*Private hospital—11:32 PM*
The waiting room was clean and smelled nice. It almost erases the melancholy of the events that happened beforehand. Junior was still using a little towel to stop his wound blood on the forehead. Marco came back from the reception desk with a pack of ice wrapped in a towel, for his eye was black.
The two brothers hardly exchanged glances after arriving at the hospital. Marco sat on one chair, while Junior kept walking around. And Daisy? Since she was a police officer with experience in first aid, she was in the hospital room, struggling to keep Giorgio alive. The doctors in the room were talking with Daisy about preparing for some exams since Giorgio’s next chemo session would be in two days.
“Maybe we can do it after he awakens, a more soft session to not damage his heart too much,” the nurse explained to Daisy.
“Clear!” One of the doctors yelled, before using the defibrillator on Giorgio.
Giorgio didn’t wake up.