A Special Kind Of Guy

Asher and Chloe were running through the swamplands of Sully province, heading to the city to find the gate out of the dungeon.


And Like Asher had expected at this point, Sully wasn't like a normal swampy habitat. It was that, but the water on the ground was lemon-green in color. It wasn't drinkable, but one could tread atop its bouncy surface. The land in Sully was in patches of various sizes and shapes like French-curves, polygons and circles in a darker shade of green than the water. There were trees, but they weren't arranged as densely as the ones on the edges of Neath.


The wet and moist floor didn't allow sinking and was instead bouncy. But Asher could still run just fine along it as his footsteps were skillfully light and fast. However Chloe soon called his attention to those green patches.