Cybertronic Awakening

Listening to the the echoing gasps around him, Leon saw no point in hiding himself any further. It had always been like this since he came back from that hellish island.

At first, he thought that it would pass and the rivers of time would soon wash those rumours away,but he now begins to feel like this rumours have become a part of his life.

Whatever happened five years ago was never his fault but then, how is he going to explain it to the rumour mongers. He could begin to feel his head throb as an headache ensue.

' What is a guy supposed to do to divert attention away from himself?'he thought within himself as he glance at the faces of those around him.

Some were looking at him with disgust, others were staring at him with shock, and some were looking at him with intense jealousy; the probable cause of the last emotion would be his engagement to the daughter of the Mayor of Quatron.

If he could decide his own fate, he would rather live a life of an animal than live a life bearing the title of son-in-law to the Mayor. Ever since the engagement was made, the last time he saw the Mayor's daughter was the day before he boarded the ship to follow his parents to that island.

And that day has been the key to unlock some of life's greatest misery. He had lost his parents on that trip and he has lost reputation among his fellow humans as they would point accusing fingers at him whenever they meet him.

Taking it upon himself to ignore those around him, he turns his figure to stare at the high podium before him while trying so hard to filter off the words that he is unconsciously listening to.

After several agonizing minutes, a man walked to the podium. The man was dressed in a high end black business suit fitted to meet his standards. He was putting on a pair of glasses trimmed by the end with gold while matching it with a pair of glistening black shoes that shine brightly under the lighting of the hall. The man appears to be in his mid forties with his black and sleeky hair combed neatly to the back.

"Good morning everyone"the man greeted with a friendly smile while pausing a bit to get the people's attention before continuing,"the Cybertronic exercise is now in session" he added still maintaining his composure.

Moving a little bit away from the edge if the podium, he brought out a device that looks like a remote control while pushing a button which caused a pod like machine to emerge from the podium.

The hall was entirely silent as people now focus their gazes no more on Leon but on the machine now before them.

"This machine is known as the Cybertronic extractor as it causes you to discover to the full length the abilities of your cruces which I am sure are fused to us as I speak"the man explained further while gesturing on the podium.

"So let the Cybertronic exercise began"he added with vigor causing excitement to cross through the veins of the people below.

Regaleon looked at the machine in the podium and felt like he has seen a saviour. All this time, he had watched and listened to people call him names that doesn't match his personality but it all ends today. No more coarse treatment and no more cursed languages will be attached to him the moment the people around him discover his innate abilities.

Although years on the hellish island had brought forth several misery, it has also left him with one of the most mysterious Cybertronic cruces that could ever exist.

His parents had attached this Crux to his spine when he was still on the island for fear of being attacked suddenly since the mission they went there for was extremely dangerous.

In fact, his family were not stranded on the island but were sent there covertly to monitor the activities of extraterrestrial creatures believed to be making the island as their base. They wanted to leave him at home, at least in the hands of those they felt that he would be safe but he had cried bitterly so that they would bring him on the dangerously exciting adventure.

But who knew that such an exciting adventure later turned out to be a brutal experience as his parents never made it off the island while risking their lives to ensure his survival.

And at that moment, he had vowed that he would never let their sacrifices for him be in vain. And now that he has returned, he was not welcomed but rather he was scorned, abused and even blamed for the death of his parents and has since then try to unlock the potential of the Crux his parents attached to him so he could use his innate potential to shut his mockers mouth.

Now looking at the Cybertronic extractor before him, he felt like the universe is giving him a chance to be able to prove himself as one of the most worthy humans.

"So who shall we start with?"the man asks while staring at the face of the people around him.

"I shall go first" a blonde boy proudly spoke up while squeezing himself through the people that has congested in his way. The boy seems to be in his early twenties and Leon soon recognize him as his rival in love.

The blonde boy's name is Scott Lance. A second rich generation of the Lance family in Quatron. The Lance family are known to be among the elites of Quatron, recently rising into power after the downfall of his family.

Leon recognize Scott the moment he saw him, not because he was outstanding but because Scott had been a pain in his ass ever since he learnt of his engagement with the daughter of the Mayor.

Rolling his eyes silently, Leon watched as Scott proudly walked to the top of his podium with the intense gaze of people on him; most especially the girls who have been dreaming of getting married into a wealthy family.

Scott wasn't particularly handsome but his family influence is not something to be underestimated as they ranked fifth among the top ten strongest family in Quatron. So therefore, Scott definitely have an impressive background.

"So all you just have to do is to place your hands on top of the pod and the machine would do it's work."the man on the podium explained to Scott who nodded his head before moving towards the machine to place his hands on it then a bright light shone...

"Name: Scott Lance"

"Race: Human"

"Crux: A1 mayoral Crux"

"Ability: osteo manipulation and cellular regeneration"

A loud emotionless computer voice reverberated across the hall as everyone stared wide eye at the screen. Even Scott himself was not spared as he stares at his results before him. He never thought he could have such a powerful abilities but he quickly regained his expression as he bask in the surprise of those around him.