The Immortal Who Fears Death

Strotting over to her chair, Yenn sat down and continued eating. It didn't take much longer till Apocalyph stood up to start leaving.

"Thank you for the meal. But just remember, you called me here."

As soon as he left, Yenn rose a brow as she ate. "Hmm? Did something happen. Did I do something wrong?"

Seeing as Yenn was making such a worried face, Nova scratched her cheek before explaining.

"Err... You kind of called us... Free-loaders."

"Eh!!!" But thinking back, Yenn remembered that she did say that when she had kicked Asher out of the building.

"Ah~" She held her head as her lips quivered. "I didn't mean it. It's just... It's just. My mind went blank when I saw Asher playing with food."

She held Nova's arm with tears in her eyes. "You know I didn't mean it. I even wanted us to have a good breakfast together on the first day of school. And since you're the only ones who showed up... Thank you. I'm sorry~"