Death Race Pt. 2

"Hope you're not gonna bore me old man."Neven smiled as he said through his audio system.

'With how crazy chief Diaz has become, you should pray that you don't die instead.'

Soon after Manny thought that, he noticed that the road ahead was changing. It was now made of a shiny black material with glowing blue arrows on the borders of the road.

The road looked like something out of a video game, but there were problems.

First, they were in real life, and not in a video game. Second, there were many confusing curves along this road that had morphed.

And finally, the road was slippery!

Neven took his right hand away from the steering wheel and placed it just beside him. And no sooner had he done that than a thin and transparent circular object appeared below that hand, displaying a bunch of colorful buttons.

Without even looking, Neven tapped some of the buttons rapidly and the center of the car's tyres glowed blue.

Upon reaching the slippery black ground, the black car's tyres screeched, but Neven still had perfect control, and after taking one curve after another without slowing down, Neven was out of the slippery black road.


As soon as Manny's car touched the shiny road, it started to spin around uncontrollably and was headed towards a road barrier.

But suddenly, a loud voice came out of the radio as he tried relentlessly to balance himself.

"Hit the weight stabilizer and increase friction by pulling the green shaft to your right. Break and then accelerate!"

"Weight stabilizer!" Manny yelled and a blue button appeared at the center of the wheel.

He tapped that button, or to be exact, smacked it and then pulled the green rod out of the three different coloured rods arranged in a triangle, to his right.


The car was only inches away from the border when it turned violently and started moving awkwardly down the road.

When he was out of danger, Manny slowed down the car and sped up again.

It was only after he came to the end of the road that Manny was able to calm down and think of who gave him the instructions that saved his life.

"Chief?" Manny asked.

"If you don't want to die then shut up and listen." At his superior's words, Manny gulped. Diaz sounded sleepy and drained, but his tenacious will wouldn't let him fall unconscious.

'I think I made a mistake.' Manny was starting to regret taking the wheels from his boss.


However, there was nothing he could do now, other than to stay alive while riding behind the fugitive.

Up front, the ground suddenly burst open and a spike shot out at Neven's car. Neven shifted his wheel and took a left turn and then an immediate right, dodging the spike, flawlessly. But soon, even thicker ones were upon him.

Following the Chief's instructions, Manny activated a forcefield around his car that repelled the special materials in the spikes, making his ride relatively safe for him to keep chasing Neven.

As a spike shot out at Neven's windshield, it suddenly stopped moving.

Soon more came but they all seemed to freeze and followed from more than a foot away from the black car.

Manny's eyes were wide open as he looked at Neven's car that was now surrounded by a sort of black mist sphere.

And a moment after, the spikes all shifted in the opposite direction and shot out at the approaching spikes, crushing them into pieces.


A large spike shot out from under Neven's car but even sooner than it did, Neven's car was already riding on a road made of the black mist. The mist road curved from the ground, above the spike and then back down.

As soon as Neven's car came back down though, a rectangular obstacle sprung up. Neven took an abrupt turn and the back of his car had almost hit the obstacle when it shifted for the back tyres to align along the path of the front.

"An improvement? Well done." Neven grinned as he spoke to the cold air that filled his car.

'But will it make a difference?' He pulled the steering wheel apart with both of his hands, making it stretch and reveal the compartments folded together in it.

Now the glowing blue steering wheel looked more rectangular and wider than normal with a round center.

And at the edge of where Neven's hands were, were two red buttons.

With a smirk, Neven tapped on the buttons with his thumbs.

As soon as another obstacle sprung up, it suddenly blew up.





One after another, obstacle after obstacle, Neven shot them down. It was a surprise that a car as light-looking as Neven's had this much of a heavy machinery hidden under the car doors.

"Crud, if we knew who this guy was, we wouldn't have to go through all of this trouble." Manny said with a frown.

"Oh, we know who he is." Surprisingly, the Chief answered.

"What?!" Manny yelled into the watch on his wrist.

"If we know who he is then, why not just go directly to his house and bust him?" Manny failed to see why the Chief was indulging the runaway when there were easier methods of apprehending him. They could get access to the database for every resident living in Neath province, so it was very easy to just go to Neven's home and bring him in to the station instead of allowing the teen's craving for speed.

"That kid in that car upfront, is Neven Clery, the son of the Vice-president, Sir Richard Clery."

At Chief Diaz's statement, Manny's pupils turned dilated as he stared up front in shock. Manny was a traffic police, a lieutenant of the department, but still a traffic police.

His significance to the whole island as a whole was incomparable to the Vice-president of Ansel.

And with how much power Neven had access to, Manny was now wondering why they were even chasing him in the first place.

But soon the Chief explained everything Manny needed to know.


Neven squinted his eyes as he stared up front. 'Are those...'

It didn't take long for Neven to reach what he was looking at. But as soon as he got close enough, that 'thing' slammed it's two giant, metallic fists down at Neven's car.


Neven's car went right beside the large metal golem and as soon as it did, the golem split in two, with the upper body separating from the lower body.

Another golem among the many on the road ran forward.

But using the same way he used to destroy the former, Neven spined the now circular wheel quickly and in an anticlockwise manner, making his car also spin in a full circle and releasing a curved blade made from the back mist to slice the golem.



"Do you know why the both of us were transferred to this town?" Diaz asked. But since he got no answer from Manny, he continued anyway.

"It's because the past three road enforcement chiefs either retired early or pleaded for a province transfer."

"What? Why?" Manny had gotten too many surprises in just one day.

"The thing is, the first Chief arrested him and took him to court. Even if he was the Vice-president's son, he could have still hurt people with his driving."

"But some how, the mayor of this province got involved and realized how lacking our forces were."

"We couldn't even handle a seventeen years old, he said. But, the chief in charge then, claimed that the kid wasn't a normal driver."

"With the way he moved, he claimed that there was nobody on this island who could catch that kid, he claimed that it was impossible."

"And you know how the mayor of this province is. After seeing the kid's strange abilities, he said, if our forces couldn't match the biggest threat, then we were undeserving of our posts."

"Lasers!!!" Manny yelled as he saw red beams shooting at him. But pulling the red shaft in his car, a crystal shield surrounded his car and he was able to redirect the lasers to either Neven's car or the now shiny white road.

"Phew." Manny sighed while Diez continued speaking like nothing had happened.

"So he declared that we should keep improving our vehicle technology, road security and driving skills. And then once a month, we would set up a track to try to catch him."

"The kid got to drive however he liked once a month on a free road, while the Captains just got more work and embarrassment."

"This month was my turn, but at least you've saved me from that mortification." Diez laughed. "Now you're gonna get that funny name for an entire month." He yawned.

"What funny name?" Manny asked.

Neven suddenly disappeared from inside his car and appeared, running beside it, on a normal looking road.

He raised his hand in front of him and black mist scythes suddenly appeared beneath the feet of the metal golems before rising up and stabbing at their heads like hammers.

Neven tapped on his wrist band and the car accelerated, leaving him behind.

The car drove automatically down the end of the curved vehicle bridge they were on, while being entirely encased in a black mist sphere.

Soon, a golem struck at Neven's chest, but he disappeared and then reappeared from behind it.

Instantly, another golem struck at him, but redirecting it's fist with pure martial arts, Neven made the golem strike the one behind him instead.


Neven looked at the little map showing on his wrist band and suddenly started running towards the road border. Reaching it, Neven jumped down from the bridge, with the last golem jumping after him.

Neven stared at the big shadow looming over his body with a knowing smile. He then turned his body to face the golem and stretched one hand out.


A straight line of the black mist shot out of his palm, and as soon as the rope made of the mist touched the metal golem, the seven feet tech monster suddenly vanished from the sky.


The golem appeared under Neven, about to hit the ground when.


Coming out of nowhere, Neven's car smashed right into the golem, blasting it into pieces.

Neven then teleported back into his car and deactivated the mist shield.

"I guess that's another roadkill." He drove off with a smirk, leaving Manny on the bridge with his mouth wide open.

"Roadkill", Chief Diaz said with the last of his strength.

That was what the Traffic Police Force called a failed attempt to catch this speed-crazy teen.

And now that name was going to stick with Manny's title for an entire month.

"Lieutenant Manny Roadkill."


Neven laid down on the back of his car as he stared at the sky feeling nostalgic. This was because once again he was going to remove his 'NVR' from the roads.

"Well, at least I get to ride you when I'm fighting monsters." He tapped the still moving vehicle. The black vehicle seemed to respond with a loud horn, but Neven knew what that horn truly meant; it wasn't a response but a warning.

"What's wrong? What the?" Neven however, got the answer to his own question as black cracks suddenly started to open and close in the middle of the road.

"Slow down girl, we don't wanna get caught up in whatever's happening." His body seemed to permeate through the roof of the car, down to the driver's seat.

He started to move slowly and carefully in the middle of the space cracks, to avoid getting caught up in one.

He squinted his eyes, looking inquisitively at the weird black cracks, suddenly catching a glimpse of something moving around one of them. "What the heck is that?" He stretched out his neck.


Suddenly the moving black 'object' inside one of the cracks roared in power and the spacial cracks around Neven started to become more rampant and wild.

"Spark plugs!" Neven's car accelerated, following his psychic intentions.

The less than eighteen year old man skillfully dodged one crack after the other, avoiding them with his weird driving skills.

He teleported out of his car, held it by the front right window and threw it into the air, while he ran through the thin space through the cracks.

After avoiding the cracks by manipulating the vehicle, in and out of it, he finally got to a road that seemed safe, the forest.

"All in a day's work." Neven wiped the sweat off his forehead as he rode down a slope.

He only blinked once through the entire journey, a mistake, as he suddenly found himself and his car falling into the arms of a scary faced white haired man, in the middle of a desert.

"Boy what the butt?!" He panicked in his seat.