038 Reached Cooperation

Upon hearing Brother Billy's words, Lucy Sullivan silently confirmed her hunch, but continued to feign ignorance. "Brother Billy, aren't you in charge of the Herbal Shop and trading medicinal herbs? The items that I have aren't for sell at your shop. Why do you need me in your business? I don't know a thing about herbal medicine."

Billy loved company and gregariously laughed at Lucy's comment. "Silly girl, the Herbal Shop is actually managed by my uncle. I just help out and make a little money on the side. But you don't have to worry, I know where to sell these things, so sell them to me in confidence. If anyone's going to lose out, it will be on my dime, I definitely won't let you suffer any losses."

Lucy blinked her big eyes, filled with both hope and worry. "Brother Billy, are you really sure? Samuel and I don't want you to lose out."