Brief Explanation

POV Kaio


I may be biased in my judgment, but this new governor doesn't seem a little "too perfect." The thing is, as a Brazilian, I have a practically instinctive distrust of literally any type of government, even more so those that position themselves as the people's bosom friends. Again, I may be being very partial, since there are several cases in which governors really care about people even more than they themselves are at the bottom, apart from the fact that this is another world, the chances of them also being shitty are slim…. Right… huh


No, I can't let this distrust dominate me, and even if I'm right, there aren't many things I can do... At least not for now. But anyway, let's stop thinking about that and get back to focusing on the people who are still in the dungeon, and in this I'm not just talking about the newbies who are in the cabin right now.

A group consists only of collectors with some bodyguards, these using equipment similar to the group that I "eliminated" before, but these already have some recovery items such as bandages, herbs that recover energy and the health of the dungeon itself and some with potions made with these same herbs. Seriously, until now I don't understand why that group didn't even have potions or herbs, from the dungeon, yes the potions are expensive but only those made without the ingredients from the dungeon, the potions made with herbs are much cheaper and have just as good effects.

Those made without the dungeon's herbs need special preparations and a master who channels Energy into the mixture to give the desired properties, whereas potions made with the dungeon's herbs only need to be placed in hot water and mixed for the effects to be achieved. applicable without any effort. Of course, if a master potion maker uses them, the effects would be much greater to the point of being able to regenerate a lost limb, according to the miserable wizards from the previous campaign.

Okay, besides them there is another group consisting only of people who came to train and be able to elevate themselves, because of the equipment they are not affiliated with any type of order nor do they have any type of brand that proves affiliation (there is one more thing that I forgot to mention, everyone who is part of an order has some mark, sometimes with a tattoo, sometimes as an accessory, or a mark on their clothes, because everyone doesn't have tattoos!, they all do, but those who don't like it If their skin is marked, they can choose to hide it and use something else with the order's mark, but to prove affiliation, the mark on the skin must always be revealed, according to master hunter Diem)

This group was managing quite well, managing to take down goblins, wolves, some hidden pythons, avoiding or eliminating slimes on the ground, their biggest problem was with the screaming monkeys. It makes sense that they were fast and agile, they mainly hide in the trees and throw hard fruits at the challengers, and when they go into physical combat they use and abuse their own agility, raw numbers (almost the same as goblins), strength and claws. If they used tools like goblins, I would say they would be the most difficult monsters to overcome in the dungeon, I'm glad I limited their numbers and didn't buy spawners for them, the challengers would be screwed.

The group was heading to another part of the river, where I created a kind of small lake, there is a "semi-safe zone", meaning that in this area, although monsters can still appear, they are limited to a maximum of 3 individuals (not limited to species) of level 5 and no level above, as well as no rare, special or any other type other than the normal ones, would be allowed entry into the area. So in this area, you still have to be careful with goblins, I know it's a little difficult to notice but they are great nocturnal killers, and as they have night vision their danger increases even more in environments with little or no light, making them a legitimate nightmare at night.

There's another reason why I created this "semi-safe zone", I put fish in this river for both my monsters and the challengers, but the challengers couldn't concentrate on catching them if they had to keep their vigilance at maximum all the time. So I made the cabin so they could have a place to rest and recover before moving on and this semi-safe place so they could fish a little and calm down while still keeping a little vigilance.

Maybe there are those who wonder why they couldn't just relax while fishing, and just have a place where they can enjoy a danger-free environment. The answer is simple, the greater the emotional burden a person feels, the greater the Energy absorption rate they have, which can also be translated as something like: the greater the stress (or the fear), the greater the attention to detail. However, the issue is not stress or fear, but the intensity of the emotion that the person feels, which could be the exaltation after defeating an enemy that they thought would kill them, the fear they felt while escaping from that same type of opponent ( although for some this doesn't help, right), the stress of fighting knowing that your injured friends are behind you and you have no more items to help them and you still have to face more opponents alone.

All of this increases the absorption of Energy (exp) of the person, allowing them to both elevate themselves and enabling them to obtain a new ability, be it something like Detection (the most common one to obtain on the first floor so far) , Hide, Quick Attack, etc. My theory is that because this need for emotional charge is so important to obtain skills that the volumes (I'll still be able to distribute more) are comic book adaptations of films or simply comic books. After all, they can touch emotions in an easier way than books thanks to the images, in addition to being able to be appreciated by those who cannot read (which apparently is the majority of people here).



POV 3 Person



While Kaio thought about some of his usual random theories, the group that went to the "semi-safe zone", walked with as much care and alert as they could, after all they knew that the Ordeal was as safe as the forest near their village , even if they had a habit of going out to her and had known her since they were young (especially since they didn't go to the forest often), it was still a forest some wild animal or beast could end up appearing out of nowhere and ambushing them.

This was the same logic they used in the Ordeal, being even more cautious due to the fact that they didn't know the terrain very well or if it even followed a logic similar to the one they were employing at the time.

But in any case, this concern disappeared (in part) when they found the sand bank that marked the "safety area" near the river. They knew that this place wasn't as good as the cabin, not by a long shot, but on the other hand it was the best fishing spot, at the cabin if you were lucky it would take around 30 minutes to 1 hour to catch something (out of practically 100 % of the time you picked up something before that time it was easy to be some kind of strange plant, a piece of wood or even a stone). While here at this point it would only take 10 or 15 minutes, and if the goddess of luck smiled on you it was possible to catch even 2 fish.

The group planned to stay here for around 2 hours, catch as much fish as possible and return to their homes with enough protein (fish) to last at least a week, including those that would be smoked.

They divided the tasks into 3 groups, 2 would fish, 2 would keep watch and the most tired one could take a 20 minute nap, then they would take turns, whoever slept would go to watch, from watch he would go fishing and in that time he would rest again. It would have been 2 o'clock already. The order of who would rest first had been decided beforehand based on some draw she made. If they still had bait, they decided that they would vote on whether to continue until they ran out or whether to leave with what they had obtained.

While they were preparing, one of them, a young man of about 26 years old named Alem, saw a large figure among the trees a little further back from the edge of the "semi-safe zone", and immediately prepared himself with his spear for defense, still Although he was not yet a very good combatant, he had improved a lot with the training that was now carried out in the village and the relatively calm forays into the Ordeal. But he still remembered that he should be careful in this place, here was no different from any forest, in fact it was even more dangerous, the only reason he could come along with the group was that he learned quickly, was a good fighter and a certain pattern had already been determined in the Ordeal in relation to the monsters that lived in it.

One of them being the fact that in the place where they were, no monster, exactly strong but also not weak, was unable to get to them.

With this in mind he got as close as he could to the "safe edge" to try and get a better look at the creature in front of him, being careful not to let the tip of the weapon go over the edge, there was a tragic report of someone who had He committed this mistake and paid with his life.

Looking from afar he was sure that a large figure, at least 4 meters tall, was looking directly at him through the trees, with eyes that seemed to glow red. For a moment he thought it was one of the older furry beasts, the ones that were bigger, faster and deadlier than the already agile beasts that roamed this place. But he only had to look a little more closely to realize that it wasn't that.

Not one of the beasts that the green demons used as mounts. It was something much bigger than that, stronger and looking directly at him.