The Undine's Arena Pt. I

Ancy and Yenn started to rise from the ground in an unknown place.

Realizing that Asher was not with them, Yenn gave Ancy a death look. "Where... Is he." As she phrased her words slowly, Ancy suddenly started to feel her heart clenching.

"Ka!" She let out a sigh of pain as she fell on her butt. "I don't know... But if he's not here then... he must still be... at the surface..." Ancy said between gasps as her eyes started to well up with tears again.

"And you don't know why he's not here?"

"I think it has something to do with the water. But I didn't do anything, I promise!"

Yenn stopped whatever she was doing and stood up. Giving Ancy her hand to get up too, she apologized. "Sorry."

Ancy took a breather first before nodding her head in understanding. "Don't worry about it." She gave an exhausted smile.

Yenn smiled back. "Can you take us back up?"

"Well yes but, the exit is in another port on the other side of this underground city. Maybe we could get the person you were looking for along the way?"

Both Yenn and Ancy looked around the building they had teleported into. There was a wide circle inscribing on the floor below them, with zodiac symbols forming around it.

According to Ancy, this magic circle and building was known as the 1st port. And there were only two of such in this city, one for coming in, 1st and the other for going out, 2nd.

Coming out of the plain brown building, Yenn looked up at the 'sky' that was as black as an abyss, but was filled with luminous fishes and other creatures swimming around. It was a sight to behold, but Yenn didn't have the time to stare. So turning back down at Ancy, she said, "Lead the way."

But it seemed like the pink haired girl wasn't listening as her glistening sea blue eyes were fixed on the black sky.

Looking at her, Yenn felt like Ancy had never been to this place before. But then how did she know so much about it if she hadn't then? 'Come to think of it...'

"I don't remember any White rank student being in this part of the island. You're not from Coity, are you?"

Snapping out of it, Ancy withdrew her awestruck gaze and soon smiled at Yenn. "No, I'm from Llanblethian." The both of them started walking as they conversed.

"Llanblethian? That snow field after Ogmore?"

Ancy glanced at Yenn from the corner of her eye. "Yeah."

"If you're from there? How'd you know so much about Coity?" Yenn thought it was strange.

When the artificial space barrier broke, the island of Ansel was revealed to have been separated into three parts. And while the division Yenn and the Black ranks stayed had four provinces, Neath, Penmark, Wenvoe and Coity; the division of the White ranks were, Ogmore, Llanblethian and two others.

So it was truly a mystery as to how Ancy who lived in the White ranks' territory, knew so much about Coity that was in the Black ranks', when they were unknown to each other since before yesterday.

"That's a bit confidential. Haha." Ancy scratched her head.

"What about you? How did you know that Llanblethian was a snow land?"

"That's also confidential." Yenn said, looking around as they both walked through a strange street. It was strange because of the people walking about in it.

"Then, can you explain what's up with these people?" Yenn asked.

The street had only few people people in it, and those people were either dressed in battle armour or being dragged around on strollers, with injured bodies. But almost all of them wore zebra-face masks.

Ancy, knowing what Yenn was talking about answered. "Although they call this place a city, It's actually a secret battle arena. You see that building over there?" She nodded in the direction of a colossal Colosseum. "That's where the other port is.

This place was discovered by valiant warriors a long time ago. And since then, It's been used as a ground for training, or fighting in the ways of the warrior.

This is so much so that the exit port was placed inside the Colosseum to pick off any intruder who didn't follow their ways. And because you need to do battle and win to be granted access, most who come here for other purposes end up getting stuck."

Yenn looked into an alley, at a group of hungry looking people sitting around fire. 'That explains these guys.'

She walked over to them, and pulled out food from her storage bracelet. Food that were mostly just buckets of ice cream and pastries.

Dropping them down for the three men and two women, she asked, "Follow me."

Well, it sounded like an order, but this was Yenn asking other people, something.

Looking at each other for a second, the group of five soon stood up and followed the woman without complaint. Yenn thought their lack of resistance was weird.

Happily munching down on their snacks, the five of them followed behind the beautiful woman as she walked towards yet another pretty lady.

In the group, the females looked at the women who had come to them and couldn't help but take their eyes away from their own reflections on the puddles of water on the floor , or the mirrors of the nearby buildings.

Although Ancy and Yenn were dressed for comfort, their figures and looks portrayed them as models who were going for a photo shoot instead.

Ancy had an innocent and cute physique that made men gulp in wonder of just how warm and cozy they'd feel if they could just squish her in their arms. It was like the charm of a cute child. However, if given such an opportunity to actually hold her, those men would definitely lose control.

Yenn on the other hand was a different story. Her feminine charm couldn't even stay hidden under the grey sweater she wore, as most parts of it still clung to her curvy body. She had on thigh high pants that left most of her slim long legs bare as they barely snuck out completely from under the sweater. And with every step she took, her hips swayed, peaking from the right to left side of the wavy hair that helped to shield her curvy posterior.

The hungry men kept on eating, however, there was that certain hunger in them that just turned even worse as they stared at the two women in front of them. They who had been in this place, 'alone' for who knows how long, couldn't find it in them not to stare with burning lust in their eyes.

"Umm, I truly thank you for the meal ladies but, may I ask how many of us you've rented?" The oldest man amongst them walked forward.

'Hm?' Yenn hummed in her mind.

"Ren—?" Before Ancy could yell in surprise, Yenn put an ice pop in her mouth. Looking at Yenn's face, Ancy felt like she was up to something, so she kept quiet.

They continued to walk in quiet for a while till Yenn suddenly asked, "What are you here for?"

"That–" The oldest, Sky took in a deep breath. "Pardon me but, I don't think that would be needed for the job."

"I suppose not." Yenn threw away a used stick for an ice pop and put another in her mouth. "Can you fight?"

"Tch! Are you making fun of us?!? All you need to do is beat us up in the arena as gate pass, so stop being nosy! I hate rich brats like you, you damn— gukh!" One of the woman started to yell at Yenn who kept on asking questions without stop, but soon found herself being suspended in the air as Yenn grabbed her neck.

"Damn? Damn what?" Yenn whispered like a monster from her nightmares. The other members of the group cowered in fear, as the woman had just appeared behind them, while the leader walked over to appease Yenn.

"Sorry ma'am, she's young, she doesn't know what she's saying. Forgive her, I beg you... punish me in her stead." Sky started to bow, touching the woman's feet.

"Get up." Yenn coldly ordered. "Your breath soils my shoes."

"Teacher!" The woman in Yenn's hand started to scratch her arm as she couldn't stand the old man embarrassing himself like that, but Yenn just wouldn't let go of her neck no matter how much she struggled.

"Oh, a fighter huh?" Yenn thought she had already filled the woman with so much fear that she wouldn't be able to move, but she had somehow managed to overcome that.

Yenn threw the woman on the floor and cleaned her hand with a napkin. Placing her hands in her sweater pocket, she continued to the arena. "Walk."

Ancy stared at her back with a little anger and hate burning inside her. 'I thought she was just being tense because of her missing sister, but she's pure evil.' She looked at the poor people who were gathering themselves and making sure the sixteen year old girl was okay, with pity. 'I'm not strong enough to take her, but if I can get to the captain, we'll deal with this woman and save you.'

"Don't dillydally, shawty." Yenn called as they had almost reached the arena, pulling out another ice pop.


"A man wearing a lion-face mask, ran tiredly up a long staircase, to a large door on the highest floor. Giving the two security guards his identification card, he was let in after it was verified. "B– Boss." The man covered his eyes and turned around as soon as he barged in.

His boss was... Busy.

"Argh!" An annoyed grunt sounded from behind him.

"Massage my shoulders instead." The boss's voice sounded again.

"Okay, daddy~" Two high pitched voices entered the man's ears this time.

"Speak, underling." The boss ordered, as the man turned around to give his report.

Facing the ground, he stammered, "Two... newcomers have entered the base, an–and they're using our slaves for free."

"What?!" The boss slammed his desk. "Those damn things makes me a ton of money, and they wanna use 'em for free?

But... don't you know you're supposed to send the punishers to deal with them?" The man picked up a bottle and started gulping it down.

"Ye– Yes sir but..." He took out a photo from his pocket.

As the boss looked at the two women in the photo, he almost shot out liquor from his nose. "Pft! These... These... Beautiful... Mwahahahaja!" His face was already burning with lust and anticipation as his perverting mind tried to imagine the girls with their clothes off. But even then, he felt like they would still look better, and definitely feel better than in his imagination. Zipping up his pants and buttoning his shirt, he ordered. "Send the Subjugators! Bring them in perfect shape... But if that's impossible, then break a limb or two."

He sent the two girls behind him along with the messenger, because, after looking at the picture of the girls he would soon be getting, those ones with him previously just turned him off.

He opened his drawer and pulled out a whip that sparked with electricity as he tapped the button at the handle.

"Ah~ Being the strongest gives privileges, doesn't it? Mwahahaja! Especially now that I've broken through to level 35."

The man filled three cups with red wine and added a special ingredient to them (aphrodisiac), as he sang to himself. "Paradise ~~ I truly am a chosen one~"

Of course, he was a bad singer.

Soon, the man started to hear sounds from outside his office. "Well that was fast. Mwahaja!"

However, instead of the knock on his door he was expecting, the whole thing exploded.

"!!!" The man fell on his butt as his chair tumbled. Standing up, he saw the silhouette of two people walking towards him from within the smoke.

"Who..." The man paused a little as he saw another type of angel tread towards him. This one was with shiny silver and golden hair.

Nova walked up to the man and grabbed his collar, lifting him up. The man panicked, but soon snapped out of it. "Who do you think you are you bi—" His muscles had tensed as he activated his ability, however, Nova soon threw a sound slap at his face.


Without making any other sound, the man was knocked unconscious by just one hit on the cheek.

"Phew." A whistle sounded from within the clearing smoke as Nova threw the man's body away, like filth. "You were like... Bang! Mama!"

Nova turned to look at the man behind her, "Guys like him just piss me off."

"Good thing I'm not one of them then." He gave an incredibly hot grin, even on par with the heat radiating off his glowing orange and yellow hair. "Right, lil buddy?"