
Kaio POV


'Very well, let's review this mess to make sure everything is ok. OK'

I told Sis, after she assured me that Cali was fine and would wake up in a short time.

'You mean the tomes have 3 uses. The "normal" that the wizards discovered was the fact that the comics emanated Aeter and the best way they found for us to study it was by injecting the Aeter itself to check how the Aeter of the tomes behaved, and with that they discovered that one could learn skills from them. . However, these would be the primary and most striking skills, they would also be considerably limited in terms of who could learn them, in addition to requiring more Aeter than necessary and much more than twice as much practice for them to evolve.'


'The second use would be "advanced", where while injecting Aeter and reading the history of the tome, the "hidden" or secondary abilities of the tomes are released to the individuals, in addition to the primary abilities being enhanced to require less Aeter and be a little easier to evolve.'

[Also right]

'And finally the third use, which Cali just discovered, where by reading the story and letting the tome gradually suck in the Aeter, the individual's conviction is sucked into the tome and he can observe the story as in a kind of DVD 5D, having all the abilities of the other two uses further enhanced.'

'That's basically it?'



I honestly can't tell you how I feel about this.

'But anyway, she's going to stay in that trance-like state for over an hour and a half until the "movie ends"?' I asked "looking" at Cali who had a glazed look at the wall while holding the Predator "tome" (hardcover comic book).

[No, in reality she should come to in a few minutes.]

'Huh, why?!, from what I remember the predator movie took just over 1 hour and 40 minutes, right?' And this would be a considerable problem since I put a limit on the time you can stay in the safe areas, in the cabin you can only stay for a maximum of 3 hours, if a member is passed out this timer is set to a limit of 48 hours, a Once recovered you are given a 2 hour recovery period. And if he doesn't recover by then, all members are automatically transported to the entrance. And if someone stayed 1 second longer than the 3 hours allowed.... Well they would have to pay a small fine (꒪꒳꒪).

[Correct, you can consider this as a prize for being the first to "uncover" the language of the tomes. Additionally, she will receive additional knowledge in hand-to-hand combat techniques for doing so.]

Considering she's part of a place called the Order of the Stone Fists, I'd say that would be a good deal. But still putting an entire movie in her brain and distorting the notion of time-space to just ten minutes, isn't that already a bit much?




Connor's POV


'Cali is taking a while in the games room'. I thought.

Even though I don't know them much, I already understand that she is much more of an intellectual type, even though she manages to kill several monsters, whether from the Ordeal or from outside, with "ease", and that when she concentrates on something she practically becomes numb in relation to her surroundings her.

But that's why she always tries to take care of the schedule, I had already explained to everyone that if we stayed in the cabin for more than 3 hours we would be immediately thrown out with just our clothes and weapons, all our luggage (obviously including what we got from the monsters) would stay in the cabin and we wouldn't be able to get back in until the next day (Kaio: Yep, that's the "small fine", really cool, right (^ω^)).

This was a big cause for headache as some smart people from neighboring villages or wanderers who came for the ordeal and found the luggage in the cabin, claimed to have the right to possession of the goods or half of what they had if the original owner wanted them back. 

Needless to say, this often ended in injuries, because of this it was stipulated that if someone stayed in the cabin for more than 3 hours and lost their luggage they would have to pay a fee for the next group to recover it, that group would be entitled to consume only the perishable items that would be in the luggage and if there were no perishable items, the group could take the equivalent of 1 silver coin from the luggage in addition to paying the fee.

Of course, the applicant would have to give a detailed description of what he had in his luggage to ensure that the value taken was correct, and if he refused because he was smuggling something and wanted to make extra money by coming here with the herbs, he could not complain. punch happened. Or it has happened, several times in fact.

We had already finished eating and cleaning the dishes and utensils in the sink. And we were getting ready to go out and check the cabin's surroundings to complete our objectives, I would help Anna in gathering the valuable herbs she wanted (which luckily were still in the area "covered" by the cabin), while the twins They would go to the river to catch some of the fish for their family's restaurant. It seems that they wanted a rare fish that one of the inn's guests had brought and which had been a big hit recently.

But while we were doing this I didn't hear anything from Cali from the playroom, I don't say that in some strange sense, it's a fact that my hearing has always been sensitive and it became even more so after months of being in the Ordeal, so much so that if I concentrated I could hear the sound of a quill on paper two rooms away if they were empty. And right now I'm standing outside the playroom helping Anna and I can't hear anything from the room other than what sounds like her breathing.

Um, why did that feel a little... wrong?

Anyway, I was getting worried about her and also about what could happen to our luggage if we stayed longer than "allowed". Of course there was still just over 2 hours to go, but that's exactly why I worry, people often think about what's still left and think that time will move slowly until that time arrives, when in fact it's good, even more so here , which seems to have a charm that makes time speed up or makes people react more slowly.

—Anna, I'm going to go check on Cali, don't stay away too much, okay. Well, not until after that tree, 5 steps from here, okay? — I asked my young friend who seemed both frustrated and excited pulling the weeds out of the ground.

—Yes, you don't need to worry about me, I'm not a child and I also know how to take care of myself very well, or do you also want to try out what I can do just like those green demons? — She said with a small smile and looking at me in a way that dared her to say yes.

—No thanks, you made that clear from the first fight.

—I'm glad you understand faster than Max, now hurry up, I'm just going to get about 3 more herbs and I'm going to see for myself what this bathroom is like that has a device that makes it rain hot water. — She said while counting how to cut the roots of the herbs.

As I went to the cabin, I saw Max and Mav sitting side by side each with a fishing rod, I also saw movement in the water where they placed a net, when I got closer I could see that inside it was filled with two fish, one with a greenish head and red body while another was gray or dark blue on top while pinkish underneath. I can't say for sure but at a cursory glance I think I counted 4 of the red ones and 5 of the ones with pink bellies.....

But from what I remember they've only been fishing for a few minutes since we finished eating, shouldn't they have only caught 4 or 5 of them?

How did they get so many in such a short time?!