"I'm so tired. To claim my innocence, yet I am insulted as a liar. . . . "

"But now you want to live again?"

I'm not sure if she was unhappy because I wanted to die just now or she was disappointed because I wanted to live. Something was strange about her, but I answered faithfully her each questions. Because i want her to give me the hot pot right away.

"Because Killian believed in me."

"Killian. . . . That right, Killian was the problem, always. . . . "

"Lizzy . . . . ?"

Just now her attitude was so weird. It's a rather harsh tone and it's obvious that Lizzy doesn't behave like her character, so it gives me goosebumps.

"But what can i do? You will still be branded as a liar and suspected as a criminal."

"Liz. . . . !"

"So, just think about dying. You must die here today."

What she mean by that? Why Lizzy behave so strangely? No, why she suddenly taking the dagger out of her arms and making a fuss!

"Lizzy, what-what's are you doing?"

As I backed away from the prison bars. Lizzy cut her arm with a dagger and screamed loudly.


Then she threw the dagger she was holding into the prison where I was.

'She said she want to gave me a hot pot, but why are you giving me that?'

I'm was in dazed because the situation doesn't feel real at all. So, I just looking at it.

'Am i still sleeping right now? Or Is this a lucid dream?'

Instead, that's a more reasonable guess. The good and fair Lizzy Sinclair tried to accuse me outright. Like turning the world of

"Come to your senses, Edith! Why are you doing this to me!"

"Oh, no, there. . . . "

As I stuttering, not knowing what to say, Cliff, Killian, and several knights entered as if they had been waiting for this to happen.

"What's going on, Lizzy!"

Cliff asked, quickly wrapping his arms around Lizzy like a the way main male leads had to do. Then Later, he found Lizzy's clothes cut by a sharp object with her arm injured and bleeding. At that moment, I thought Cliff's eyes were bursting with anger.

"Edith-Edith suddenly tried to stab me. I was just trying to give her a hot pot to warm her up because it's so cold, but."

Lizzy's eyes were filled with tears, she looked like she was in a lot of pain. I was almost mesmerized by her incredible acting skills.

"I. . . . I didn't. I didn't do that. . . ."

Why am I stuttering like this. At that time, Killian, who was watching this scene from the side, took the key from the knight who was holding the prison key, opened the prison door and went inside, then he approached me. This is my husband, Killian that I've missed so much. I was worried that he disappointed at me and the kindness that he has on me would disappear. If I had known it would be like this, I would have just died earlier. . . .

Killian who went inside the prison, picked up the dagger lying on the floor. He didn't evenlooking at me. He turned the dagger over and had the knight guarding the prison touch the dagger for a moment, before handing it to Cliff. Cliff accepted the dagger and looked at me and gnashed his teeth.

'I know for sure that he want to stab me with that right away.'

As I was staring blankly with my mouth half-open, Killian came closer at me and took my hand.

"Killian. . . . ?"

"It's cold."

Of course. Didn't you see when you came down here? Not only my hands but my whole body was cold like ice. I was thinking like that, but I just shrugged my shoulders. What else can I do?

"Brother. How about the dagger? Isn't it too warm right?"


"When i held it earlier,both the blade and handle were warm. More than the human body temperature."

"By the way. . . . "

"Edith's hands are as cold as ice. If such a cold hand was holding the dagger just now, how could the dagger's be so warm?"

And before Cliff could even refute the words, Killian's slipped his hand inside my coat.

"Kill-Killian! What are you doing!"

I was so surprised that I screamed, but because I was so weak, my voice didn't come out loud.

"Even the clothes Edith wearing doesn't keep her warm at all, so her body. . . . it's so cold. In conclusion, that dagger is not her."

Then Killian gaze turned to Lizzy.

"However, if it's Lizzy who holding the hot pot and touching the dagger with her hand, wouldn't the dagger be very warm? do you understand what I mean right?"


This time, Lizzy shouted Killian's name like a scream. But no one responded to Lizzy. Cliff also froze in surprise. He couldn't believe what he just heard.

"Edith, tell me what happened?"

Killian gave me a chance to defend myself. She was so moved that she couldn't even breathe, but she took a deep breath and told him the truth.

"Lizzy. . . .said she came here to deliver the hot pot for me to warm my body. . . . She also asked me why I wanted to die earlier, and then suddenly she said i have to die here today. . . . She took out the dagger from her pocket, cut her own arm, and threw it over the iron bars where i was. Then she screamed loudly. . . . .after that you and Cliff came right away."

"It's a lie!"

Lizzy yelled again. Then Killian asked Lizzy with a dry gaze.

"Then can you explain what happened, Lizzy?"

"I came to gave Edith the hot pot, and Edith took out her dagger and she attacked me. . . . !"

"Then can you tell me why the dagger so warm? I know because I touched it earlier, even someone else touched it they could tell the dagger was so warm."

"That, that is. . . . "

"And there's another important mistake you made, Lizzy."

Killian fully concludes that Lizzy is the culprit. That was a bit unexpected, but after seeing Killian's actions after receiving the dagger from Cliff again, I realized that the moment he came down here, he already knew Lizzy was culprit.

"Look at this, Lizzy. Even if it's was me, I can't draw my arm that deep."

As Killian reached his hand through the bar and waved, Cliff and the knight standing next to him said 'Ah!', it's looked like they just realized it. This prison has a several rows of bars about the height of the line where Lizzy and me stand through the gap of the grid. It was difficult for my arm to slipped through it because i wearing a winter coat and winter fur cardigan. Also It was impossible for me to stretch my hand out, if i was holding some dagger, so not only Lizzy was able to push her back through the gab. Even if i pulled my hand out quickly, only the strength of my wrist was able to move the dagger. With that kind of strength, it was only able to tear off a few layers of her winter clothes and only left a light scar on her exposed skin right? That really makes no sense if you think about it logically.

'It was a very huge mistake she did. She cut her arm so deeply to make it bleed.'

I admired Killian for seeing the truth that I didn't even think about it. Lizzy, who was caught by her own mistake, pursed her lips unable to speak anymore, and Cliff was so embarrassed. Killian asked again with a chilly face.

"Lizzy, why are you trying so hard to frame Edith as a culprit?"

But Lizzy just shedding tears and keep insisting.

"Why you didn't believe me? It's was Edith who trying to kill me?"

"If you think it's unfair, try to explain what happened in a way that makes sense, Lizzy. At least Edith, whenever something happened in the mansion, she tried her best to prove that it wasn't her fault! can you do the same?"

At those words, it felt like my heart was pounding, not Lizzy.

'That's. . . . You remembered everything, Killian.'

I was so happy and grateful that my body was trembled. But Killian fiercely Lizzy hard as if he was angrier than me.

"Edith has endured this injustice all this time! While all this stupid Ludwig family, including me, protected you like a glass that would break at any moment. Edith, has been endured it alone all this time, she couldn't even ask for help when she was in pain!"

"Killian, Lizzy is scared. Be quiet. . . . !"

"You too, brother!"

Killian's arrow soon turned toward Cliff.

"You didn't even searched for her around the Wellesley villa properly, and accuse Edith cooperating with Shane! If Edith hadn't been able to untie herself and escape there, she would have frozen to death there or been left in limb!"

"That's. . . . It's my fault."

"What was so urgent that you didn't even have time to search the basement? It's must be because of Lizzy, isn't?"

Although Killian responded with sarcasm, Cliff was unable to respond. Because it's was true.

"Brother, you know what? When it comes to Lizzy, you become an idiot person. You don't care about anything else as if it doesn't matter. However, if the price for your stupidity is the death of my woman. . . . you must be prepared to make me your enemy. Or di you think I'm that easy?"

Killian clenched his fists so hard that his bones turned white and trembled. Killian's words made me feel relieved, but I had to stop him. They say you have to be careful not to raise your blood pressure as the winter gets colder.

"Killian. . . . Please stop now."

As I carefully held his hand, his watery gaze turned to me. When his gray eyes, which were like a cloudy winter sky looked at me, his eyes were filled with mixed emotions, but I noticed that he felt the greatest feeling of self blame.

"Edith. . . . What i can do for you? Don't stop me, but rather be evil. Please, do me a favor."

It was something I was grateful for. But everything I wanted in this place has been done. I have been proven my innocent. That was also due to Killian help, who was worried that he might lose his mind because of me. The knights were also witnesses this scene, so Lizzy and Cliff wouldn't be able to distort this incident. And I also found out who the main character drove me as a villain. It's Kind of funny because she's the main character.