Scott's Plot

"What?! Are you trying to escape because caught you stealing the tiger?" The blonde boy asks with a raised brow, standing before Regaleon with his arms crossed across his chest while having an exaggerated expression on his face.

Leon is dumbstruck beyond words as he looked at the crazy blonde spouting nonsense before him. He is certainly confused as he keeps on wondering, considering the fact that he is not acquitted with the blonde.

Regaleon frowned in consideration. He hasn't done anything to the blonde that will suddenly cause him to pick a fight with him. Darting his eyes around the crowd of people that has gathered around him and looking at the smug look on the blonde's face, Regaleon analyse the situation and concludes that the boy is intentionally picking on him.

But why would he? As he was pondering, he sensed the provocative smile on the face of a certain someone. Of course, why didn't he noticed, he thought, as he stares at Scott who was also among the crowd.

The moment Leon also observe Gina standing at a corner, he rolled his eyes silently in his mind. Why hadn't he figure it out before? Scott must have set up the blonde against him so that he could embarrass himself. Regaleon saw through all of Scott's plan the moment he noticed Gina and a smile appears on his face. So this is what Scott is actually planning.

Turning to the blonde boy, Regaleon took a few step towards him, grabbed his collar harshly before furiously slapping him across his face. The slap is so sudden that the blonde didn't have the time to react as he felt the stinging sensation on his check. The slap also left a ringing sensation in the ears of the blonde.

"Punk, how dare you?!" The blonde yells after recovering from the shock of being slapped. He is furious as his eyes turned to a deep shade of red.

Even Scott was momentarily stunned before a wide smile blooms on his face. He looks at the stunned expression of Gina and felt satisfied as he turns his gaze back to Regaleon. Now that Leon displayed this acts of savagery, Gina would definitely wants to cancel the engagement and then he would finally have the chance to impress her more.

He thought that her mind was too focused on Leon that she failed to notice all of his outstanding potential but since he has succeeded in making Leon lose his cool before her, she would starts to see him as a thug while seeing Scott for the gentleman that he really is. At the thought of this, Scott continued to watch the scene playing out before him with more interest.

"Why won't I? Your mouth is dirty and I felt the need to help you clean it." Leon replies indifferently. The blonde could feel his eyes twitch.

*Ding: Nice one master. I am really proud of you. I never knew you are this fierce! Hah, I made the right choice choosing you as a host.*

"Don't get to excited yet, Omnitrix." Leon murmurs but his words didn't escape the ears of the blonde boy who is boiling with fury. He is about to spout blood, why would he get excited for receiving a terrible slap on his face, Leon is definitely provoking him on purpose.

"Regaleon, why would you attack him just because he tried to stop you from stealing the tiger?" Scott asks, trying to be a mediator as he walks towards the duo with an unnoticeable look of provocation which didn't go unnoticed by Leon. Leon scoffs slightly before replying,

"What filthy eyes of yours saw me tried to steal the tiger just now" He really doesn't know how people could be so brainless. They were accusing him with an action that is impossible to perform.

Scott face fell, his expression turns ugly but he still tries his best to maintain his composure as he would not want to lose face before Gina, who had a cold look on her face the moment Scott interfered. Scott has been pestering her ever since we walked into tower and now, Gina also noticed the abnormality in the accusation with the realisation that Scott pitted the blonde against Regaleon as it is literally impossible for Leon to try to steal the tiger, even if he wanted to.

"Gina, did you think your fiance could actually steal the tiger?" Anna, her best friend, asks as she looks scrupulously at Leon. Gina just cast a shocking look at her friend. Did she also believe that baseless accusation and fell for it? Sometimes, she wonders if her friend's brain is any larger than a chicken's.

She chose not to answer the question as she turns her attention back to the trio before her.

"I saw you, so can't try to deny it." The blonde said, gritting his teeth as his eyes burst out with anger. If looks could kill, Regaleon would have been laying motionless on the ground. The blonde boy knew that at this moment, the situation is critical since Scott has chosen to interfere and he must do his best to impress him if he still wants any reward.

"Do you hear that, leon? He said he saw you so what are you going to say about it?" Scott asks feigning calmness, his eyes giving him away as it is filled with intense hatred. This bastard had just called him filthy. We shall see the filthy one among us, Scott thought.

"All I have to say is that there is a security camera positioned around the centre." Leon sneered, pointing to a number of white surveillance cameras around them.

"Therefore, you must have gathered enough evidence before challenging me with such a baseless accusation, right? In that case, you must have quite a number of proof to be able to defend your accusations against me and if you don't..." Leon shrugs, "Then, I will leave you to your madness to enable you get the proof you need" Regaleon said while walking away, leaving Scott glaring viciously at his back.

The blonde's face was not any better as he could feel blood gushing to his ears while staring at the cameras around him. He didn't consider thinking twice before coming to accuse Leon with such a statement and he ends up being slapped, twice. How embarrassing!

Scott saw the look of disdain Gina cast at him before she walked away with Anna. He is sure that he has losed face before her all because of that bastard.

Regaleon, this isn't over! Scott cursed in his heart before leaving the tower. He is no longer in the mood to pick a mechatronic familiar.