Hot Holy Cynthia

"How are you feeling today?" Akari's soft voice breaks through the bustle of the busy city. Her concern is as sweet as honey.

I love the way her dress matches with Typhlosion. It fits her perfectly.

Her thumb brushes over the back of my hand, leaving me with a wonderful feeling in the pit of my stomach. All the worries that dragged on my soul just fade away while within her radiant presence.

When was the last time anyone cared for me like that?

Riolu was really kind while we were stuck in that temple, but other than that, it was Dawn: all the way back in Canalave City before Domino abducted her.

I can't even remember why I needed it, but the feeling of her lap against my face still persists.

"How are you feeling today?" Akari repeats as I continue to stare in her face.

We're walking through the city on the way to meet up with the guys. Ash, Brock, but actually just Barry. Don't really care for the Kanto Clowns.

Akari still holds her sweet smile while a dreamy, almost dopey look appears in her eyes.

Heh. Dawn would have gotten pissed by now if I ignored her for so long.

Their personalities are close to opposites - Dawn and Akari. But their faces are almost identical.

Her nose, jaw, cheekbones, and lips match Dawn without a fault. If it weren't for the subtle difference in their shades of blue for eyes and hair, I would think they were twins.

She's a softer, more traditional version of the girl I pined for as long as I could remember.

"How are you feeling today?"

I shouldn't compare her to Dawn all the time. It's not nice.

"... I think he's ignoring you..." Wrong, Marley. I listen to every word she says.

Each syllable I hear gives me an anxious feeling in the pit of my stomach.

It's not dread, fear, or terror. I know all these and how they feel.

It's the same feeling I used to have a few times before I started on my adventure. When I was too nervous to talk with Dawn, mostly.

I have Butterfree in my stomach.

"I think he is just playing." Akari dismisses Marley's concern without leaving my gaze. "How are you feeling today?"

I grab her hand and intertwine my fingers with hers. "Much better already."

"... I am... so jealous right now."

Akari offers her other hand to Marley after hearing her. 

"... Is this worse?... I'm not sure..."

Marley's pout grows after trying it out.

"... I need to look for a boyfriend... You two have ruined being alone and gloomy for me, you know that? ... Shame on you."


Planned for today is a visit to Eterna City's historical museum. An advert in the city brochure said it would reopen in a few hours.

As soon as we find Barry and the rest, Akari and I will split off again.

Well, that is the plan at least. Plans rarely survive the sudden, unpredictable urge to train and improve.

As we approach the park, a large hill with a ginormous statue of Arceus on top of it stands out and--


The sounds of a pokemon battle ring out from the other side.

I suddenly feel as young as a 14-year-old again when the sounds reach my ears and my imagination runs wild. 

Who could be fighting there? 

It was definitely a strong pokemon attack.

Are those the edges of a Blizzard peeking over the hill?

I hurry up, driven by an urge to watch a worthy battle.

We pass the imposing statue in a light jog. Marley and Akari, conditioned from their journey on Route 218, easily keep up. Their faces, however, show worry.

A crowd of people comes into view, and Akari gasps. "Oh no! Are they in danger?"

"... How did a wild pokemon get all the way here?"

"Girls, that's just a trainer battle."


A Garchomp crashes against her opposing pokemon with Giga Impact in midair! A Murkrow speeds through the air before dropping to the ground in a broken, knocked-out heap.

Mere moments later, two red beams shoot out. One returns Murkrow while the other deposits a Torterra on the battlefield.

"Giga Drain!" It's Asshole's voice!

Asshole stands on one side of the makeshift arena with a smug expression on his face, while strands of his ugly purple hair billow from Garchomp's attack.

Meanwhile, on the other side... Cynthia?!

Her Garchomp simply tanks the attack as green vine-like appendages reach out from Torterra's shell, wrapping around Garchomp. They glow in a bright green color that causes a pained expression on Garchomp's face.

Garchomp can't defend herself because of Giga Impact. The move forces the user to recover for a while after collecting such an enormous amount of power. 

Asshole used that opportunity by switching out his KOed pokemon as fast as he could.

"Now!" He shouts while Giga Drain comes to an end. The vines retrace before they dissolve into glowing particles. "Frenzy Plant!"

My mouth drops open. It's the strongest grass move.

Torterra gets up on his hind legs before dropping down and stomping against the ground with all of his weight.

Five enormous thorny vines pierce through the earth and shoot for the sky before homing in on Garchomp like a swarm of angry Beedrill, smashing into their target all at once.


Wind and dust blast across the battlefield, reaching all the way up here. It stings in my eyes, but I must watch.

Cynthia stands against the storm. Her black cloak billows against the assault as her golden locks whip back and forth.

The dust cover lifts, revealing the result of their clash:

Garchomp is not just still standing.

It looks like she barely took any damage from the move!

She blocked all five thorny vines with the sturdy wings on her arms!

She didn't even need to use Protect!

A wicked, bloodthirsty grin shows itself on Cynthia's face. "Slash."

Garchomp knocks away the vines with a simple shove before jumping up into the sky. The wings on her arms begin to glow in a bright white light that outshines even the sun directly above her.

Asshole steps back, with a hand covering his eyes to try and glean the approaching certain death from above.

Like a shining comet, Garchomp rushes back to earth with her slicing wings poised to strike.

She connects with Torterra's head.

Torterra collapses under his own weight. 


Cynthia wins with a single hit.


The crowd buzzes with equal parts excitement and vitriol. 

"Who did he think he was to challenge the champion?"

"I can't believe we got to see the champion battle right here!"

"That outcome was as obvious as day and night."

"Cynthia is so hot." And cool too, random stranger with great taste.

The way she stood firmly, displaying her confidence as the wind raged all around her, was simply too amazing. Her coat enhanced the effect even further.

I should get a coat. Or perhaps a cape?

~"She's powerful." Lopunny's words cause a ripple of nods to flow across our combined collection of pokemon.

"I told you. Cynthia is the strongest trainer in the world."

She looks at me like a fish realizing she's just the biggest one in a small pond. ~"How is that even possible? Did you see Garchomp? She barely took any damage!"

"Dedication, lots of training-- Actually, let's ask her ourselves! It looks like she's holding a meet and greet with the people who watched."

We make our way down the hill and into the crowd, where Lopunny, Typhlosion, and Arcanine split the masses of people with their presence alone. Some growling helped, though.

Cynthia spotted us from afar but kept her attention on a little girl who pushed out her Sprigatito plushy for a signature.

She ruffles the hair of the little girl before sending her off with a few encouraging words.

Another man tries to get her attention next, but she turns to us instead.


She still remembers me! Well, we met twice already. Still!

"Hi." Should I really ask her? Isn't that cringe? Fuck it. Let's do it. "How did you get so strong?"

She flexes her muscles. "I'm not all that strong." The crowd laughs.

She does have a rather feminine build.

"Oh, I was talking to Garchomp, actually."

Her pokemon laughs until a glare by her trainer shuts her up. "Dedication, lots of training, and hard work."

It's the same response she always repeats during interviews.


~"She's not telling." Lopunny translates.


"I saw your match." She says, catching me off guard.

What? "W-which battle?"

"Against Roark. Well fought."

A murmur spreads through the crowd. Some claim to recognize Lopunny. However, she is deaf to the praise. Her whole body is tense as she looks up at Garchomp.

Garchomp is a nightmare of a pokemon, that much is obvious. The power, confidence, and strength she exudes even puts Lopunny in her place.

"A lot of people have heard about your battle." Cynthia's words are music in my ears. "The second fastest rising pokemon trainer of the Sinnoh region."

"After you, of course."

She smirks, but for some reason her eyes look as if she's ready to gut me alive. "Of course. However, I never had quite as many difficulties during my journey as you have. Tell me, how do you manage to attract so much trouble?"

"What do--" She shuts me up with a simple glare before whispering so only I can hear her accusations.

"You were there when Route 218 was swallowed whole. You were involved with the Team Rocket plot of the M.S. Anne and facilitated their escape. You were the central figure around the devastation of Alamos Town. And then you just happened to stumble into the Grand Underground--"

"You heard of that place?"

Her steel-gray eyes glint with murderous intent. "Shush." 


"Let me finish: I know that you are deeply involved with this." 


"Tell me everything you know."


"No. Meet me at this location." She hands me a piece of paper with an address written on it. "Tomorrow evening. Don't be late."

With a graceful pivot, she turns on the spot before walking away. Her cloak billows again as an ocean of people parts before her.

A few people with cameras hurry after her, trying to get some last-second questions in, but she ignores them all the same as her purposeful steps carry her off.

"What did you do to make her so angry at you?"

She's such a goddess.

My heart is still beating out of my chest.

"... I don't think he can hear you..."

She gave me a note! Where is that place?! ... I'm going to need to web-search the address. But 'on the rooftop' of it? That's an unusual location.

"Yo, Swole! Long time no see, bro!"

Is my suit still good enough? Oh no! What if it isn't? I don't want to look terrible when we meet! And Dawn isn't here to give fashion advice either!



"Yes, Riolu?"

~"Your friends have arrived."

Huh? "Barry! When did you arrive? Trying to sneak up on me, huh?"

"Ouch- stop messing up my hair, LucasTwo!"

"Hahaha, sorry, sorry. I'm joking."

"I know." He pulls himself free from my one-armed hug before boxing my shoulder. "I miss the times when you were the weakest of us."

"Heh. I don't. Hey, Brock. Hi, Ash. How come I caught up to you here in Eterna City? Seems a little slow, don't you think?"

I offer them both a handshake, but Ash seems like he has to force himself to return the pleasantries while his eyelid twitches and his smile strains.

"Hi, Swole." Brock greets me back before placing his hand back on top of a pink egg he is carrying around. "We took a break because of me. My pokemon is about to hatch."

"Your pokemon? With whom--" Wait! Stop talking! It doesn't have to be his biological egg! He could be talking about his ownership over the egg! "Did you... find it somewhere?"

"I won it in this year's Pokemon Dress-Up Contest." He states proudly.

But... he's joking, right?... No? Pokemon Dress-Up? Seriously? That's what their adventures look like while I get the trauma mansion and rape temple?

That's so unfair. "Congrats."

"Thanks. Croagunk and I worked really hard for the win."

"How was your way here, Swole?" Berry looks excited to hear about my adventures. "Dawn wrote to me that you found some kind of shortcut?"

I tell them about my journey through the underworld.

"Oh... That's rough."

"I think I'm getting sick." Ash doubles over, trying to keep his breakfast in. "Did you have to describe her head in so much detail?"

"I had to see it. Get over it."

"Sweet Mew, that's terrible." Brock pats my back. "I'm so sorry that happened to you."

"It's alright." They look like they don't believe me. "I'm doing better now. I have goals to chase, people and pokemon who care for me, and I won't let Victor win. Somehow, I will beat him."

"That's the spirit, bro. Don't let yourself get dragged down. We're there for you too."

"Thanks, Barry. Now, did you guys see some of that match between Asshole and Cynthia?!"

"Bro. We did! We saw the whole thing! She wiped the floor with his whole team! It was awesome!"

"Asshole?" Ash doesn't follow.

Ash doesn't matter. "It was so cool! Did you see how Garchomp blocked that Frenzy Plant like it was nothing?!"

"O M A. I did! It was the coolest power play ever! She totally tricked him too! I saw it on his face. The way his smug smirk got blown away! Hilarious!"



"We need to train."

"Brooo, we can't beat her."

"Not with that attitude. I'm definitely beating her in this year's league."

"Barry?" Ash drops in. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but he is right. You're not planning to get the eight badges just to become second best, right?"

"Third best." They glare at me.

"You're right, Ash." Barry pumps his fists. "Let's all do our best and shoot for number one!"

"Yeah!" Barry and Ash bump their fists but hold the position, waiting for me to join in.

Barry has a nostalgic smile on his face.

"Yeah." I bump their fists as well. "But I'm becoming number one. You guys can fight for third place."

"Haha! Dick."

"Why do you like that guy again?"



Sewaddle looks bored out of her mind as she shoots a high-pressure String Shot from her mouth against a tree some dozens of meters away.

She has mastered the move as far as I can tell.

"Hey, Sewaddle. Come here for a moment."

"Sewa?" She slowly crawls across the park while other pokemon continue their training all around her.

Her head is turned low, as if she's disappointed with herself.

I meet her halfway to carry her the rest of the way. No need to extend her walk of shame needlessly.

"You didn't do anything wrong." I scratch her chin. "This wasn't a walk of shame. Don't worry."

I can't remember in what context I heard the phrase before, but it's an apt description.

"I'm going to recall you into your pokeball, teach you Protect, and get a scan of your pokeball to determine the next steps in your training, understood?"

She doesn't respond until I stop scratching. "Se!" She understands.

The ancient green pokeball expands in my hand. Green on top, red and yellow dots; somehow the design really fits her nicely.

"See you soon, Sewaddle."


She disappears inside her pokeball as soon as I press the button. After slotting the TM disk inside, I can hear it spin around.

Huh. The pokeball is rather loud while working. And... is it becoming warmer?

Oh no. Oh no! What if this was a huge mistake?! I shouldn't have used the old pokeball! I'm cooking her alive!

No, wait. It's done. The ball spits the disk out.

After sending Sewaddle out again, she wiggles and sways around as if she has been through a roller coaster.

"Are you alright?"

"Se... Sewaddle."

She seems alright, though. Just dizzy. Phew.

I pet her some more before scanning her pokeball.

Health Points: 45

Attack: 53

Defense: 70

Special Attack: 38

Special Defense: 62

Speed: 42

Moves: String Shot, Synthesis, Worry Seed, Tackle, Bug Bite, Razor Leaf, Protect

Her stats are all more or less average for her species. Sewaddle is, generally speaking, the strongest caterpillar-like pokemon.

She absolutely mogs Wurmple, Caterpie, and Weedle. Her final evolution - Leavanny - is one of the strongest bug type pokemon overall, even having a similar lifespan as a human would have too.

... Someday, my pokemon will die of old age. Just as they did for Mr. Gump... Let's not think about that.

Synthesis and Worry Seed are interesting options. Combined with her high defensive stats, she might turn out to be a great brawler.

She can also learn Iron Defense. I just don't know how. If I had a pokemon that knew the move, they could teach her. Perhaps Riolu can figure it out once she becomes a steel type?

"You're going to spar with Salandit later. You can work on your defenses while she works on her offense. Use Synthesis and Protect whenever you can, and try to surprise her with Razor Leaf."

She quietly nods while I scratch her.

Unlike my other pokemon, she seems to be silent. She clearly enjoys the scratching, but all her affections show themselves in different wiggles and shakes of her body instead of cooing, purring, or any other noise.

I look around the park and see a whole bunch of strangers still lingering around. I recognize a few as the viewers of Cynthia's battle. Their eyes are on us. They have nothing better to do than to stick around and watch us.

As a pokemon trainer, I have to be fairly resistant to constant attention. But I think I'm failing in that regard.

Their eyes make me paranoid. Their pleasant demeanors are hiding cruel intents.

What if they plan to attack me? Or steal my... ideas?

Akari doesn't share that issue. She fell asleep.

She and Marley decided to take a few days off since they don't plan to defeat the league or compete in the grand festival.

And now Akari sleeps in the embrace of her Hisui Typhlosion while using Rufflet as an extra fluffy pillow and while hugging Sliggoo.

No matter how she reasons it, a snail is a weird pokemon to cuddle with.

My attention shifts when I spot a flash of light.

Riolu holds a tiny blue sphere between her paws. It hovers motionless in the center with equal spacing to both paws. 

She moves one foot back, twists her torso, and pulls her paws back to ready the move.

Suddenly, the sphere grows in size and power; the intense light shifts from dark blue to almost white.

She uses her whole body to push the Aura Sphere forward, sending it off like a bullet to strike a nearby tree.

Another flash of light as the ground shakes on impact.

A cloud of dust and splinters shoot from the tree only to reveal a large hole after it settled.

Some light passes through, revealing the other side, while a red glow on the charred wood speaks volumes about the intense heat that the move produced.

"Well done, Riolu!" The power is simply incredible.

It looked cool too. Almost like a Kamehameha from Dragonite-Z!

Her eyes widen in surprise at the praise. "Don't think I didn't see it. Really good job." Her feelers wobble while a blush spreads on her face. "Although, try to aim for that hill from now on. You've become too strong for the poor little trees."

I'm sure the park manager's pokemon can still fix the tree... surely.

Riolu reins in her wild feelers by pressing them against her head before turning away and taking aim again.

"Actually, come here for a bit. I'm getting a new scan of everybody's progress."

The sphere she already holds between her paws flickers and fades. Then she runs at me as fast as she can.

She's somewhere around my own tempo. An enemy like Lopunny or Salandit could definitely catch up with her easily.

I pull out the girliest pokeball in my collection to recall her.

An actual heart is engraved into the front of the ball. It is pink all over.

I used to think it was designed like that to get female trainers interested in buying it, but it's clearly not.

A manufacturer crafted this from a pink Apricorn. Every pokeball made from pink Apricorn looks exactly like this.

Even Victor's love ball looked exactly like this. That was long before marketing would influence designs.

Why did Victor have one just like that?

It makes no sense. Resources were scarce. Most of the world struggled with survival. The design can't possibly be random.

... Could the design be an inherent property of the pokeball? Like, making a functional pokeball from a pink Apricorn requires this exact design? Nothing else works?

It would explain how there are almost no manufacturers of the Apricorn balls. The methods for crafting them are secret after all. If I were to reverse engineer it, I would never in my life consider the design to be important to the functionality.

The ball shakes.

I'm taking too long. "Sorry. I will hurry up."

The shaking subsides. She can hear me inside the ball. Just how do they work?

Health Points: 12 => 48

Attack: 14 => 21

Defense: 12 => 48

Special Attack: 94 => 150

Special Defense: 14 => 49

Speed: 30 => 63

Incredible. I looked over her old values so often, I can practically see them in front of my inner eye. Her improvements are extraordinary. Record-breaking perhaps?

Moves: Counter, Vacuum Wave, Metal Claw, Feint, Detect, Aura Sphere, Rock Throw, Ice Beam, Confusion, Protect, Screech, Quick Guard

She reappears from a red beam when I press the button to release her.

The inside of the ball is hollow. Mirrors arrayed inside make it seem like light has something to do with their functionality.

I should break one of the cheaper balls. Try and see what's going on inside.

Taking another look at her stats... Actually, her improvements are too incredible. I repeat the process again, just to make sure my pokedex isn't bugged.

It spits out the same results.

"Your stats don't make any sense. Your punches are weaker than Sewaddle's, you know?"

The short ears on top of her head flatten while her dongles hang limp. ~"I know..."

"But your special attack is insanely strong. That's completely illogical for your species."

~"It is?" Her whole body perks up.

"Hmhm. I haven't gotten a new scan of Salandit yet, but you're already stronger than she used to be."

~"But she is stronger than me."

Is she? I flip through my notes. "Probably because of her speed. Salandit is very quick, and I had been neglecting your physical development because you are... 6 weeks old." I check the date on my phone. "Tomorrow you will be 6 weeks old, exactly."

She hatched in Chocovine Town, at the port promenade, right after I kissed Dawn for the first time.

It has already been over a month since then... Time sure flies when the world is ending.

If Jirachi truly grants wishes, then I wish for the world not to end. The thought of everyone dying some day hurts too much.

Anyway... "I think we can move on to serious training from now on. Your body is almost as strong as Sewaddle's."

~"Almost..." She deflates again. ~"A worm is stronger than me..."

"Sewaddle!" She shouts before spitting a wad of String Shot against Riolu's back of her head.

Riolu prepares a super effective Ice Beam in one hand.

"Se-- Sewaddle..."

~"Apologies accepted. And I won't call you a worm again."

"She's a caterpillar." I nod wisely. "The strongest type of caterpillar even. There is no shame in being somewhat weaker than her in everything except special attack."

Her body deflates so much, she almost tips over. ~"... Sigh. I deserved that."


"Anyway, I saw something else that is very useful. You know Protect, Deflect, Counter, and Quick Guard even. Together with Screech, that means you are a perfect choice to set up against tougher opponents."

I can see it in my head already. A best case would be to send her into battle against Gardenia, weaken their defenses with Screech before sending in Lopunny to clean up.

By the time Lopunny is done, Riolu will have recharged Protect or Detect and can do the same trick again.

I even get two free swaps in a 4 vs. 4, so that's a really good strategy.

"Practice all four of those moves with Lopunny. I'm swapping you out with Salandit as her sparring partner."

They are nearby, fighting against each other while focusing on speed, dexterity, blocking, and dodging.

Lopunny dashes in with Quick Attack, but Salandit blocks using Protect.

She counters with a single Ember - the agreed-upon stand-in for Will-O-Wisp, Toxic, and Poison Gas.

Another Protect pops up for the briefest moment to block the projectile before Lopunny attacks with an insanely fast Double Hit.

The first strike misses completely. Salandit disappears from the spot and swoops around to Lopunny's backside to strike with Fake Out.

Lopunny tries to angle the second Double Hit to parry. She's far too slow. Parrying Fake Out might be impossible.

Fake Out hits.

Salandit then shoots another Ember.

Lopunny snuffs out the projectile with a hastily aimed regular punch. However, the fake damage is done.

Salandit is already running away as fast as she can on her two hind legs.

Lopunny chases after her but can't catch up before Salandit reaches a tree and climbs up.

~"Hissss! I win! Sslowpoke!"

Lopunny kicks the tree with Jump Kick.

Salandit falls out of the branches. ~"Ahhh!"

~"Only because your Fake Out was ready!"

~"Sssore loser!" Salandit shouts as she runs towards me for protection. She scales up my body, hiding behind my head as an angry Lopunny approaches. 

She sticks out her long tongue at her. ~"You only won the round before that because of Fake Out!"

~"Don't hide behind him! You sore winner!"

~"Thankss for calling me a winner, loser!"

I dodge as Lopunny lunges at us.

"Heyyy, good that you two made it here. And that was a good round. Well done."

They are too busy glaring at each other to acknowledge the praise.

Good grief.

A red beam shoots out and recalls Salandit in the middle of her staring contest.

The luxury ball: artificially created from who knows what material.

Lopunny shifts her glare at me before I could take a look at Salandit's stats. ~"I thought you forgave me."

It takes me a while to understand why she's angry at me now.

"The order I called you in was based on where my attention landed at the time. I did not choose you last."

I return my focus to the pokedex--

~"Why aren't we brawling anymore?"

She still looks angry.

And I know why. "I lost some of my trust in you."

Her eyes widen.

"You had hurt me, without it being on purpose. How can I be sure it won't happen again?"

~"You don't trust me anymore?"

"No, I still trust you. Just, not as much as I used to."


"I thought of a method to train Play Rough with you, but I can't trust you not to hurt me again. So that's on hold for now. Once I get a fresh scan of your pokeball, I will give you a new direction to train in."


I can't read her face or body language.


She nods slowly. ~"... Can you return me to my pokeball now?"

She doesn't understand. "Alright. Take a rest."

The beam shoots out from her pearly white ball.

Such an innocent-looking ball holds such a dangerous pokemon.

Good grief.

Salandit's ball shakes. She wants back out again.

I release her and look at her stats.

Health Points: 32 => 42

Attack: 62 => 68

Defense: 35 => 42

Special Attack: 115 => 150

Special Defense: 39 => 47

Speed: 120 => 156

Moves: Fake Out, Scratch, Sand Attack, Smog, Ember, Mud-Slap, Will-O-Wisp, Poison Gas, Sweet Scent, Protect, Toxic, Poison Fang

"You gained a new move. Sweet!"

~"I know." Her smirk lasts until she spots my glare.

"Then why - if you knew - didn't you tell me about it?"

~"Uhhh... I don't know?"


Her speed has increased dramatically since her last measure. And her special attack too.

That's actually huge. "We're going to train you towards Flamethrower or Burning Jealousy from now on. I think you're powerful enough for an upgrade of Incinerate by now."

Poison Fang can be really useful. It deals damage but also has a good chance to apply Toxic. Like, a one in two chance.

Definitely an option.

"For sparring, I want you to fight Sewaddle-- oh, don't look at me like that. She's really tough! And you're going to use Scratch and Poison Fang. Do not use Ember or Incinerate."

She rolls her eyes and nods.

"Please do not use fire attacks. She will take so much damage that I will need to blast through my supplies."

She laughs. Probably imagining roasting her, so I flick her snoot. "Go. Or crawl. You two can start fighting."

Which leaves me with Riolu, who is waiting for her sparring partner.


A Ponyta runs around the park. Free and unbothered. Her fiery mane billows in the wind.

Her trainer is preoccupied.

Barry has a total of five pokemon now. Grotle, Staravia, Buizel, Heracross, and Ponyta, his newest member.

We could take them.

Ash has six, though. Pikachu, Aipom, his own Staravia and Turtwig, and Lucas' Buizel and Chimchar.

We could take those too. Pikachu and Heracross might be the only threats.

Akari, on the other hand, has only grown stronger since we parted in Canalave City.

Typhlosion and Zoroark can both rival Lopunny in strength.

I wonder who the best trainer is right now.

We should have our own private tournament one day. Just to see how far everyone has gotten.

But I'm sure none of their pokemon have grown as much as Lopunny has. Heh, I might have fucked some things up, but I sure as hell am not a bad trainer.

I know she is strong.

I scan her pokeball.

Health Points: 60 => 101

Attack: 122 => 198

Defense: 47 => 91

Special Attack: 24 => 29

Special Defense: 73 => 145

Speed: 121 => 149

Moves: Splash, Pound, After You, Defense Curl, Baby-Doll Eyes, Sweet Kiss, Quick Attack, Flail, Double Kick, Jump Kick, Double Hit, Draining Kiss, Fling, Fake Out, Protect, Charm, Dizzy Punch, Payback, Endure

Sweet Mew. She's really fucking strong.






I made a mistake.




The bed creaks when I turn over. Everything I destroyed is back in its original state.

The pokeball's bed has been repaired, the holes in the wall are filled, and the chandelier hangs from the ceiling again; it's back to being a nice, pleasant, comfortable place.

But it doesn't feel like that.

The doorway is a gaping hole without an actual door to lock me in. I could leave whenever I want.

I can do whatever I want.

I could go out there and start brawling with Swole, even if he doesn't want to.

Yet... I don't.

This isn't what I expected. If he were a pokemon, he'd respect me and be happy doing what I want. I am the leader after all. Following orders is natural and satisfying.

But he's not a pokemon.




He doesn't trust me anymore.

That's not what I wanted.




The door is still missing.

I want it back.






Swole Solo stares at a lifeless little ball of marble white color as the world around him keeps spinning unperturbed.

A wild Joltik enters the camp and challenges the man's rivals to a duel.

First against Ash: he sent out his Staravia and lost.

Seeing his friend lose to an awful type match-up against the electric spider, Barry sends out his own Staravia...

Neither boy plans to learn from the other's mistakes; they only see each other's failures as challenges to overcome.

And why should they not? After all, where Ash failed, Barry succeeded. He defeated the weakened Joltik before adding him to his steadily growing team.

In the meantime, Brock and his pokemon prepared lunch for everyone. His Sudowoodo would happily cheer him on as he slices and dices the vegetables, while Croagunk cuts the meat into chunks.

"Good effort, Croagunk." He praised his pokemon once Brock was done with the veggies. "Next time you'll get it done, I'm sure." He then took the meat away from Croagunk, doing the work himself.

When he calls for everyone to get some of his tasty stew, Swole was still stewing in his mind, staring at his pokeball whenever he could.

And when the group of trainers ended their day of hard work, when they went to their apartments and hostel rooms for the evening, his mind was still occupied with his missing pokemon.

Even when he saw Domino walking up and down the street, he ignored her.

Once he settles in for bed, alone in his own room with just Sewaddle, Riolu, and Salandit by his side, he comes to a realization.

"I want to trust her again."

But he cannot.

"I need you." He speaks softly to the ball in his hands.

"Rio... Riolu." His pokemon suggests while Salandit nods along.

Swole shakes his head. "I know I can rely on you... But there is no replacement for Lopunny. I can't replace any one of you."

He picks up his pokemon, including Sewaddle, and hugs them all tightly before lying down on the bed with them.

"Goodnight everyone."

"Riolu." The pokemon says as she lies down on his arm.

Salandit takes the other arm. "Salandit."

"Sewaddle." She pokes her head out from under his shirt and nuzzles his neck.

"And goodnight, Lopunny." He gives the pokeball a goodnight kiss and takes a deep breath. "It's going to be cold without you."