Chapter 37

Drian's - [P.O.V]

I ran towards them as well with my body turning into red, the blood of Zeus, the blood of our creator and the sun God Brian was revealing itself through me.

I growled in anger and a force exists out of my body destroying them all.

They dare to harm my lover, I picked Nian up and she regains her strength now that her lover is close to her.

I am beginning to understand how to control my powers now.

All I ever needed was an emotional push and she made me kill them all because I hated the fact that she was smashed with her body feeling so weak that I even felt it.

General Thanos is next and I can already feel his presence around me.

"I am coming for you Drian, you will never know what it means to be a Drian." He said so horrifyingly and loud then bam.

All the lights came on but I could not still trust the safety of the bridge to go and get my car back since the bridge has been badly damaged.

I walked away from the bridge with Nian in my arms and Lisa followed me from my side.

Today almost became my worst nightmare that I am sure that I won't be able to wake up from, but thankfully and gracefully I saved her... My own lover.

We got into a hotel nearby spending the night just for the alarm clock to ring with my hand glowing blue again.

I stepped out from the hotel room stretching my body from the stuffed feeling in my joints and backbone which I got from sleeping on the hard floor for the night.

I knew one of those creatures was here because my hand was glowing.

My Meta - Being voice prepared himself for a fight, I looked into another person's room to see that they were all dead and hung upside down, I turned back walking on my toes to make sure that I did not make sounds that they might perceive as a threat.

But then one of them got in front of me and my heart beat instantly seeing that it was standing at the exact door where Nian and Lisa were both sleeping.

I turned back to run just to see another one blocking my way from upfront.

I closed my eyes thinking about the safety of Nian and why I needed to protect her and my Meta - Being voice pushed me to fight and I landed a punch on their faces while breaking their skulls with my bare hands.

They both died.

I got into the room with my white shirt already stained with their thick black blood.

"Nian! Lisa!" I called out their names audibly for both of them to hear and they both got up from the bed.

My palm was glowing and so Nian already knew that danger was close.

She used her magic to create a shield of protection over us but I knew it would not work to stop a Alien that is magic itself.

I opened the hotel window asking them to go out and hide by the side of the window while I fought off those other monsters that got into the room as fast as I could.

They stopped getting Into the room and I knew for sure that I had killed a lot of them and so there should be none now.

"Drian!!" Lisa screams out and I ran towards the window only for my eyes to meet the murderer of my whole family about to murder my lover again.

General Thanos!

My breathing was not coming from my nose out anymore but from every pores in my body, he brought out a knife playing with her neck in the air and a pain of losing the only lover I can ever have lifted me into the air with the scare on my palm opening itself wider till it had covered my whole body.

I ran straight for the window knowing fully well that if I fell down from that height my body would be damaged and might take many months to get healed if not years since the building is a story building.

I was now in the air falling and General Thanos began to laugh at me.

"I was wise enough to curse you and that gave me the link to be here today, too bad you don't know how to be a Drian." He said and I closed my eyes trying to balance my mind to the air and free my heart till it is as light as a feather and I got it.

I could fly!

"Legends says you would defeat me with the help of your lover but she is in my hands right now!.. I guess it would be fun to see her scream while she falls and die with the baby she's pregnant with." He said releasing Nian and I flew over to where she was saving her from falling down or hitting herself to the hard ground.

A tear rolled out from my lovers eyes and it terribly provoked me.

General Thanos stabs me from behind with a stake and it did not go into me.

"I am not like every kind of Meta - Hybrid General Thanos, I am the only meta Meta - Hybrid alive." I said to him and he attempted to stab Nian.

She screamed afraid of what the Alien wanted to do to her.

I turned to look at him and I could no longer control the pain of just looking at his face!

He was the cause why I did not get to see my father and was the reason the Universe spirit started engineering a Drian for centuries.

I will get justice!

I landed a punch over his face and I can already feel how weak he was in front of me and the kind of power operating in me was now uncontrollable.

But then he roars and I crashed down the building till I hit the ground.

He was powerful too.

And I was not asking strong as he was, something wasn't yet complete.

I looked at the moon as General Thanos rushed down with a death punch feeling lost in my own body... I finally knew who I was.

The combination of all Generals, from zeus to brian and now me!

I grabbed his hand before it hit me

"General Thanos! You have disappointed me, you changed for evil and have breached the walls of the spiritual, causing many lives to perish, So, therefore... A life for a life or a payment for life." I said to General Thanos and he bows staring at me.

"Forgive me General Zeusin, I choose a payment" General Thanos says looking down.

"Bow before your new General"

"General Drian"

"And surrender your powers to him" It says and he looks at me annoyed bowing slowly.

Only for him to attempt to kill me and I hugged him.

"My son Thanos, listen to the beginners voice and obey" a voice using lines of Mona, the Universe spirit says holding him.

He was even wearing my mothers' marriage ring on his hand.

I held his shoulders and I roared over his face and he began to wear off slowly into flames and my mum's ring fell to my hand.

I knew I had forever extinct him.

I landed on the ground casting a spell that would make everyone that is human to forget everything that had occurred and Nian rushed to me... hugging me and kissing me with so much tension.

Lisa runs past us and she hugs someone.

I and my lovers' eyes widened as we saw Andrew holding his lover to himself while giving us a thumbs up.

They walked towards us in peace.

"Drian!" Papi says walking close to me when he reaches very close to me together with his wife Esther.

Then they hugged me.

"We are so sorry we hope you forgive us for separating you and Nian... Drian" they said to me very sorry and I smiled.

"I am sorry too and it's okay." I replied to them and I turned to look at Nian and she smiled at me holding my right hand.

Crowns of gold appeared over her head showing that she was my Luna.

I went down with my knee over the floor.

"Will you be my Luna, my everything, my wife Nian?" I asked her with my mum's ring on my hand and she bones up her face staring at me and then a big smile erupts out from her beautiful face.


It thundered in the heavens and two stones struck down with a force of red and blue.

The blue enters me and my claws glowed blue and into Nian and her eyes and claws glowed red and It was then I remembered that it was written after Drian is made.

The infinite divine.... Would be born.

The being the Universe spirit has been creating!

Our child will be the infinite Divine.

"She grows up so fasts, what will we call her?" Nian asked.

"She would be called Cora." I said with a smile.