Chapter 23 Team 7

It was the day that everyone was waiting for, the day the teams would be made known to them and everyone was eager to get to the academy and see where they would be placed. Naruto of course was no exception as he had blown through his kitchen, past his father without eating. Kakashi was so surprised that Naruto had actually skipped breakfast but he figured he was going to stop by the ramen stand first. Normally he wouldn't let him but it was a special day after all. Turns out that was exactly where he went and after that he went over to Hinata's to walk her to school like normal.

He was still a little uneasy about walking into her place but so far no one seemed to be glaring at him, although Hanabi kept grinning at the two of them making both of them uncomfortable. So they were on their way to school with Naruto talking the entire time on what possible teams they would be put on.

"N-Naruto-kun do you think w-we'll be put onto the same team?" She asked him. She was hoping that they would be since that meant she would get to see him all the time and go on missions together. She always had her own little dreams of the both of them working together on missions and of course most of those dreams ended with them alone together sharing a moment. One that she really remembered was one where they had been older and were in a forest, they were tracking someone and they came to this beautiful grotto and Naruto had taken her in his arms and told her how beautiful she was and then he kissed her.

She blushed a bit remembering those dreams, they were always her favourite.

Naruto thought about it, he wouldn't mind having Hinata on his team she was his first real friend he ever made and he admired her skills. She was preferable over some of the others like Sasuke he really hoped he wasn't on his team since they could only stand each other for short periods anyway.

"I think that would be great Hinata-chan, we would kick major ass I just know it," He said happily and she smiled at that.

Then Naruto's face got a bit more serious as a thought hit him, they might not be put on a team after all and if that happened he wouldn't be able to see her every day like he had been. They would only get to see each other when they didn't have missions to run and who knew how that would work out.



"What if we're not on the same team?" He asked her and he saw her face fall at that news since it was something that could happen. "Hey let's promise something together okay?"

She looked at him expectedly wondering what he had in mind.

"Let's promise that we'll always be there for the other even if we're not on the same team and that we'll get really strong and help the other achieve their dreams and become the best ninjas there is, okay?

Hinata smiled and nodded her head she liked that idea and she would help Naruto become Hokage and also she felt that he would make a great Hokage one day. They entered into the classroom and it was the usual scene with the kids all talking excitedly amongst each other about who they'll be teamed up with and they couldn't wait to go on their first missions. Naruto and Hinata made for their friends who were gathered around a few tables.

A moment later Iruka came in with the folders for the teams, he took his place at the front of the class and smiled at the students. It had been a long time but they were finally ready to step out into the world, he only hoped that he had prepared them for what was to come ahead as he knew of the real tests that awaited them. Although he knew that some would pass while others failed it happened all the time but he had a very good feeling about this year.

He had seen some very promising students this year and for some reason he felt that they would show him that they would be ninjas that the village could be proud of.

"First off I want to congratulate everyone you all passed the exam and it's been my pleasure to teach you all." Iruka said to them all smiling, "I know that you all will make me proud and that you all should be proud of what you accomplished. Now then you'll be put into your four-man cells, three genins and a jonin instructor. I'll call out the team name, the genins that will be in it, your jonin instructors will pick you up soon."

Iruka started to read off the names as everyone waited to see where they would be place, he started with the Team One and moved on up through the teams. "Team 7 will be Sakura Haruno, Naruto Hatake and Sasuke Uchiha."

Sakura brightened up at that and who was on her team.

"What!? How come Sakura gets put on Sasuke-kun team?" Ino whined out loud.

"Ino the teams were placed as they were for a reason now sit down while I finish the teams off," Iruka said to the young girl. She eventually sat down pouting that she wasn't on the same team as her crush Sasuke although Sasuke was glad on hearing that, he wasn't sure he could take having someone like Ino who was always bothering him.

Sasuke gave a glance at his team, Sakura he wasn't sure of. To him he figured she was one of the less than annoying fan girls but still slightly annoying. Then there was Naruto the only person in school who had given him any type of challenge. It was strange since they fought a lot and yet he couldn't say that he hated the boy, sure he was loud, annoying and sometimes dense but he was also the only other student that Sasuke could measure his progress against. It was also irritating that Naruto was never too far behind him (at least in his eyes) and so Sasuke always had to push himself harder.

In a way Naruto was making him reach his goal of avenging his family faster but he wouldn't be outdone by him regardless he would surpass and leave Naruto behind since he still had to catch up to Itachi's level and then surpass him as well.

Naruto smiled at his team, sure he was on Sasuke's team but at least he was paired up with Sakura one of his friends and someone who he kind of liked as well. He was a bit sad that Hinata wasn't on his team, he would have traded Sasuke for her in a heartbeat but there was no changing it. He looked around and saw Hinata's face looking down slightly sad and he knew that she wanted to be on his team as well. He would go talk to her after everything was settled.

Iruka continued to call out names, "Team 8 will be Hinata Hyuga, Kiba Inuzuka and Shino Aburame."

"Cool this should be interesting eh Hinata?" Kiba asked the girl next to him.

She snapped out of her slight depression and gave him a small smile, "O-oh of course Kiba-kun."

Kiba sighed knowing that Hinata had a crush on Naruto and yet had done nothing about it, he once said to her that if she wanted to that he would tell Naruto that Hinata liked him but she had panicked and begged him not to. He couldn't say no to her, after all she was one of the nicest people he met and it would be like kicking a puppy to betray her so he stayed silent. He just wished that either Naruto would get a clue or Hinata would grow a spine.

He looked to Shino and the no so talkative boy nodded his head as he took knew what he was thinking about. Perhaps the both of them would be able to work on Hinata's confidence and get her to admit her feelings after all sure it was funny at first but catching her when she fainted all the time was getting to be annoying.

"Team 10 will be Choji Akimichi, Ino Yamanaka and Shikamaru Nara."

"Oh great not only am I not on the same team as Sasuke-kun I get paired up with the most lazy ass boy in the world and his sidekick," Ino whined resting her head on the table.

"Oh man what a drag to get her of all people," Shikamaru sighed in his seat behind the blonde, "As if I don't get enough nagging at home from my mom now I'll have to have it some more from her."

"What was that?" Ino snapped at him giving him a death glare.

"Teh, troublesome," he muttered going back into his usual resting position.

By the time the teams were finished being called Iruka gave them some time to get to know the teammates before their new teachers would show up. Naruto went over to Hinata seeing how sad she had been and sat down next to her.

"Hey you okay Hinata-chan?" He asked her.

She blushed realising that he was sitting right next to her and started to play with her fingers, "I-I'm okay N-Naruto-kun."

"Good but sorry that we're not on the same team that would have been really cool," Naruto said to her and he saw her get a small smile at his words. "Anyways don't worry maybe our teams could get paired up one missions now and then you never know and it's not like we won't see each other. But anyway I'll miss hanging out all the time with you and the others."

Hinata's felt touched that he would miss her and she wanted to say something back but she wasn't sure what to say. "T-thank you Naruto-kun and...and promise me th-that we'll still see each other?"

He gave her one of his smiles, "You got it Hinata-chan!"

She smiled and this time she felt like smiling. Later on the jonins came up and one by one the teams left, Naruto said good bye to Hinata and all his other friends and it was only until Team 7 was the last team left in the room waiting for their jonin to pick them up.

It was over an hour later and still their instructor wasn't around and the three genins were getting very bored. Sasuke was staring out the window at nothing and Naruto looked like he was about to sleep while Sakura who was sitting between them was tapping her fingers on the desk annoyed about all of this. She sighed and looked at Sasuke and couldn't help but grin at beating Ino and every other girl to be on this team. First she had Sasuke-kun and she also had Naruto, both boys were sought after although most went after Sasuke.

He was very handsome and skilled although he was so distant she looked at Naruto who was still partially a mystery. She had known him for all this time and still she didn't know what he looked like under his mask. But he was kind and caring but he was also slightly perverted and an idiot at times, so she just sighed back to her original problem. The fact was she liked Naruto as a friend but she wasn't sure if there was more to it or should she try and get through to Sasuke? She had talked to her mother which turned out to be no help at all she couldn't talk to Ino as she would just tell her to go after Naruto so she could have Sasuke to herself and Hinata would say go after Sasuke for other reasons.

She went back to looking at Sasuke and was about to ask him what he was thinking when suddenly there was loud repeating banging sounds. Both young teens jumped and looked at Naruto who was banging his head against the desk muttering to himself

"I can't believe it, why, why, why? Isn't it against the rules? I mean it's cool but it's also not cool, oh man why did it have to be him, we're never going to get anything done now, I can't get away with anything anymore, why, why why?" Naruto kept saying over and over banging his head on the desk.

"Naruto stop that!" Sakura yelled at him afraid that he might hurt himself and not to mention he might damage the desk.

"Naruto what the hell is your problem?" Sasuke asked him annoyed by his behaviour. In all the time he had known Naruto he just could never figure the boy out, he had so much potential but wasted it all acting like a child and goofing off. It was also one of the reasons why it irked him how Naruto kept up with his skills while like that and Sasuke trained hard most of his free time. He needed to be stronger and although he never said it Naruto had always pushed him to newer limits.

It was the only reason the blonde masked idiot was a rival for him, in their sparing matches Naruto would always use some wild and unpredictable style that seemed at times polished skill or just wild movements that had no finesse to them at all. He actually secretly enjoyed those matches because Naruto always changed things up and it never got bored, unlike the others.

Kiba was all power and kept coming at him head on with brute strength, Shikamaru had never been a challenge, Choji had strength but didn't have the speed like Kiba did so he was even less of a challenge, everyone in the class never made him work with the exception of Naruto. After all the years, all the challenges and all the insults he still didn't know what it was about Naruto that made him so strong. He just couldn't figure it out but since they were on the same team now maybe he would finally find out.

The only thing that was a bit annoying was Sakura, she was one of the fan girls but at least she seemed a bit more milder than the others like that loud blonde friend of hers. Every time that blonde shouted out 'Sasuke-kun' he shivered inside. Why couldn't these girls take a hint and see he wasn't interested in fan girls he needed a real woman in his life someone to help him rebuild the clan back and someone he could at least respect. He had no time for timid or shy girls, or girls that didn't take life of a ninja seriously.

That was only Saskura's saving grace as she at least seemed to try and make an effort, but she seemed a little indecisive about to go after him or the masked idiot making a dent in the desk with his head.

"Naruto stop it!" Sakura yelled at him.

"You don't understand I know who our jonin instructor is," Naruto said to her and now both genins were looking at him.

"Who?" Sasuke asked him.

"Well since all the others are taken there is only one left that would be this late," Naruto sighed hanging his head.

"Well then who?" Sakura asked him anxiously.

It was at that moment that the door slid open and a masked man with long silver hair and only one eye visible pocked his head in, he gave a smile behind his mask that left his visible eye closed. "Yo. Sorry I'm late but I had to help a lost dog finds its owner. So why don't you all meet me up on the roof so we can get to know each other better."

With that Kakashi left as there was a moment of silence which was soon broken by a loud 'thunk' as Naruto's head once more hit the desk. He knew that his dad would never be on time and that was just one of those little excuses he used all the time. It wasn't that he didn't mind his dad being here, it was kind of awesome actually but that just meant that he would have to get used to his dad's more 'unique' nature full time. He hated waiting around and now he would have to do it all the time with him teaching them.

"Naruto wasn't that..." Sakura trailed off knowing full well who Naruto's father was after all she as well as the others had gone over to the Hatake home many times.

"Yeah that's my dad," Naruto sighed picking himself up and going to the door. Sakura followed as Sasuke walked with them with his hands in his pockets looking like he was bored although he was slightly interested to know just how did Naruto's father got to be their jonin. Sasuke had never met Naruto's family although he heard the stories but he was wondering if the Hatake family had some type of thing with masks and wild spiky hair.

They made it to the roof and the three sat down across from their new sensei as he was leaning up against the railing. Kakashi looked at the three students and for a moment he was taken back to his own genin days. It was kind of strong to see how history repeated itself, he could already see Sasuke as the serious one in the group like he had been, that would be something that he would have to work on with the boy. Seeing Sasuke brought back memories of his own youth and Kakashi really wished he hadn't been so serious all the time he could have had a lot more fun and a better childhood.

He mentally shrugged that off, you couldn't change the past so it was best to learn from it he figured.

Next he looked at Naruto and he already knew that his son would be the 'Obito' of this group. He was actually glad for that since it would help balance things out and keep things interesting. Although unlike Obito at least Naruto had a good work ethic and always liked to train and learn more practical ninja skills. Sometimes he was like a sponge with that especially with ninjustu.

He had met Sakura a few times but didn't really know that much of her, he had seen her fiery temper a few times and her calm manner as well. She was like Rin only she seemed a little less secure about herself so that was something he hoped to help her with not to mention from her file she had book smarts and very intelligent but her other skills were just basic.

"Now then why don't you all tell me about yourselves so I can get a good handle on you and for each other and yes Naruto you have to do this too. I know you well enough but it's for their benefit as well." Kakashi added in seeing that Naruto was about to say something.

"Uh, Kakashi-sensei why don't you start so we can get an idea?" Sakura asked.

Kakashi nodded his head, "Well lets see my name is Kakashi Hatake, I like a lot of things and don't like some things, my dreams are really none of your business and I have few hobbies."

The three genins sweat dropped at that since they didn't learn anything out of it. That is until Naruto decided to fill in some blanks.

"He loves his perverted books and reads them all the time and I think one of his dreams is to have them all done into a movie. He's one of the top jonins, has a rivalry with another named Gai and he one day wishes he can beat a twelve year old at cards." He smirked at that last bit seeing Kakashi give him a parental glare at that. Naruto knew that his dad would get even with him for that one later.

He just sighed and looked at Sakura, "Okay fine then you're up."

"Sakura Haruno, I like flowers and my friends. I want to become strong to protect them and to be the best Kunoichi that I can be. And as for dreams well...I kind of like..." she trailed off as she was sitting between Naruto and Sasuke and her eyes darted between both boys as she blushed. Kakashi had to chuckle at that.

"Alright emo boy you're up," Kakashi said to Sasuke.

His eyebrow twitched at being called that but Sasuke remained serious, "I don't like much other than training and getting stronger. I hate those stupid fan girls who instead of focusing on being a ninja act like this is a stupid game. I don't have a dream but I do have an ambition and that's to restore my clan to its former glory and to kill a certain someone."

Kakashi knew who that person was and he honestly couldn't blame the boy, his own older search brother someone he had looked up to had killed his entire family leaving him alone in the world. Kakashi didn't know the details although he had seen the bodies he had been there on the clean up and it hadn't been pretty. So many dead and even the none ninjas and the children had been slaughtered. For a young child to be witness to it obviously had left deep scars on the young boy.

"Is it my turn yet dad?" Naruto yelled out.

"Yes but while we're on the clock I expect some respect Naruto," Kakashi warned him and Naruto nodded his head.

"Naruto Hatake, I like ramen, training my friends and I'd do anything to protect those close to me. I hate bullies and people who think they're better than everyone else and my dream is to be the greatest Hokage of all time!"

Kakashi eye smiled at that, he had heard it all the same but Naruto always seemed to get really excited about it just the same. After that he felt that he knew enough about them, anything more he could learn over time as he got to see underneath the underneath with them.

"Okay then now that's out of the way it's time for me to tell you about the real genin test," Kakashi grinned.

"Oh crap I forgot about that!" Naruto yelled out clutching his head. Given that his dad had told him about how there was a real test after a genin was graduated and if they failed they were sent back. He had been so focused on passing the academy that it slipped his mind. And now he was very worried that his father was giving the test to them.

"What test?" Sasuke asked.

"Basically the test you did was just to see if you could become genin to see if you're truely ready to be genin you have to pass the test of your jonin instructor. If you fail well you get sent back here for another year, some have quit after my test and others are used as non combat ninjas like currier or working in administration or something else like that since not all ninjas are used in combat after all."

"So then I want you all to go to training area 7 be there at 5am and I don't want you three to eat since you'll most likely throw up anyway and I'll be watching you Naruto," Kakashi smirked before be disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"He's not serious is he?" Sakura asked Naruto but she saw the color drain a bit from his face at least the part of the face that she could see.

"Hn, how hard can this be?" Sasuke asked.

"Uh...I think pretty hard," Naruto said scratching the back of his head, "for years they've been trying to get him to take a genin team but my dad has failed every single group that they sent him. He has a damn score board on a tree outback and every time they fail he puts another notch to it."

"Wait a minute I think I saw that tree last time I was over at your house for you last birthday," Sakura remembered once seeing a tree with lots of marks on it but wasn't sure what it had been for. She had meant to ask but had forgotten when the party games started up and Ino had dragged her to be with Hinata with a game of the boys against the girls.

"Yeah he's never passed a team and I mean never he's got the longest record of doing that too," Naruto sighed knowing that things wouldn't get easy for them he knew the kind of training his dad could do when he was motivated to actually train. He may act lazy but his dad knew his stuff and the training he had put him through the years hadn't exactly been easy at times either.

"Well maybe he'd go easy on us since you're on our team?" Sakura asked.

Naruto just let out a small laugh, "Are you kidding he might even go harder on us since I'm on the team. He likes to push me to the limits in my own training, and I saw what he does. One time I watched as he climbed a cliff with one hand literally tied behind his back for training."

He saw the faces of both of them get surprised reactions out of that, he himself still couldn't believe some of the training his dad went through although it wasn't as bad as Uncle Gai's at least it was somewhat sane and not totally out there and he wasn't sure what Auntie Anko did for her own training.

"So what we don't have a chance?" Sakura asked him worried about this test.

Naruto was silent a moment until he stood up, "Hell yes we have a chance! I never gave up with anything that was thrown at me and everything my dad threw at me I tried twice as hard. I'm not backing down and you know what we can do this, after all three of us made it to the top places this year and if anyone can do it then we can!"

Sakura couldn't help but smile at his confidence and his words, they had an impact on her making her think that maybe they could pull this off. Sasuke looked at the masked blonde and as he thought about it, it was true they were the top students of this year. So to him any stupid test wouldn't be too hard besides at least it might mean that the others wouldn't slow him down either.

Naruto smiled as he looked over the village, he had come so very far but he still had a long way to go and he would let nothing stand in the way of his dream. He had passed the exam and he would pass this test that his father would throw at them.

'Bring it on dad we'll take whatever you throw at us and give it right back at you and you better believe it!' He thought to himself.

Next up Chapter 24: Pass or Fail