
Walking through a tunnel void of any light for over 20 minutes means that when you do see light, you get temporarily blinded. This is precisely what happened to Damu. Feeling disoriented, he quickly closed his eyes. Squinting, he tried to make out where he was at the moment.

A cage was placed at the center of a large, colosseum like, ground. With a diameter that looked to be about 100 meters, lit up by the abundant sunlight, the inner wall had a multitude of doors similar to the one Damu himself came out of and was approximately around 10-14 meters tall. The height making it seem as though the ones sitting up there were inherently superior to the ones standing below them.

"Hey, who said you could slow down?"

Said the man-bear as he tugged on the chain bound to Damu's feet almost pulling them off the ground.

'I swear I will bite off his legs. Actually, screw that. I'm pretty sure it tastes almost as horrible as his body odor.

You're lucky you fat man-bear.'

Damu came to his conclusion internally as he slowly got accustomed to the light.

'Oh, wow, that's a lot of dried blood.'

The stench of blood got stronger as he neared the cage. This made him even more nauseous than he already was. The cage seemed to grow to become even more massive when he stood next to it.

Damu felt lighter for some reason. Almost as though his very presence was becoming fainter. Was it due to the fear one feels before death or was it something entirely different? He could not quite distinguish.

The doors were opened and Damu was made to stand inside. After taking off the chains from Damu's wrists and ankles, the man-bear quickly made his way out of the cage. Damu felt much lighter now with the restraints removed but the pain remained. With blisters being present in the place where the restraints were previously, Damu knew he was in in no shape to fight despite all his wishful thinking but provided with no other choice, he put up his guard.

The mood seemed to shift as one of gates opened.


The crowd's roars resounded across the walls as a figure clad in black appeared from within, his face currently not visible.

The figure came into the cage and stepped up onto the stage with quick silent footsteps.

No warning were given and a slaughter had begun.