018 Meet the Parents

Lucy Sullivan's tactful behavior couldn't help but earn Ethan Thompson's respect. In his memory, Ms. Lucy had always been inept at everything and was always chasing after Albert Hudson. Moreover, she was narrow-minded and often used petty tricks behind others' backs.

However, after spending time together today, Ethan Thompson noticed a significant change in Lucy.

"Since it's all a misunderstanding, let's disperse, everyone. Have you finished your work in the fields?"

Ethan Thompson's prestige in the village was high. As soon as he spoke, the crowd around them dispersed.

Seeing the crowd leave, Lucy held Samuel Smithson's hand and greeted Ethan Thompson before leaving. After walking some distance, Lucy looked back and saw Albert Hudson eagerly explaining something to Ethan Thompson.

Samuel Smithson noticed this and gently squeezed Lucy's hand, eliciting a startled cry, "Ouch! What are you doing?"

Lucy tried to pull her hand away, but Samuel held it even tighter, completely ignoring her just-asked question. He whispered, "Come to my house with me later to see Grandma."

At first, Lucy was upset about Samuel's sudden and painful grip, but when she suddenly heard him mention meeting his family, she didn't know how to react.

They had planned to do this in a few days, so why suddenly this afternoon? Would Samuel's Grandma like her? Would his family misunderstand her because of the gossip in the village? What if they asked Samuel to divorce her?

Many thoughts filled Lucy's mind. When she finally snapped out of it, she saw Samuel's dark eyes staring at her, "Alright. But Samuel, I'm a little nervous. What if Grandma, she..."

"I'll be there." Samuel guessed what Lucy wanted to say and knew what she was afraid of. His voice was still cold but no longer as emotionless as before.

In fact, Samuel hadn't planned to take Lucy home this early. He was unsure about this marriage himself, so he didn't want his family to bear the burden with him.

However, Lucy just now had been protecting him the entire time, constantly defending him with her words. Plus, Samuel felt that judging from everything, Lucy didn't like Albert Hudson as much as he had imagined. So with just a little effort, he would be able to keep Lucy by his side forever.

Upon hearing this, Lucy gave a bright smile, but her heart was still restless.

The couple went back home briefly, and with the things Samuel had prepared, they set off again without delay.

Samuel's ancestral home was in the central region of North Gorge Village. The house was vastly superior to Samuel's current residence, with brick walls and tiled roofs, and a spacious courtyard all testifying to the past glory of its owners.

Samuel carried the items and signaled Lucy to knock on the door.

Lucy took a deep breath outside the door, raised her little fist, and knocked twice on the heavy door. They soon heard an old woman's voice coming from inside the house.

In a short while, the door opened, and a sixty-year-old woman leaning on a cane appeared.

With a hunched back, gray hair, and a face full of wrinkles, the elderly woman wore a faded blue blouse, which seemed to have been worn for a long time.

"Oh, whose pretty girl is this, and why has she come here?" Seeing Lucy and Samuel standing together, the old lady was delighted. She had heard about her grandson getting married but couldn't walk properly, so she had to wait at home for her grandson to visit.

"Hmph, Samuel, you still remember to come back after getting married. I thought you'd forget about Grandma!" The old lady joked, pretending to be angry.

Samuel, whose face seldom displayed any emotion, seemed exceptionally tender. He raised the items in his hands, "How could I? I came to see you first after returning from the city!"

He temporarily put the items down, pulled Lucy to his side, and said, "Grandma, this is Lucy, my wife."

Lucy politely greeted the old lady, "Hello, Grandma!"

"Good, good! Samuel is married now, and I haven't failed Grandpa. Don't stand at the door; come in and sit down."

Samuel obeyed, picked up the items, and entered the house first, while Lucy held the old lady and followed slowly.

The old lady had been born in the old society and had grown up with bound feet. She had always walked slowly when she was young, and now as an old woman with unsteady legs, she walked even slower.

Lucy patiently accompanied the old lady at a slow pace. Already inside the house, Samuel poured water for them and watched them approach while sitting in a chair, his eyes full of affection.