, but i think she's trying to do something at the back door of the mansion. There's maid who witnessed her opening the door and fiddle with the lock."

"It's just a guess, right? Or, do you have any evidence?"

"It's not just that! They say she been wandering every corner of the mansion that doesn't have a door to check. It includes every nook and cranny of the mansion."

Cliff said proudly as if it was great evidence, but Killian snorted.

"You can't doubt something like that, can you?"


"And who saw Edith looing every corner like that?"

"It's was Lizzy who saw it."

"So, are you saying that Lizzy also wandered around every corner like Edith? But you don't doubt Lizzy. Right?"

Not only Cliff, but even Lizzy looked surprised.

"Lizzy like our family."

"Edith is part of our family too! It's been almost a year we've been married, how long are you treating her like a stranger?"

Now Killian could understand to some extent the injustice and disappointment Edith felt while living in this house. Just because she's a daughter of Riegelhoff family, every action she do would be assumed as a part of conspiracy. But this time, Cliff also stubborn.

"When we went to rescue them, Edith was not there. I thinks there took her somewhere in middle, however, when i asked them, they didn't give me a right answer. where they took her."

At that time, Lizzy also opened her mouth carefully.

"When I woke up there, it was just me and the Duchess and those people there. I haven't seen Edith since I was taken away, Killian."

"The maid also said that they took Edith somewhere."

Killian's eyes flashed at Cliff's explanation.

"The maid of the house? By any chance, are you talking about the maid named Sophia?"

"That right, it's Edith maid."

Killian felt something was wrong there.

"Tell me in detail what the maid said."

"She said 'are you saying that a place like this suits our young lady?'."

"Is that all?"

"Alright. Do you want me to say anything else?"

What Cliff meant was, "Do I need to say anything else to prove that Edith is spy for them?" It would have been, but Killian sensed something wasn't right.

'Sophia, that maid tried to save Edith? She was glaring at Edith as if she were going to eat her, wasn't she?"

A maid named Sophia hates Edith. I still vividly remember Edith's back covered with full bruises because Sophia hit her hard several times. Even if Edith decided to become loyal to her family again, Sophia didn't seem loyal enough to let Edith escape alone.

"It's ridiculous. . . . "

"Killian. I understand that it's hard to believe it. But this matters it not something can be forgiven just because of sympathy or affection."

Then the Duke Ludwig, who was listening to Cliff's words, stepped out.

"So, did are you already released some of knight to find it?"

"Yes, but I couldn't release the knight all once because we still need some of them remind here to guard the mansion, but I'm thinking of increasing the quest force now that all the Knights are back."

Cliff and Duke seem to believe that Edith must have helped Shane, but Killian can't think that way. Even if Edith had really betrayed Duke Ludwig. No, he wanted to hear it from her directly. Then Killian said with cold chilly expression on his face.