Beomgyu's fever pt.1

"Minaaaa~~ what are you doing in your room for so loonggg??"

You whined as you opened her door frame only to be met with a pale body hanging.

You let out a distorted scream as you slid down the wall,whimpering at the sight.

Tears sliding down from your eyes to fall on your blue shirt but all you could see right now was her. Her pale, lifeless body hung from the ceiling. So cold yet so warm.


Mina's dad came in yelling with her mom following. You pointed at her weakly as you cried harder.


Her parents said before rushing to take her body.

They quickly called everyone that could possibly help at this moment, while you left the house quietly and called her.

-on the call-

"Yeah Y/N-ahh what is it?"


You broke down in tears.

"Oh my god Y/N!!! Are you okay? Did someone hurt you?"

"Mina- she- she died. She hung- I don't know what's going on- "

"Hold on I'm coming there"

-call ended-

There. That was the first time you got a panic attack.

Luckily your brother was around the corner to pick you up from Mina's home when he saw you losing your breath.


He rushed over.

"Hyung- I can't- I can't breathe-help"

"Don't worry Y/N, I got you. okay?"


You woke up from your dream nightmare screaming.

You started panting as your door slightly creeked open.

"Y/N? You alright?"

"Hyung- I got that dream."

"What dream?"

He asked confused.

His confusion is acceptable. You haven't had that dream for a while now.


"Oh my god! Are you okay? Do you have a fever? Did you play in the rain again?"

"No.....Nope I didn't."

■Beomgyu POV■

I woke up midsleep to get water and I heard a scream coming from Y/N's room.

Did she have a nightmare?

I thought and quickly went there.

I opened the door of her room as I saw

Y/N panting(??).

"Y/N? You alright?"

Concerned, I questioned her.

"Hyung- I got that dream."

"What dream?"

Obviously I knew what dream it was but I had to make sure.

She hasn't had that dream ever since both of us moved here so it has to be something bad.



"Oh my god! Are you okay? Do you have a fever? Did you play in the rain again?"

I asked, as far as I know her...she loves rain.

"No.....Nope I didn't."

"Sure Y/N-iee now make sure to sleep.yeah?"

She hummed and plopped herself back onto her bed as I closed the door and stood outside.

She's becoming who she was 3 years ago. Finally.

I thought to myself and went to sleep.

But something came to my mind as I strided back into the kitchen.

The water bottle.

I quickly grabbed it and went to sleep.

"Oh Mr.Kang you're here. My parents aren't home tho-"

I said as I saw Taehyun's dad at our little house's door

"This is about them son...they passed away."

He said as his head hung low.

My parents? Dead? No way.


I asked feeling my cheeks getting wet.

"They were killed. A truck crashed into them by one of the groups under JYP."

(A/N: Y'all have no clue how much I wheezed at this part")

"how do I say this to Y/N?"

I muttered under my breath.

She would certainly not feel good about this, the girl had just recovered from her best friend's passing.


"Nothing Mr.Kang. We'll be moving back to Seoul in a month so I can join back in the group."

"Okay, be safe son"

"Yes Mr.Kang, now go before Y/N shows up"

I said smiling weakly.


He said and took his leave.

5 minutes later my little sister came home.

"Hyung! Mom? Dad? Anyone?"


I yelled as I engulfed her in a long hug crying.

"Hyung? Are you crying? What happened?"

"Mom and dad- they-they died!"

"What? Died?"

She said looking up and breaking the hug.

"Yeah...a truck crashed into them, Mr.Kang just told me."

"Man, I never get to see Mr.Kang. He's always with our old man but I never see him. Kinda sus"

"Y/N....they're gone..forever."

"Yes they are hyung, yes they are."

She said as she hugged me again and smiled weakly.

She genuinely creeps me out sometimes, but again, who knows what monster she is taming inside of her.


This time it was my turn to wake up panting.

And I saw Y/N standing by my bed worried.

"What's wrong hyung? You look....sick"

She said as she placed her cold hands on my forehead and gasped.

"Hyung! You're burning!!"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"You have a fever! Shut up and lay back down! I'll go prepare something warm for you."

She was about to leave but I pulled her wrist back so she wouldn't panic and set the house on fire.

Yes, she's a good cook but if she's in a hurry, she wouldn't even know if the stove is still burning or not.

"It's okay Y/N-ie...I'll take care of myself. Go to school, yeah?"

"No! I can't just leave you like this and even if I do I would keep worrying about you in school!"


"Nope. Nuh uh! The last time I left you alone, you almost burnt our house.

I'll even call the others okay?"

I sighed in defeat and plopped myself back onto my bed.

She checked my temperature again but I slapped her hand off annoyed.

"Whatever. I'm going to the dorms to call the others. Brush your teeth and lay back down until I come back okay?"

She said and exited my room.

I heard the faint sound of the front door opening and closing as I sighed and got up to do as my little sister says.

Sometimes this girl makes me wonder who the older one is.

I thought to myself and started doing whatever I do everyday.


I made my way to Yeonjun and Soobin hyung's dorm and pressed the doorbell until Yeonjun yelled and opened the door.

"OKAY OKAY I'M COMING WHO THE FUCK IS IT- Y/N? What're you doing here? It's only 6 and you don't have any practise toda-"

I cut him off and started what I had to say.

"Beomgyu hyung's sick and I can't take care of him all alone. Now will you help me or not? I'm calling the others too."

"Why does your brother need 5 people taking care of him?"

"Welll he's Choi Beomgyu and

He needs one person for him to bug, annoy and hug,

One person to cook

One person to look after him

And 2 persons to help me cook. "

"He is high maintenance indeed"

Yeonjun said while letting out a small chuckle.

"Okay go call Taehyun and Huening-ie while I call you there."

He smiled slightly and closed the door.

2 down, 2 to go.

And so I strided to Taehyun and Hyuka's dorm and once again pressed the doorbell until someone came and opened the door.

Taehyun peeked out of the door, making only his head visible.

"Y/N? What's wrong?"

He said opening the door wider signing for me to come in but I shaked my head and started speaking.

"Beomgyu hyung is sick. Wanna help me look after him?"

"Sure! Should I call Huening too?"

"Why not?"

"Okay do you want to wait or should I meet you there?"

"I'll just go"

I said with a smile and left.

'Least I get a day off from school.



■Taehyun POV■


I started.


She asked back.

Dry. So frickin dry.

"I like......."



"And I like white."

"White and yellow together is quite pleasant to look at, don't you think?"

I asked, hinting a little at the girl who is oblivious to my feelings.


"I like......."



Dang it.

"And I like white."

"White and yellow together is quite pleasant to look at, don't you think?"

It does.

"Nope. I think white and black are better racist pun intended."

I said raising my arms up.

"Then my favourite color is black."

Fireworks? More like a fucking nuclear explosion happened inside of me.

Imma just walk off or I will pass out.


Did she just walk off on me?

The latter thought while the lass covered her ears with her hoodie that had turned red while walking still.

"Why did I pick someone like you out of all the girls that're chasing me.....I ain't complaining though.."

He said before giggling to himself and running behind the girl.

Why you so damn adorable!?

She thought looking up to her side to see the latter marvel at stores that were on their left until they finally reached the drugstore.

"What would you like ma'am?"

The worker there asked as you two walked in and you looked up to Taehyun telling him to tell the worker what you wanted.

"Oh- right we want meds for fever."

Taehyun said smiling awkwardly.

"Yes sir. I'll just go and get them."

She said and searched a few boxes before coming back.

"Okay....You should take 1 pill after waking up and 1 before sleeping."

She said handing them.

"Thank you. How much are they?"

You asked the last part to yourself getting the bag and looking at the receipt.

"Right. Here you go."

You said handing the money before walking out with Taehyun.

You looked up to see Taehyun already looking at you....


You asked.

"You look...pretty."

"I know."

You replied before walking off.

"Take a compliment will you."


"You know...Beomgyu's meds can wait a little longer-"


"Alright alright jeez I was just joking."

