Churning travel




In a long dark tunnel with a tide of water(?) streaming through, a body was floating. Seemingly resembling a corpse more than a living human, the bloodied body continued down the stream, often colliding with the walls of the lightless tunnel.



The sound of borborygmi filled Damu's ears as he regained consciousness, with sharp burning pain continuously assaulting his backside.




Slowly shifting his eyes open, Not much was visible to him. It was dark but he could tell that the fish that clung to his arm was not there. He tried to move a little, but he lost the supposed equilibrium and couldn't keep the balance in the liquid that had formed while he was unconscious. He splashed around but that only multiplied the area of his body that was in contact with the digestive acid in the stomach of the titanic shark. The only reason he was still alive was because his body continuously regenerated the flesh and bones the acid managed to corrode. This didn't lessen the pain though. Some of it entered his eye and a searing pain replaced his organ. Obviously, this too regenerated.


He had restrained his movements to allow himself to come back into his original position. The boiling agony had reverted back to how it was when he was jolted awake, only affecting his backside.

-"Why am I being tested so much right now?"

The agonizing pain was inhibiting his thoughts but intuited that he'd have to force through a battle of attrition for any hopes of getting out of here.


There was a cold, mushy feeling that tugged at his ,now bald, head. Sucking his head into something. 

Before he could even ready himself, Damu was suddenly forced into the next chamber of the beast's digestive system. This one was less spacious and he could feel himself bouncing against the walls of the small intestine through twists and turns.

Time passed as he suffered through the searing pain continuously, bobbing around and colliding with the relatively tough yet mushy walls, it felt like this path through would not come to end. At one point the walls widened and speed increased, might've been cause the beast itself started moving in the opposite direction.

-"Am I hallucinating now or is the smell getting worse?"

He was battling a state of pain for the past day? hour? It was unclear and pointless. But, it was certain the smell was indeed growing more and more unpleasant. Initially when he woke up, the smell of the acid was extremely pungent and this smell was receding as the smell of feces grew more and more prominent. At the current point it was almost unbearable.

-"Ah, cr*p. Now I have do deal with another pain in the a#&!"

Damu grew more and more frustrated with this progression and decided he would leave at least a mark to relieve his anger. He dug his nails into the inner epithelium of the intestine drawing out some blood but losing his nails to the tough membrane in the process. He didn't mind the extra pain one bit as he relieved some of his rage. 

He had genuinely grown frustrated with all his recent losses and this fueled his motivation to at the very least get back at them. 

Interrupting his thoughts, a... farting sound.. reverberated in the empty space that had previously been occupied by the beating of his heart.

*pmp* *POOT*

The space around him narrowed as the walls closed in on him. A movement in the muscles forced Damu into the tight space as he slowly got ejected from his smelly, mushy, hell. Being buried in a pile of poop was not exactly the most pleasant experience in his books. 

Now he wondered how he'd escape from the gigantic monster this time, however, the burning sensation was gone but couldn't feel the crushing weight of the water he had expected.

-"This is weird...."