"Miss Edith didn't help the Riegelhoff family in their dirty crimes. I saw it clearly with my own eyes. In fact, it's was Miss Edith who has been assaulted the most by them."

Duke Ludwig, who had already heard Killian's testimony and sensed his misunderstanding, he wanted to hear more about Linan story, who had run ahead before the knight on the day of the kidnapping.

"Tell me the whole story."

"That day, I heard the news that there was an assassination attempt on His Majesty the Emperor in the Imperial Palace, and because of that, all the parties in the capital have been suspended. For some reason, I didn't feel good, so I told Sir Gordon that it would be better to go to pick up the Duchess. I was in a hurry, so I left first."

It was the same thing he heard from Gordon, the commander of the knights who was guarding the mansion at that time.

"From afar, I could see three women in dresses being dragged away by . Two of the women had passed out and were being loaded into the carriage, but one of them struggled with all her might against the kidnapper who had captured her to the end. The woman who succeeded knocked down the kidnapper who was dragging her, she didn't runaway, but with her remaining strength she clung to the Duchsess and trying so hard to pull the duchess down from the carriage, who was being dragged up in the carriage."

Linan recalled the moment with a gloomy look on his face. The moment when he felt so helpless.

"Our knight is approaching quickly, so if she holds out a little longer, the kidnapping won't be that easy. But one of the armed men got out of the carriage and beat her mercilessly. The woman who fell has a reddish brown hair, and the person who hit her must be. . . . Shane Riegelhoff."

"Are you sure?"

"I swear on my honor duke."

A confusion expression appeared on the duke's face. If that was true, he should have treated Edith like a savior instead of a criminal. And Killian, who's listening next to him, the most important question for him was where and how Edith was hurt.

"Do you remember where and how Shane hit Edith?"

"He punched her face with his fist and kicked her stomach with his foot. . . . "

"How could he hit a weak woman like that? Not to mention, she's his younger sister."

Not only Killian, but also the Duke was surprised and asked.

"I was so surprised that I ran so hard as I could to there, but the number of mercenaries was more than I expected, so I was quickly surrounded. While I was fighting with them, Shane dragged Edith into the carriage and ran away immediately."

"Damn it. . . ."

Killian gnashed his teeth. I can't even imagine how miserable Edith was at that time and how hurt she was.

"Why did they treat her so harshly? No matter what, she's still a member of his family. . . . ."

"I think that's why Miss Edith turned her back on the Rigelhof family completely. The young miss is very excited. She also can't wait to go down to the Ryzen territory and has a dream to develop it. There is no way such a person would betray the Ludwig family."

"She really means that. . . . "

The duke regrets it later, and Killian seems to be heartbroken. I wonder how long Edith has been looking forward to that day. She even had plans to develop the territory by herself. I felt so stupid that I didn't even think about those things. I only thought about what would happen if she went down there and whined about the cold.

"So, did you run here as soon as you woke up because you were afraid Edith would be executed?"

When Killian asked with a faint smile, Linan nodded with a blunt yet slightly embarrassed expression.

"You think I will let my wife die? But thank you, Linan. Thanks to you, my father seems to have started to believe in me."

At that time, a hysterical laugh was heard in the middle of the execution ground. At the eerie sound, everyone's eyes turned to Sophia.

"Everyone seems to care so much about Miss Edith. She's such a noble daughter in law that she's willing to betray her own family and be loyal to her family in laws. . . . . I was very moved to hear that."

During Shane's execution, Sophia cried out in pain, seeing Shane scream and die. So her appearance now it looked like she's half insane. With a burning look in her eyes as if she wanted revenge. She talks and reveals Edith's secret.

"But you know what? The woman that Duke Ludwig took as his son's wife is actually not Count Riegelhoff's biological daughter. They just took her in. She's the illegitimate child of his younger sister whose seed is unknown, Hahaha!"

Everyone in that room took a breath and looked at Killian and the duke's eyes. But Killian wasn't surprised by that fact. Rather, he was relieved because the puzzle that had been playing in his head all this time was finally answered.

"So that the reason you abused Edith?"

"If a dog doesn't know how to thank her owner who took her in even though she deserved to be abandoned and giving her what she need, so she should be beaten to make her come to her senses."

"What. . . . ?"

"Yes! Edith is Count Riegelhoff's dog. He let that bitch out with hot appearance and used her as a bait, in that way, all the male with valuable information will flock to her."

Everyone was shocked by Sophia's attitude comparing her master as a dog. No, More precisely, Sophia never considered Edith as her master from the beginning.

"She was quite useful before she got married, but since she got married, she no longer knows who her master is and repeats stupid things, doesn't she? If that bitch hadn't betrayed her family, we wouldn't be here and on death row like this."

Sophia scoffed sarcastically, but Killian spoke the truth in a cold voice.

"So, this means the most important person in the Riegelhoff family is Edith. If I had known that this family would fall so easily without Edith, I should have hastened the marriage at that times."

Then he went down to the execution site ground, took the axe from the executioner's hand, and ordered Sophia's hands to be tied to the frame.

"This dog of Riegelhoff, who was harassing my wife, should be slaughtered by myself. First of all, the two hands that dared to hit my wife."

Her two hands were tied on the frame fell on the floor as the axe blade fell with a "thud" sound.


"It's noisy. My wife proudly raises her chin in front of me even though she's been badly beaten by you. If you want to be arrogant, why don't you learn that from Edith?"

Killian grinned while mocking her like that.

"Well, you're too stupid to learn that from Edith. . . . Also It's alread too late."

Then he swung the sharp axe up and cut off Sophia neck who was crying in pain at once.

"If Edith is a dog, then you're just a little bastard who lived your life thanks to that dog."

Killian uttered his last words as if spitting insultingly at Sophia's stiff body, handed the axe back to the executioner on duty, returned to his seat, and spoke to the Duke.

"I will take Edith to the mansion now and call the congressman. Even if you want to interrogate Edith, treatment comes first."

The duke was speechless and he just nodded. At the same time the knight who standing next to him whispered.

"Miss Lizzy just went down there with a hot pot on her hand."

The knight's expression seemed to tell him not to worry, as if he thought Lizzy was truly amazing. But Killian strangely had an anxious feeling at the time.

The same anxiety he felt when he heard Edith was going out with Lizzy.

"Just now?"

"Yes. I saw her going down earlier. . . ."

As soon as he heard the words, Killian headed toward the prison right away. But Cliff caught Killian and said.

"They executions not yet over, since Lizzy went down there to deliver the hot pot, Don't worry and just stay where you are."

"No, because it's was Lizzy who went there, I felt uneasy."


After Killian said those words he headed toward the prison, Cliff frowned and followed Killian. When they were just about to step down on the stairs leading to the prison, Lizzy's scream was heard down there. Killian and Cliff ran down the prison stairs without thinking about who would get there first.

* * *

"After that, I think you remember the scene too. Lizzy tried to frame you."

After Listening Killian's story, I nodded a little.

"I don't think I'll never forget Lizzy's expression at that time. She looks very different from the Lizzy I used to know. Or maybe I've been mistaken about Lizzy personality from the beginning. . . ."

Killian seemed to put more weight on the side that he had mistaken about Lizzy personality.

"What about Lizzy?"

"She locked herself in her room. She doesn't even remember what she did to you. The congressman said she may have been psychologically shocked by the horrible atmosphere at the execution site. so maybe because of that she has shown violent behavior without realizing it. . . ."


"It's funny isn't? I know, you know, and Cliff and Dad probably know too. But I'm sure they will definitely bury that matter."

Killian, who was grinned, came closer to me and asked in low voice.

"But that's what they thinking. Be honest to me, what do you want me to do? Don't worry about other people's opinions, just speak."

"Why? Will you make it happen if I want it?"


"Even if i asked you to kill Lizzy?"


. . . . What happened to him during this period that he suddenly change like this? Look, Lizzy is the woman you crush on before. Killian just smiled bitterly, seeing my absurd expression on my face.

"I know you probably think I'm shameless. Maybe it's a bit embarrassing that I want to be your real husband now. But. . . . I'm really sincere saying this to you. From now on, I want to be a husband you can trust."

Killian grabbed my hand a little harder.

"I don't know why only now can I see everything about you clearly. I'm really regret it, for not understanding the pain you been through all this times. I am really sorry. Edith."

"Why are you acting strange all of a sudden? That's not like you."

He looked so serious and in trouble that I asked him half-jokingly. He didn't laugh.

"I know, it's a bit difficult for you to accept my change right away. Feel free to doubt it and scold me as much as you want. I will wait until you mind relieved."

I didn't think it's a bit excessive, but I could tell that he was sincere. But actually, it's not Killian's fault that he was suspicious of me and tried to distance himself from me.