Chapter 26: The Recycling Position

*Obnizov mansion’s eating room—8:19 AM*


Everyone was having a nice time. Breakfast was delicious, everyone ate with delight. Daisy could see Douglas loosening his belt. He surely enjoyed the meal. Michael and Victor were eating fast, they really wanted to hear what Daisy had to tell them. The deal of a lifetime, their heads told them. Daisy giggled, a nervous giggle inside, a normal giggle outside.

Daisy finished her breakfast. The twins noticed that and began to hurry on eating. She giggled again and left.


*Obnizov mansion’s main hall—8:30 AM*


Going to her room, while climbing up the staircase of the main hall, Daisy heard hurried footsteps. She rolled her eyes and looked back, with a smile, to see the twins coming at her.

“Here we are, Daisy,” Michael said, panting. “What do you want to tell us?”

“Well,” Daisy started, pretending to be saddened. “I have thought very deeply about last night, and I wanted to start off by apologizing to you, Victor, for that slap…”