Parody Of The Onyx Oni

Zap* Zap* Zap* Zap*

Countless tiny blue needles shot out from the air around Pitoni. And to Enzo's dismay, he could not control them, nor could he block against them.

"They're moving through the gaps in your defenses!" Nova suddenly yelled out from behind. She was about to explain further when Apocalyph and Enzo looked at each other with a nod. Further words were not needed from the shiny haired girl.

'Of course those tiny needles can do that. Embodiment is versatile, but it stretches my energy output too thin and wide.'

So for now, the only option for Enzo and Apocalyph to keep safe was by constant teleportation.

However, a golden wall suddenly appeared behind them, blocking the tiny pins of death.

Unlike Enzo's spheres, Nova's wall was a lot more condensed. Plus, she could actually see those tiny spaces the needles targeted. So all she had to do was re-enforce her energy in those areas.