You Reap What You Sow (Part 1)

 Three months have passed since the end of the Feral Paw Tournament. Thanks to the efforts of the medical team, all of the participants were finally released from the ward. Luckily, they were just in time to prepare for this year's Harvest Festival.

 "Now I remember why I stopped wearing these things..." Gale would struggle to put on a bra that she hasn't worn in a very long time. No matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't get it to latch.

 "Guess after this we'll have to take you shopping. Keep getting bigger and I'll have to start investing in some kind heavy-duty restraints to keep them in place."

 "Sh-Shut up...! You're one to talk with those wrecking balls you call breasts."

 "Oh you mean these~." Rumin giggled as she held her busts up one arm while she latches on her bra strap with incredible ease.

 "How did you-..." Gale couldn't believe how easy it was for her sister to do that. In the midst of her confusion, Rumin sneaked behind her and tugged at the strap until it snapped in place.

 "You just have way too much muscle sis. At least my mammaries can be squished in. Yours is like trying to wrap plastic over a metal grater." She snickered to herself before Gale flicked her in the chest out of annoyance, causing her to yelp slightly.

 The two began to bicker with one another whilst getting dressed. It didn't take much longer until they were both done, stepping out of the changing room. They both wore ornamental kinmonos that were unique to their personal flair.

 "Think the others will outdo us with their outfits?" Rumin flashed her outfit, making a silly, yet innocent pose.

 Gale would only scoff at the idea. "It's a miracle that you don't even have a boyfriend yet... If you ask me, trying to compete with you when it comes to fashion is like trying to take down a Leviathan."

 Rumin's eyes gleamed with confidence as she hugged her sister tight. "See? That's why you're my favorite sister."

"I'm your only sister dummy." She looked annoyed, but soon shared a sentimental smile with her sibling.

 The Dojo was closed for this particular day as everyone were attending the festive event. As the pair continued to converse with one another as they left the building, Hiraku was somewhere in the halls, building up the nerves to confront the price he paid. He waited until the girls were greeted at the gate by their friends and fully left the premises to come out into the empty halls.

 Sweat trickled down his face more than ever before. He didn't expect for them to be traveling with company. Oh God... The situation only seemed to be getting worse as time progresses. With additions to their group, it's even more likely that they'll resist but... 

 He couldn't stand the thought of the cost of lives that were going to be spilt over just two individuals. The anticipation of the amount of trouble he could be responsible for was more than enough to send his paranoia over the edge. There was no choice now...

An action had to be made, and only he had the power to make some kind of difference. Hiraku was conflicted, unsure of the point of even doing this if he's just going to lose more than he bargained for. Mustering as much courage as he could, he took one last breath before getting ready to head out.

 On their way to the festival, the girls conversed with one another, going over a few past events and sharing laughs from the prepping experiences they each endured for this day. Out of them, it was Ume who was most embarrassed about her modest outfit. Meanwhile, it was Maya's attire that nearly competed with Rumin's apparel based on sheer provocativeness alone.

 "To think that we're all here, together like this. I'm just a little excited over the thought really."

 "Well, you were the one who initiated it all in the first place. Of course we didn't want to dissapoint you Rumin."

 "Maya's right... I-It wouldv'e been rude of us to deny your offer. Especially after you went through all the trouble of setting things up."

 "Come on~! You guys make it seem like I forced you all to come out here against your will." Rumin pouted, but received a pat on the back from Gale.

 "Yeah? Who knows. Maybe we wouldn't hear the end of it because you're just 'that' persistent."

 Everyone laughed as Rumin got a little grumpy, nudging her sister in the arm with a balled fist before giggling to herself. As they drew closer, the sounds of civillian chatter and festive music could be heard. It didn't take long until the luminous lights came into view.

 Children frolicked throughout the area, but there weren't much of them, painting a reminder of the village's current state. However, this didnt stop the amount of grown individuals present as they partake in the various amenities presented. Once they arrived, there seemed to be an individual just looking around as if they're lost.

 Rumin was first to approach the woman. It was clear that she was dressed for the festivities. Their hair was tied up into a neat bun and their kimono was simple, but a little lengthy in comparison to the standard craft. Their shortened antlers gave away their species as a Fauna-kin, albeit their fur tone did not match what's commonly found among those that live here.

 "Excuse me, but do you happen to be lost or something? I know the festival can be pretty massive and lively, but if you're ever in need of help, please don't hesitate to ask."

 "Hmm??? Oh!! My apologies. I almost didn't notice you right away. Thank you for the concern." The woman turned to face Rumin and waved their hand at them with a smile on her face.

 "I'll have to agree with you that it has been pretty swamped out here. Most areas seemed rather occupied and I just wanted to rest my head for a moment." She fanned herself for a moment before the remainder of Rumin's group caught up to them.

 "Is everything ok sis?" Gale looked over to the woman with a look of curiosity before giving Rumin a concerned expression.

 "Oh! Right... This lady here appeared to be lost and just wanted to find someplace to rest for a moment. If it's no issue, I'd like to help them. It shouldn't take long!"

 Rumin seemed certain to help this stranger in need, forcing Gale to reluctantly nod. She was well familiar with how her sister gets when it comes to certains. This being one of them...

 "Fine, but I'm coming with you."

 "Aww~!! Fine~..." Rumin reluctantly agreed to her sister's insistence on the matter.

 The others wanted to tag along, but Maya insisted that it would just be too crowded, opting to let the sisters handle the situation. With everyone in agreement, they splitted up into two groups and went on their merry way.

 "Rrmm... This is going to be troublesome." Looking through a scope, far off into the distance, a woman was scoping the scene with arms holding up what appears to be a long-ranged firearm. Another woman was standing by a tree not too far oof, clearly gaining interest in the situation's advancements.

 "What do you mean? Is there a change of plans?"

 "Not yet but, best you prepare for what may be an interference?" The hyena kept her sights on the targets, watching as they were heading towards what seemed to be a brook of sorts. The vegetation surrounding it was fresh and the water was flowing with a moderate speed.

 Using her specialized auditory implants, she can hear what they're saying. Her hands stayed at the ready, waiting for the signal to fire. Meanwhile, Gale and Rumin were having a conversation with the estranged woman.

 "Thank you girls for helping me find some space to unwind. I hesitated at first since this was my first festival, but good thing you nudged yourself into my predicament."

 "Oh that's no big deal Miss. It's always a pleasure to help someone in need. Speaking of, I believe I forgot to ask your name."

 Rumin was curious, but the woman effortlessly answered with ease. "Xiuying Nuan. You probably never heard a name like that before, but it's still a pleasure to be graced with your acquaintance. So how about you two?"

 Gale tilts her head quizzically. "Don't think I ever heard of that myself. Though most civillian houses aren't widely known. I do apologize if this ruins your very first festival. We've been through a lot and we were just about to finally unwind before your problem got in the way of that."

 "Sis!!! You can't just talk to them like that! She'll start thinking that she's being a nuisance." Rumin was upset at her sister's remark, but the woman simply shrugged it off.

 "Believe me girls. I wasn't really trying to be any form of a nuisance. I really appreciate the help and I would like to show my thanks as appreciation for taking time out of your precious schedule."

 The woman reached into her kimono, pulling out two bags of packaged meat buns. When she offered them to the girls, there was an odd glint in her eye as she watched them take the items. They didn't seem to notice however, and just when they were about to eat, a loud voice screamed out, interrupting the moment entirely.