Come Thy Forth...

Asher didn't tap any button or pull any switch, he just pushed his hand crudely into the bomb and set it off.

In the instant he did, a white wave of energy escaped from within the bomb. However, as the students set up measures to block the intensity of the blast that was about to hit them, the wave of energy passed through whatever they had set up and continued moving.

To everybody's surprise, the blast passed through them, completely ignoring their existence.

Was it a dud?!

But soon, the seats they were on lost the vibrant colors that flowed through them and broke into pieces. But nobody fell down though, as the sky held them up like a platform?

Beneath the feet of the students, Castellans and their assistants were rows of flat platforms that were colored into an imitation of the sky above them.

Just when they were wondering what had just happened, Asher suddenly spread his arms out as he said aloud,