Ruka? Mina?

It was a peaceful morning, the birds chirping was faintly heard from my room and the curtains were covering the sun's light as faint music was playing from my phone.

Shouldn't my alarm be ringing by now?

I slowly picked up my phone, shifting from my comfortable position and checking the time, the music playing got abruptly cut off by loud yelling making me drop my phone.


Beomgyu hyung's voice resonated through my room.

So this is what he did when he asked for my phone last night-


Oh the alarm wasn't over yet.....

And I did as the alarm said.

I got up, brushed my teeth, showered, put on new clothes 'cause what kind of an idiot wears pj's to university, and now I'm standing in Beomgyu hyung's room, ready to yell.


I yelled beside his ear and he jolted awake, sitting up and looking around frantically.



He whined making me scoff in disbelief.

"Why would I do that huh?"

I said before playing the alarm he set up.

"Oh.....right now get out of my room."


I said before walking over and closing the door.

I quickly walked over to the cabinet and took out the box of cereal and made my way to the refrigerator to get milk.

I opened spotify (not sponsered) and played music before taking out two spoons for me and my questionably loud brother.

"Alright what's for breakfast- oh. Cereals....."

He muttered before sitting infront of me.

"Yes.....I don't feel like cooking today..."

"It's alright!"

He yelled enthusiastically


I yelled back with fake enthusiasm.

It's been five minutes, and we were still eating when I decided to speak about a very very, extremely, important topic.


I called and he hummed in response.

"I'm gonna name my bike..."

I said looking up to see Beomgyu hyung's eyes tear up as he tried to hold in his laugh and swallow his food.

He coughed a few times before looking up, still laughing.

"You- you're gonna name your bike!?"


"What're you gonna name it as?"


"Oh. Alright whatever you wish."


Classes just ended for me and I was walking out with Taehyun 'cause Hueningkai saw a new plushie on his phone and went to buy one for him and one for me.

"Y/N is that..."

Taehyun pointed and when I traced his hands and looked at where he was pointing, I almost choked on air.

I was the only one who knew about it....SHIT SHIT SHIT!.

"...Yeonjun hyung and Soobin hyung?"

It was indeed both of them, they were by the wall of the university, all smiley and giggling.


Thank god they hang out often or he would've thought what I would've thought.

"Wanna go say Hi?"

"Taehyun we are literally im the same friend group and we talk almost everyday let's just go.."

I said and started walking before he pulled my wrist making me stop.


"Wanna go stargazing tonight?"

"What's in it for me?"

"Stars, food, coffee and ofcourse, Me."

He said smiling.

"Alright, tell Beomgyu hyung and pick me up at seven I guess...."

I trailed off still walking, not noticing the fact that Taehyun was still holding my wrist as we walked.


Taehyun said to himself with a little sparkle in his eyes.

After a while, we reached the dorms and I bid goodbyes with Taehyun and went to my dorm, only to see Beomgyu looking at me with a weird smirk.


I asked after removing my shoes.

"I heard Taehyun asked you out~"

He replied.

"Is that what all of this is about?"


He got cut off by his phone ringing.

"Hello?....WHAT!?.....NO NO HOLD ON- BULLSHIT!"

He yelled and grabbed his hair, his phome dropping on the coffee table.

"What's going on?"

"Your date should wait Y/N....Some asshole kidnapped Ruka and the first person she asked for is you."

He replied placing his arms on his lips.


"Yeah.....go to Huening's dorm, I'll go to Soobin's."

He said running out the door.

I slowly processed what he said.

She only thought of me after getting kidnapped....

Should I be surprised?

Taehyun and Hueningkai...

I locked my dorm and ran out to Taehyun and Hueningkai's dorm, pressing the doorbell and banging my fists on the door.

"Who is it? Y/N?"

A panicked Hueningkai asked opening the door.

"H-huening... they got Ruka.....come quickly...."

I said before running downstairs to take my bike and parked it at the entrance waiting for the black van with the equipments inside to come.

And I spotted it, coming at an insanely high speed towards me and stopped.

"Y/N.... here."

Soobin tossed me a pistol and I quickly grabbed it and put it in my back pocket.

"I'll send you the adress."

Beomgyu hyung said and the car started moving again.

I opened my phone to see a notification marked as important from my beloved alarm wrecking brother.

Beomgyu hyung:

Don't panic Y/N-ahh, we'll get her alright?

Here's the adress - ××× ××× ×××

"Alright Raven, let's go for a ride."

I told myself and my non-breathing bike before rushing to the adress which conveniently happened to be a dungeon in the middle of some shady street.

I got off my bike and removed my helmet to see all 5 of the guys stand there.

"Y/N! took you long enough! Let's go."

Yeonjun said and Soobin led the way inside before 4 huge, and I mean HUGE men blocked our way.


Taehyun asked.

"Drop your weapons."

Well there goes that.

All of us took out the guns and gave it to them.

"Shit. I didn't even bring knives."

Beomgyu muttered.

"Tell me about it, I forgot them good ol' knuckle dusters."

Hueningkai whispered back as the four men moved out of our ways.

Lucky me, I had a dagger hidden in my boots.


We went in to see a pale, lifeless looking girl tied to a chair with duct-tape stuck to her mouth.

Another dude came and took it off, harshly.




I muttered going forward but Beomgyu hyung held me back and pointed to all of them having their guns out.

"Y/N I want you to listen to me-"

"How the fuck did you end up here and why did you call me ? Is this some kind of plan?"

I bombarded her with questions and she looked down at her thighs.

"Y/N, I'm sorry....I'm sorry for everything...."

She sobbed.

That. Literally that.

One simple apology could've done it but she decided to pretend nothing ever happened and still wanted to talk to me.

But what's going on?

Why is she bruised?

Why am I here?

How did she get here.


I muttered.

"That's it?"

A new voice came in.

A lady who looked very familiar came out from behind one of the walls.

"Y/N just accepted the apology given by Ruka?"

"Who...are you?"

I asked, my suspicions killing me from the inside.

"Oh you don't know me..... But I know you.....I am your old friend's friend."

Then it clicked.



"What do you want? Why did you take Ruka?"

"Ruka? Well she seemed to be an inconvinience to me, always trying to ruin our plans with you...."

She said, signing the guards to put their guns down.

"You know? I've always wanted a fight....."

She continued.

"What do you want!?"


This is getting annoyed I mean she's holding my friend captive and she wants revenge? Pleeeeease.

"Revenge? Let her go and then have your revenge."

I said walking up to her, all while the rest of the guys just stood there, watching.

"Oh I can't do that....I want a fight."

She said before all the guards charged at me.

But luckily, I got lucky with txt and they saved my lucky ass.

Jihyo walked closer and grabbed my hair while the rest were fighting...

■3rd person POV■

"Not. My. Hair."

Y/N said, grabbing Jihyo's arm and throwing her to the front.

"You really think, you can call me here to kill me using Ruka as a bait huh?"

She asked slowly, grabbing the dagger from her boot.

And they broke out in a one on one with Y/N swinging at her and Jihyo dodging it, barely throwing some punches.

"Mafia leader who?"

Y/N asked mockingly grabbing Jihyo by her neck and throwing her on the floor.

And before Jihyo could get back up, Y/N climbed on top of her and punched her face, making Jihyo's face bleed because of her rings.

"You had the audacity to call yourself a leader after losing to a trainee?"

Y/N ridiculed stabbing her thigh, making the girl groan in pain.

"Come on can do better."

She taunted, twisting the dagger in her thigh.


Jihyo yelled, finally pushing Y/N off making her snicker.

However, her yelling made txt stop punching the long gone guards and stand up.

"Alright, spill it. Why did you take Ruka here? Why did you call me? And what's your plan mIsS mAfIa LeAdEr?"

She asked.

"All part of my plan Y/N.....You'll know soon."

She said before trying to run away but Yeonjun shot her feet before she could run too far.

"Not so fast Jihyo."

Yeonjun said amd walked over to her and grabbed her, making her stand up under his grip.

"Taehyun, Huening. Go take off her ties."

Soobin instructed and they did so.

Beomgyu slowly walked over to Y/N and stood beside her.




Three, awfully loud bullet shots were heard inside the dungeon, Jihyo smirked as Yeonjun's grip loosened, his eyes wide.


Y/N muttered before turning around to see Taehyun and Huening kai frozen in their places and Ruka on the floor.

Jihyo took this as a chance and fled the scene.

"Ruka...stay with me, don't close your eyes okay? We'll get you to a hospital alright?"

Y/N said in a rushed manner and she took her in her arms, blood getting on her clothes.


She muttered, her eyes barely open.


Y/N replied, trying hard not to cry infront of the others.

She had just gotten her dear friend back but nooo they just had to shoot her.

" still out there."

She said between coughs.

"H-huh? W-what do you mean?"

"I'm sorry okay?...."

She muttered before taking her last breath.

Her body slowly grew cold.

"No- no don't be sorry!"

She replied frantically holding the girl's face in one hand and shaking it slighty.

"Kawai? Y-yah, Ruka, don't play with me...."

She desperately shook her trying to get atleast a glimpse of life.


Y/N yelled, shaking the dead girl.

Txt could only watch.....

Y/N slowly processed everything,

The dead girl had nothing to do with all of this yet she had lost her life after living merely upto 19 years.

But what was the last part?

Mina's still alive?

"She's...she's dead too....."

Y/N looked up at Beomgyu, her hair partially covering her face.


She said standing up, letting the girl's body fall on the floor.

"Mina's still alive?"

She asked slowly, walking up to her brother who nodded slowly.

"And you didn't tell me?"

"I-I couldn't....."

"Why? Why couldn't you tell me? What're you still hiding? What's left? That Mina is someone who was working undercover and is also a part of a mafia team and is out for blood for killing their boss or something!?"

She asked as Soobin's eyes almost popped out which didn't go unnoticed by the girl.

"So it is true! Right Soobin hyung?"

She asked and suddenly the ground played movies for the five boys.

"Y/N....calm down....we can go home and talk okay?"

Huening kai slowly aproached her.

"Oh I am calm! I am the definition of calm! I can't be any more calmer!"

She sarcastically yelled, her lips twitching up.

"Beomgyu hyung here, didn't even bother telling his little sister that her dead bestfriend was not dead. And that she wasn't actually the psychopath who 'killed' her just because she last saw her!"

She yelled pointing her bloody dagger at Beomgyu's neck and walking closer to him.

So close that Beomgyu could feel the dagger's tip grazing on his neck.

A deadly smile was plastered on her face.

"It was just three words....'she's not dead.'..... you could've said that...but you didn't!"

She yelled and right before the knife could cut through his neck, Taehyun pulled the girl towards him and engulfed her in his embrace.


The dagger dropped to the ground as the girl's hands trembled.

Y/N was crying...

Infront of others.....

One thing she swore she'd never do.

The girl considered it a form of gaining attention from others.

"Let it all out Y/N...but don't kill'd regret that...he's your brother Y/N-ahh...."

He whispered slowly into her ears and rubbed her back to calm her down which only broke her even more.

Huening kai and Yeonjun were smiling like idiots and Beomgyu was standing frozen in his spot. Soobin looked around the room to spot any other living people.

No one seemed to care about Ruka who was on the floor, with blood seeping out of her chest, dead.

Once the girl calmed down, she slowly pulled away from Taehyun, and turned around to Beomgyu.

"I'm- I'm sorry...."

She said, almost whispering before running out of the dungeon giving Ruka one last glance.

"Go after her dumbass!"

Huening kai yelled slightly pushing him out of his gaze at the spot she once used to be standing at.

Taehyun quickly ran out of the dungeon.

Soobin went to Beomgyu who was still in a daze and walked him out while Yeonjun and Huening went to Ruka's limp body and took it.

Soobin, who was driving, dropped Yeonjun and Huening kai off at the funeral service place to freeze the girl's body and call her family while he took Beomgyu to the dorms to make him something warm.

Once Beomgyu snapped out of his daze, he wouldn't stop ranting up about how bad of a brother he was while Soobin protested saying he was just trying to be a good brother.

Beomgyu, soon got tired and slept on the couch and Soobin slept on the floor beside him.


Y/N put on her helmet and started her bike to leave but got stopped.


Taehyun called behind her, panting.


"It's almost seven...."

He said and the girl looked at her watch.


"Still up for stargazing?"

