010 doesn't appreciate

Lucy Sullivan stood up and looked towards the door, only to see two women each holding a quilt and a pillow, looking around cautiously as they softly called out Lucy's name, as if there was a wild dog in the house.

Samuel Smithson had somehow moved next to her and was preparing to go out and see the two visitors, but Lucy held back his arm, "They are my friends from the city, they're here to see me, I'll go out to them."

Lucy wanted to facilitate the introductions with Samuel, but considering the loose lips of Emily Linton, she decided to confront them alone. She didn't notice the subtle dim of Samuel's eyes.

"Madeline Leighton, Emily Linton, why are you here?" Lucy called out to the two perplexed girls.

Emily jumped in surprise, recognizing Lucy she slapped her chest, "Lucy, you scared us! Don't you know it is dangerous to surprise people like that!"

Lucy shrugged, "What on earth are you afraid of in my house?"

Emily rolled her eyes, this Lucy only knew to chase after Albert Hudson, she was completely ignorant of anything happening in the village.

She pulled Madeline closer and carefully moved next to Lucy. After making sure no one was lurking, she spoke in hushed tones. "Have you not heard? The villagers are saying that Samuel has a bad temper and is prone to violence, regardless of gender, if he is displeased, he does not hesitate to raise his hand."

A corner of Lucy's mouth twitched. From where did this rumor originate? She had been with Samuel for quite some time now and although he was a bit cold and stern, he was far from capricious violence.

Ignoring Madeline's warning, she asked again, "What brings you here?"

In her memory, 'Lucy Sullivan' and few other city dwellers didn't have the best of relationships.

At her question, Emily frowned in apparent displeasure and tossed the quilt in Lucy's arms, "You are ungrateful."

Seeing that, Madeline quickly tried to mediate, "Lucy, you packed up your things in a rush earlier and forgot to bring your bedding. Emily and I thought it would be nice to bring them over for you."

Surprised by their consideration, Lucy reached out to receive the pillow from Madeline, "Thank you both!"

Emily merely snorted without replying leaving it to Madeline to respond, "No need to mention it. We have lived together for a while now, it's nothing."

After saying that, she glanced at Emily who remained silent as a mouse.

"Lucy, um… so... are you really going to marry Samuel?" Asked Madeline with hesitation.

"Of course! It's natural for men and women to get married. Is there any reason we shouldn't?" Lucy's answer was straightforward.

Madeline was caught off guard by Lucy's confident response and blinked confusingly, turning to Emily for support.

Picking up the conversation, Emily finally broke her silence,

"Lucy, are you out of your mind? Firstly, you were fooled by someone like Albert, and now you are chasing after Samuel. Do you have an inkling of his family's situation? They have nothing! Even if he works harder, he will still receive the minimum Work Points. You are a city girl, and sooner or later you will return to the city. However, if you marry this pauper, your life will be ruined!"

Emily chattered away before finally remembering where she was and lowered her voice, "Do you understand what I'm saying!"

Lucy didn't realize that Emily was a soft-heart hidden behind a sharp tongue. The former Lucy seemed preoccupied with her crush on Albert, so she had little idea about her closer companions.

Although she appreciated Emily's concern, Lucy couldn't help but retort, "Of course, I have weighed my options! Samuel is a good man, hardworking and honest. Like it's said, labor is the most glorious. I believe his efforts will pay off one day, I trust him to never let me suffer!"

Emily sucked in a cold breath at the unwavering trust of Lucy and tried to argue back, but in the end, only managed to spit out, "Do as you please!"

As Emily stormed off, Madeline held onto Lucy's hand with an earnest plea, "Lucy, you must reconsider! For men, choosing the wrong career is the greatest folly, and for women, it's marrying the wrong man! Marriage is a serious matter!"

Having said that, Madeline ran off in Emily's direction.

Watching the two depart, Lucy shook her head. They just didn't understand.