022 Borrow Money

Lucy Sullivan noticed Albert Hudson's mood change and involuntarily stepped back. Albert was like a madman who might do anything, "Now that you know everything, leave quickly. It's not good if someone sees you standing at my door and reports it to Secretary Thompson."

Albert exhaled and tried his best to look pitiful, "Lucy, your aunt and uncle would be heartbroken if you treat me like this."

Lucy really wanted to spit on Albert's face. Her mother, Ms. Williams, was very satisfied with Samuel Smithson. As for the original family, Lucy believed that they would rather have her marry Samuel than Albert, a hypocrite.

Noticing Lucy's silence, Albert spoke again, "You said you were going to write to your aunt and uncle to ask for money and coupons; did they send them to you?"

Look at how naturally he said that, as if Lucy owed him.

However, without him mentioning this, Lucy had completely forgotten about the money he owed her.