The week that followed after my chat with the Kyuubi had been quite monotonous. Why? It was because I trained myself, read, and did everything else I needed to do.
It wasn't that I disliked it, though. In fact, I quite enjoyed the peacefulness that came from a quiet day.
Anyway's I was in one of the many training fields of Konoha as I threw a right sided roundhouse kick, succeeded by a left sided one. I was training once again so I could keep the deadly proficiency I held in martial arts. It was one thing to learn them it was another to try and master them after all.
This was due to having to build muscle memory for every single one I had learned.
When a person is performing a certain action, they activate neurons in certain parts of their brain. By doing so, they are connecting their nervous system with the muscles they use to perform that action through a new neural pathway.
This way, they establish muscle memory, which helps them perform their task unconsciously.
It has to be noted that muscle memory doesn't only allow people to execute easy tasks, but it is also helpful for us to master complex skills.
This was how muscle memory operated, and it was also how my brain remembered most martial arts I practised. Although the difference was getting used to my new body.
I focused for a second as I utilized my chakra to leap backwards by 20 metres. Fipping through the air like a professional gymnast. Which, if you accounted for my skill in Capoira, then yes, I am a professional.
"Hey, squirt." I was suddenly interrupted by Jin sensei.
Wait, Jin Sensei? Sure enough, when I turned around. He was there with one of his golden hazel eyes being heavily diluted from what I remember.
He was probably blinded in his left eye, the whilst his normal right eye remained fine.
It's not like there wasn't a way to repair it, though, due to corneal transplantation. Also referred to as corneal grafting, it is very possible to repair damaged eye sight.
This works because the cornea is replaced with another persons cornea tissue typically donated or taken from a deceased individual.
One who is known to not have any previous diseases before death. Or other factors that may cause the results of the surgical procedure to drastically altar.
When the entire cornea is replaced, it is known as penetrating keratoplasty, and when only part of the cornea is replaced, it is known as lamellar keratoplasty Keratoplasty simply means surgery to the cornea.
The procedure also works in this world, with people having Dojutsu they're not meant to have due to genetic reasons. Of course, that is way better and intrigued me to no end.
You see, I have a theory regarding what happens to a person who had a Sharingan they weren't born with has one.
First off, let us cover the abilities of the Sharingan that made me think of this theory. Enhanced perception, including depth of perception. The ability to see Chakra and see it through walls as well. Alongside predictive capabilities that enhance's a persons natural reaction time.
It truly was incredible in a sense, but now let us go over my theory regarding that enhanced reaction time.
One eye is clearly belonging to the Sharingan whilst the other is normal. Let us say that both eyes are open. Only one of these eyes will have the increased capabilities the sharingan grants whilst the other is normal. This forces the brain to adapt to both eyes due to how the eyes work.
When light hits the retina, special cells called photoreceptors turn the light into electrical signals. These electrical signals travel from the retina through the optic nerve to the brain. Then, the brain turns the signals into the images you see.
And it has to adapt because of this fact. Now, there are various things that can happen from here that I believe are plausible.
One. The other normal eye is forced into becoming like the Sharingan eye in order to keep up. This is by far the least probable answer. However, one that I do not discount.
The second is more probable, though. The person becomes dyslexic in order to adapt to the Sharingan eye better.
The third is the most probable. That is that the brain is forced to micromanage every image produced by both eyes. In order to adapt to this, it is forced to start thinking at faster speeds.
Naturally, I have no evidence for what I'm saying is true, beyond how the Sharingan works and how eyes work in general. But it is thought-provoking when we consider these things. And it annoys me that no one
"I see that you've gotten back Jin Sensei." I spoke as I continued throwing a variety of techniques at the wooden pole in front of me.
"Yeah, kiddo, I have returned for a few weeks until I get used to having only one eye." His sombre tone lofted through the ear as I stopped training to talk with a man I respected above most others.
"Well then. I suppose you're here to train me for now?" I asked, although I already knew the answer.
"Yeah, today I will be teaching you a new chakra control exercise that can help you massively." He answered the actual question I had without any prodding around.
"Water walking." I vocalised to gaze at his reaction to me, knowing the name already.
"Yes, you will be learning that exercise. And I know of a specific training grounds for this training." He spoke and began leading the way as I told him about my own training.
"Oh yeah, I came across some Chakra Induction paper whilst training the chakra leap you showed me. I used it and well discovered I held 3 affinities. Wind, Water, and Lightning." I decided to say before I showed him the 6 jutsu that I know.
Yes, I learned the Jutsu's that I stole and was practising them every day.
"You aren't lying to me?" His response was a question with his tone filled with disbelief. I answered back.
"I know 2 Jutsu from each simply due to the ease of learning that comes with a natural affinity." I spoke earnestly in order to keep the integrity of my mask up.
"Show me when we arrive." His tone held an authoritative tone that I had been used to when he taught me martial arts. Or the Ō no Ken (King's Fist) in this world.
It was a style that few master because, well, the principles were based on strength, speed, and flexibility. Many chose styles that only focused on one physical stat or gimmick, not multiple.
I simply thought of them as stupid because the holes in such styles leave O no Ken users some of the Taijutsu styles.
As I was thinking about such things, I saw what looked to be a pool with crystal clear water. I also saw what looked to be changing rooms.
I pondered the convenience of such a thing it was almost like my life was dictated by some god-like being. For entertainment purposes, obviously.
I immediately discarded such a thought as I looked at Sensei, who handed me a bag and spoke. "Get changed." To which I did so immediately.
After I was done, I left the room in a full body swimsuit. I quickly made my way over to my mentor.
"So do I show you the Jutsu's, or can we begin?" I rudely asked. Course that was part of my gifted genius who was concerned about their brothers wellbeing act.
"Show me one of every affinity you have." He commanded still with a kind tone.
I performed a tiger handseal followed by the dragon, which was succeded by the dog and finished with a monkey. Of course, with each seal, I sufficiently controlled my chakra and moulded it.
'Suiton: Suidan.' I called out in my mind as I shot a condensed ball of water from my mouth into the water.
I went through another set of Handseals as I utilized another Jutsu pulling from the water source nearby.
"Suiton: Sujinheki!" As I said, the name a wall of water appeared in front of me. Before it dropped when I cancelled the technique by cutting the chakra flowing into it.
I then choose to use Lightning next. By using a technique that had not appeared in the anime.
Snake, I felt my chakra tingle slightly. – Monkey the chakra in my body vibrated slightly. – Boar the chakra grew even more violent in terms of its vibrations. – Dog is when my chakra became a more controlled form of this as I finished with the Snake seal. Then, I moved the tips of my fingers outwards.
"Raiton: Kaminari Denryu (Lightning current)." I said as a current of continuous lightning shot fourth from my fingers. But before it did anything else, I cancelled it.
Then, I performed another string of handseals using its parent Jutsu.
"Raiton: Jibashi." I shot a concentrated wave of lightning from my hands that I stopped once it left my palms.
Jin Sensei was shocked at seeing me perform technique after technique. I shouldn't even have the chakra to perform. I saw the gears of his head turning as he immediately learned of my Jinchuriki status then and there.
Unfortunately, I had 2 more to show off.
I performed a set of Handseals as I channelled Wind Chakra to my palms.
"Futon: Reppusho." I thrusted my palm forwards as I released a weak gale palm. The compressed gale of wind was still decently string, however.
I performed the Ram seal as an almost invisible cloak of wind formed around me.
"Futon: Fuhakujin." I called out the name of the technique as I created a protective wall of chakra that made me near invincible.
I stopped the only A ranked Jutsu I possessed as I felt some strain on my chakra from it.
"Well then, can we begin this exercise." And that seemed to bring Jin Sensei back to earth from his sudden revelation.
"Okay, sure, you perform the exercise by channelling to your feet similar to the surface walking exercise. But this time, you have to constantly adjust the amount of chakra used. This is due to the flowing nature of water." He explained as I began to learn the technique via practical experience.