

June 3, 3755

2: 30 am

27757 Greenholt Spurs Apt. 171, City of Wolfbury, North West corner of the state, 775th floor, room no. 5786.

A woman was raped and killed.

The suspect stood over the body, a man with a toned shape and perfect form, his shadow looming over the fresh carcass as he realized the significance of this one action he had committed. He heaved. His chest puffed. Drops of sweat ran down his cheeks, neck, and bare metal-infused chest. Looking down at the empty husk, he uttered.


Then a familiar ring resounded within his head. Instinctively, he answered the call, a mini hologram of a man, his face stained with a frown and every inch of his lips curved down--faint orange and red hue with a few static occurrences here and there taking place as the hologram disclosed the face of the caller. He spoke.

"Right after the fuckin' gig, you just had to blow it, eh, Karve?" the man's voice was static, nearly inaudible, but the words spouting from his lips were as clear as day.

Karve let out a hefty sigh, switching his gaze elsewhere to step out of his trance--a running flat TV displaying porn, a curved couch littered with used and unused condoms, needles trashed at the soft fluffy carpet, a messy bed sitting on the corner of the room, and the stench of iron. Blood. "'s the gig boss... I had to..I had to burn off some steam--"

"You fucked up kid. No excuses. You're on your own now for shit," the man in the hologram interrupted, shaking his head in utter disappointment. Then for 3 seconds, he was silent, before adding. "4 minutes. They're slithering down to the unit you're in like the snakes they are." He grumbled, the static on the hologram increasing tenfold.

"No, I--"

"Can't talk. This call's being traced."

"Hey, fucker, wait--"

The call was abruptly ended. The hologram of the static man dissipated into a single white line.

The latter grunted. "That fuckin' gonk..."

Immediately, Krave dashed to the pristine washroom with stainless toilets, box-shaped white bathtubs, and shiny white tiles, only to be stained by the drops of blood on the man's hands by the time he slammed open the door. His forearm suddenly expedited, separating into three metal plates, and from within laid a green syringe, the needle 5 inches long. He stabbed the jugular vein on his neck using said syringe before the unknown green substance made its way into his veins, wires, and then his system, gasping for air as he did so.


He, in fact, had no idea what he just injected into himself. All he knew was that it was a prototype for some kind of enhancer.

An acquaintance just told him to use it when the time came. 

This. This was the time.

And for once, in 67 years, he started to rely on a higher being. 

He exited the bathroom and plodded toward the bed where he left his heavy pistol with .452 in (11.5 mm) metal piercing armor lead.

"Usually what comes first, are the cops. No biggie. Lightweight implants, shit ass low-grade artillery, weak." He said to mostly himself. "I can handle them."

He then put on a shirt, then his pants, cocks his weapon, and placed it on its holster.

Krave didn't want to remind himself that after messing with the cops, he'd be dead either way by the time they arrive. 

He knew he'd be dead anyway. It was them for fuck's sake.

He thought of jumping off the building if only he had working thrusters implanted in his calves to weaken the velocity of the fall. Still, even that wouldn't work since the main mega building is 13 kilometers in length and 8 kilometers in width. That's taller than Mt. Everest. Assuming he'd jump off the unit's balcony--by the time he'd reach solid ground, he'd be nothing more than a millimeter of metal and burnt flesh.

"Fuck...Fuck fuck fuck..."


[Several hours later, the suspect of the murder and rape of Alenna Sorva Leily F. Gole was a man named Krave K. Joerv, who was seen with an N-097F on his right hand, assumingly ████ himself in the temporalis. Reports say that by the ████ have arrived, they found the suspect deceased beside the rape victim. Speculators say otherwise due to the ████ having a history of corruption and spreading misinformation to the public which does not go unnoticed by the E.I.P.F. The E.I.P.F is currently on hold of the case. However, they later confirmed that Krave K. Joerv was the murderer of Alenna Sorva Leily F. Gole and was part of a cult called--]

The flat TV was suddenly turned off. The black screen of the said TV reflects that of an obese man, lazily seated on his couch like melted ice cream. It was evident that he was filled down to the bone with implants, half of his head infused with metal, a faint red hue emitting from the implanted right eye, both arms being replaced for black metallic arms with supposed mini turrets sealed within, and metal legs to support his overwhelming weight, except for his fleshy torso. The bright purple and pink neon lights coming from holograms and advertisements shine into the dark room from the rectangular window of his apartment unit.

He stood up and muttered. "For God's glory."

Then he shot himself. Brain matter splattered the ceiling and blood oozed from the severed head.

The body dropped to the ground with a thud.


"It's for God." A man said, standing at the edge of a mega building, looking down at the neon-filled city littered with bright 13-meter holograms and advertisements before taking a dive to the ground head first.


In unit 990, mega building 567, southeast corner of the state, a woman, a wife and a mother, received the report in the news, watching it all with a blank face. She took in all the information without a wrinkle or a twitch fabricating from her face.

"Mommy, what's for dinner?" A boy no older than 7 asked, grabbing the cloth of her pants like the child he was, looking up at her.

His mother didn't respond.

Her husband, in a shirt and shorts with a decent amount of implants on his chest, arms, and legs, noticed this unusual occurrence after he left the washroom for a leak. His wife with a blank face, eyes bored to the screen, unmoving, seemingly lifeless. It was obvious something was wrong knowing her for more than a decade. He gazed at the flat-screen TV embedded in their wall.

It was the murderer, rape, and suicide of this, Krave suspected. It was a weird case. But still, he has no idea why his wife was staring at the screen like a girl unable to gain the toy she wanted. He then glanced back at his wife, standing directly in front of the open TV, still. He wondered why she was like that. "Honey, what's the matter?"

She didn't respond.

Meanwhile, the 3 other children came scrambling from their rooms adjacent to the living room, yelling playfully and yapping unnecessarily--all going over to the main dining table for dinner.

The woman's husband approached her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

No reaction again.


"I'll prepare the plates," she uttered suddenly.

The latter was a bit stunned but regained his composure and smiled, glad that this was the woman he married--was not acting odd. "Okay. The kids and I will wait for the food, kapeesh?"

She chuckled. "Of course. I'll just get something." She added before waltzing to their room.

. . .

[Report stated that a woman--a mother and household wife murdered her husband and four children in cold blood before ███████ ███████ █████ █ ██████ ██ ███████████. There were no survivors. The suspect and her family are currently being taken in by the Administrators for a thorough inspection.]


[In relation to Krave K. Joerv, a member of the cult known as ███████ that's yearned to apply communism in the--I quote, "Imperfect world." They broadcast their actions in the form of arson--setting a pharmacy on flames, 37 people killed and 78 injured with 3rd-degree burns--genocide--the murder of 57 children in a famous Kindergarten, and school shootings, mainly aimed at children in an attempt to--I quote, "carving the name of God into the world."]


[I received new reports. All 509,879 members of the ███████ cult took their lives, officially dissolving the group. Their bodies are currently being acquired as I speak and are being sent to the N.B.o.R.]


[I was told the Administrators will take it from here.]