
The uproar around Leon increased as his happiness decreased.

Who was he kidding?. He should have know from the moment he had decided to go on a trip to that island with his parents that his life would never remain the same.

First, he lost his parents on that devastating trip and next he returned home only to be met by scornful remarks and expressions.

Life seems to have simply forgotten that he exist and now, witnessing the words of ridicule around him, he has lost all hope and is sure that there is nothing in this world for him anymore.

Did he actually think that he could somehow come through in life?. Why a foolish thought, he scolded himself.

He despises himself for thinking that he could actually get a chance to turn his life around and he despises is parents for telling him that he should aim for something he just couldn't get.

But the people he hates the most are those that actually remind him of his failure and always rub it in his face. They are the ones who had made him completely lost faith in himself even when he tries to comfort himself that life is all about thick and thin.

He just couldn't bear it. The shame, the mockery, the riducules.... However, he wouldn't go down without a fight because....

All of it must end today, he thought. He would make sure that no one ever have the right to downgrade him but in order to do that, he must have to check his ability one more time just to confirm something.....

Gritting his teeth, Leon place his hands once again on the pod only to hear the same information and the loud emotionless voice of the computer call out his his status completely shattering the last bit of hope he has.

Tha last bit of courage to stand firm and never accept the circumstances of life to weigh him down had been watched away completely.

But while he was feeling like a downcast, a bright light suddenly flashes before his eyes displaying another set of information,

"Name: Leon Gray"

"Race: Human"

"Crux: Level10 conqueror Crux"

"Abilities: energy absorption and manipulation; matter generation and reconfiguration"

"Congratulations! Regaleon Gray, you have successfully synced with the Ultra X Level Exoskeleton".

A feminine like voice resounded in his hears as the display of this information flashes in his eyes.

At first, Regaleon couldn't believe his eyes and ears but after confirming the things that he was perceiving, a blissful smile slowly bloomed across his face as he continues to stare at the status.

However, Leon didn't know that to the people around him, his expression is like that of a madman's.

Everyone watched in shock as Leon smiled unnaturally. They thought he had finally lost his mind as he couldn't accept his fate. Even the man on the podium also look at the young boy before him with pity.

"Could it be that he had finally gone crazy?"a girl asks the obvious question as she stares at the weird expression on Leon's face while shaking her head pitifully at him.

"Well, who would blame him? If I was also in his shoes, I would have run amok in a blink of an eye"a blonde boy commented mockingly.

However, the blonde boy is praying silently in his mind that he shouldn't have such a result or he would faint out of shock.

Many people couldn't help but also comment at the crazy look of Regaleon. While some pitied him, others just looked at him with the same disdainful expression and even began to ridicule him much more.

The man in the podium couldn't take it anymore so he went towards the boy and comforted him,

"Take heart son. This is not the end of the road for you; you should know that there will be opportunities in the future and if you are hardworking, you would definitely make it"

The man said still shaking his head pitifully.

Regaleon jolted out of his trance the moment the man spoke finish and looked around him. He could see some people looking at him confused, others were staring at him disgusted while some were just shaking their head out of pity for him.

He didn't seem to understand the expressions of those around him. He is particularly confused.

'Did't they just see the bright blue light that flashes from the pod just now?'

Looking at the man next to him,"sir, didn't you just see that the status the extractor just displayed?"he asks in confusion.

The man just looked at him with the same pitiful expression while he continues to pat Leon's back as a sign of comfort.

'It seems like he is not taking it well and might lose his mind any minute' the man thought.

He had seen lot of people with the same attitude Regaleon is displaying before him. Normally, such attitude are only displayed by the people who couldn't handle the depressing feeling of having to belong to the lowest standard in life.

Knowing that there is no way he could convince them about the status update he had just seen, Leon simply shrugged before coming down the podium with the vigor of a teenager in love.

It seems like as long as there is life, certainly there would be hope. For a moment, he had thought that life has ended for him and there is no way he is going to ever have a breakthrough in this world, but fate tends to have other plans for him in store.

And this kind of fate is something that works in his favour.


Meanwhile, across the galaxy.....

"Master, we have gotten a signal from the Ultra X battle armour" a weird looking alien said to the bulky looking one beside him.

The bulky alien stands at about two metres tall with muscles bulging from the tight fitted cloth he is putting on. The alien have two appendages on his head similar to the antennas of an insect and his skin is dark green in colour.

"Where is the signature coming from?"he asks the other petite alien beside who quickly pressed some keys on the computer before him.

"Earth"the petite alien affirms.

"Then set course for earth. It is time to take back what is ours!"