005 Move away

Madeline Leighton's family was not well off, and her parents favored boys over girls. As a result, she didn't bring anything with her when she went to the countryside. In the same group, Lucy Sullivan was good-looking and had a good family background, but she didn't take her work seriously. This caused them to receive very few food coupons every month. Lucy didn't care, but Madeline could not afford not to.

However, Madeline still lowered her head and softly retorted, "I didn't."

Emily Linton was about to say something more, when another girl suddenly tugged at her arm and then gestured towards the door with her eyes. Emily turned to look and saw Lucy entering from outside.

Feeling somewhat guilty, Emily straightened her back when she saw that there was nothing unusual about Lucy's expression. After all, the old Lucy would have made a scene if she had heard.

"Lucy, you're back!" Madeline stood up from the chair and walked over. She affectionately took Lucy's hand.

Lucy was somewhat uncomfortable and carefully withdrew her hand, her face showing a cold and distant smile. "I'm back to pack up my things, and then I'm moving out!"

"Move out? Where are you moving to?" Madeline asked with surprise and then looked at Lucy disapprovingly. "Lucy, don't devalue yourself because of Albert Hudson."

Lucy looked at Madeline meaningfully. "I'm with Samuel Smithson now, and we're planning on getting married. Being with him is great; how could it be devaluing myself?"

Emily hadn't planned to interject, but when she heard Samuel Smithson's name, she couldn't help but speak up. "Lucy, are you crazy? Don't you know the situation with Samuel's family? If you marry him, you won't have enough to eat or wear. How will you get by? Weren't you planning to return to the city?"

"Yeah, Lucy, you can't gamble your entire future just to anger Albert. He might not even care. You'll regret it." Madeline hurriedly added her persuasion.

"As long as I'm happy, it doesn't matter whether he cares or not." Lucy's eyes were blank, as if she genuinely didn't understand why they had to involve Albert.

From now on, she planned to stay far away from that scumbag Albert.

Several girls in the room wanted to say more, but Lucy was in a hurry to get back. She was going to be a good woman waiting for her man to return home.

"Stop talking. Samuel and I are in love. The feelings between us have nothing to do with a third party. I just like him and want to be with him."

Having said that, Lucy stopped speaking, returned to the room, and silently packed her things, thinking how lucky she was to have some of the transmigration memories to help her distinguish what belonged to her.

Lucy didn't have many things, but she had more than the other people in the room.

Mainly it was because, as an only daughter, her parents were very worried about her and often asked people to bring things for her. If she hadn't given everything to Albert, her small stature might not have been able to carry it all.

"Alright, I'm leaving. I know many of you don't like me, and if I've offended any of you before, I'm sorry now. But I also hope that you won't use vulgar and vicious words to describe me anymore. I don't care, but I don't want Samuel to misunderstand." After saying this, Lucy turned and left, leaving only her silhouette for the three people in the room.

The three looked at each other, knowing that Lucy had heard everything they just said.

Not long after Lucy left, Albert knocked on the door.

"Madeline, have you seen Lucy? I need to talk to her about something." Albert was wearing a white shirt. His skin was fair, his figure slender, and he looked refined.

Even after working day and night for such a long time, he still stood out from the crowd.

Just as Madeline was about to speak, Emily snorted coldly at Albert. "Aren't you engaged? Why are you looking for other women behind your fiancée's back?"

If Emily didn't like Lucy, she liked Albert even less.

A big man, with a girl giving up her future to accompany him to the countryside to suffer, and he didn't appreciate her. Instead, he asked the girl for all kinds of help, and then turned to climb a higher branch. Emily despised men like these.