Children In Crimson

[Do you wish to participate in the Hell Swamp's regrowth. Yes/ No.]



"Huh? What do you mean, no?" Yenn asked as she looked over her head.

"I've got more important things to attend to, Yenn. You can just call me back when you really need me." Crouching in the sky like he was stepping on an invisible platform, Apocalyph shot into the distance.

"What was that about?" Yenn placed her palm on her waist.

"Look out—"

Alas, Nova's warning reached her late as the Jiten clone scattered into pieces within the wrap of Yenn's red strings.

"Oops." She knew what was coming next; that clone would only revive in multiples.


"Yes." Asher said again, but got neither a response, nor confirmation that his system was processing his words.

Not seeing it as a priority anyway, he had already turned around to leave the now deserted farm when a sudden chill made its way down his spine.