Bloody Finger

"... Innerverses are like personal dungeons, level 80s and above can use. But some low levels can manifest them unintentionally and only once, before having to conquer it themselves by trial.

Think of it like this: They function as Superpowered Domains on their own, and only when merged with the Innerverses of others are their true purposes fulfilled. Superhumans that are above that transcendent level are too strong to fight in the physical plane. This is because the destruction that they could cause could end up being apocalyptic to entire continents soley on their own. Hence why they — the powerful superhumans — merge their Innerverses during battle to form Verses.

Now, Verses are new and unique dimensional planes that allow the superhuman powerhouses to fight freely and without holding back.

Still, on their own as superpowered Domains, there are three ways with which a person's Innerverse or Pocket Dungeon can be used: