Liminal space

Slowly regaining consciousness, feeling increasingly bewildered with each fleeting thought, he was in no shape to be able to maintain his mental state for long. The pain would not subside but somehow Damu was able to regain his composure.

The lacerations inflicted on his broken arm, ribs and legs were slowly patching up. The savagely torn muscle fibers were reconnecting. The shattered bones, melting and then solidifying back into their original positions. His mutilated back restructured itself in a gory display. Had someone witnessed this, they most likely would have puked at how the process looked. Surprisingly, however gruesome the situation looked, fortunately, it wasn't a painful one.

Damu had finally regained some semblance of his former conscious and could finally comprehend what was happening to him. Seeing his own wounds heal at such an astonishing rate, Damu was obviously pleased but still mostly confused.

Finally freed of the lingering pain, Damu was once again overwhelmed; but this time due to a different reason. He found himself floating amidst a surreal space resembling the vast night sky spread across the entirety of his field of vision, scattered among it billions of specks of light, some more luminous than the others. The scene looked utterly beautiful and awe inspiring. The sheer size of it all was enough to make one look infinitely insignificant. Funny enough, this view seemed to stretch on for a seemingly infinite distance. This was bound to multiply Damu's confusion by ten folds.

"Pre-???" *khH*

He bit his tongue.... Which also healed right back up.

"Wuh? What's going on??"

Answering his thoughts, a rather pleasant sounding voice rung inside his head.

*Synchronization complete!*

*Infinity guide initiating…*

Suddenly, streaks of light accelerated into his vision as he felt the void around him contort and change. The very space around him was distorting.

Eventually, Damu could feel his feet touch the mushy ground. A warm, unfamiliar, wet sensation wrapped his feet halfway up to his shin. The murky water covered by a layer of maple colored leaves (Not maple leaves). Gargantuan trees stood towering over any and all existences that were present there.

'What is up with all these things trying to make me look small. I know I'm short but why am I being forced to feel even smaller today?'

*The host has successfully been transferred to the trial world*