Advanced Energy Shelling Technique

"White light?" Yenn asked again to be sure.

According to Nova's story, there was a particular light that took her to Ogmore, but then disappeared before she got to find out where exactly it was leading to. And now that Nova had a skill that was practically an advanced version of that golden sight that lead to Ogmore, it was possible that she really was seeing that white light again, now that she was using the skill.

Neven and Jiten soon got to the rest.

"Woah... Yenn. What brings you here?" Neven's eyes were perfectly fixed on the black and purple haired woman.

"She came here because of me ~" Enzo sang, sliding towards the two.

"You?" Neven looked at Enzo. "... Wait, tall woman, curvy hip... You were talking about Yenn that time, weren't you? Your ideal woman?"

Neven remembered Enzo's specifics on what he said his perfect woman would look like, but looking at her now, that was just a description of Yenn's body shape.